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5 Reasons Why Fur Coats Will Never Go out of Style

5 Reasons Why Fur Coats Will Never Go out of Style

Fur coats are what you think of when you hear the words “Old Hollywood Glamour”. Some of the biggest stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, and Rita Hayworth, have worn them to set fashion standards to date. Also, many celebrities in recent years, such as Kanye West and Jennifer Lopez have been wearing these luxurious items, standing out wherever they go. Therefore, we can safely say that this is a fashion trend will never go out of style.

There is no denying that a fur coat is one of the most glamorous garments you could own. Indeed, they will always remain a timeless fashion staple but there are multiple reasons for this. For instance, along with looking the trendiest, you have ever looked, the warmth these coats provide you with is unmatchable. Hence, we have put together five reasons why fur coats will never go out of style.

  1. Unmatchable Warmth

Just by looking at a fur coat, you can imagine the warmth they can provide you with. Because winters can get warm in certain places, people want a coat that will keep them warm against the harsh winter conditions. Fur coats are made from natural animal fur which is why they can provide immense warmth by way of creating a layer of insulation. This is ensured by using the fur of animals who inhabit harsh winter regions.


Designer Demi Full Length Mink Coat

Indeed, the warmth is unmatchable by any other source. Furthermore, there is no human-made material that can keep you this warm. Lastly, there won’t be any added bulk you would have to carry.

  1. Prioritizes Comfort

All we want to do in winters is drink hot chocolate, sit by the fireplace and stay inside our quilts. So, this is another reason why fur coats will never go out of style. They can provide you with the utmost comfort. For one thing, they make you want to step outside and go to places. These coats can make the chilliest winter nights enjoyable.

Black Rex Rabbit Stroller with a Chinchilla Rex Rabbit Collar

Real fur coats can be heftier than most other materials, but the incredible softness and comfort they offer make you want to wear them every day.

  1. Increased Durability

Fur coats last a long time. They are much more durable than any other winter jacket in your closet. Furthermore, they are passed down through generations. Because they are so durable, they have maintained their stance in the fashion industry. This is one of the best reasons why fur coats will never go out of style; they have long lives.

A Magnificent Chinchilla Fur Horizontal Stroller

Although they are naturally long-lasting, you must take good care of them. By taking proper care of them, you can ensure they last as long as possible.

  1. Versatility

If there is one thing you get from fur coats, it is versatility. You have countless options available: from Mink to Shearling and much more, you can choose from a wide array of fur options. There are so many different kinds of fur. Hence, you get different styles of fur coats available in the market.

Italian Brown Shearling Stroller

You can rock so many different outfits just by donning a good quality fur coat. Also, they have the unbeatable power of making your outfit look ten times better. Furthermore, if you do not like the look of your fur coat, your furrier can solve that problem.

Repurposing and restyling a fur coat makes it even more versatile. Trends change over time. Hence, having the option of restyling your coat is an added bonus! Check out some of the ways Marc Kaufman can give your coat more versatility here.

  1. A Trend for The Ages

The biggest reason why fur coats will never go out of style is that they are trendy, no matter what era you’re living in. Although the fur styles can change over time, the idea of wearing the luxury garments will never die. For example, fifty years ago, people would wear long, heavy fur coats that exuded glamour and wealth.

The fox coat in the photo is a real example of the fur coat trends of those days.

Full-Length Golden Island Fox Coat

With ever-changing fashion trends, we find ourselves restocking our closets continuously. However, the fur coat in our closet will always have its own place. Therefore, wearing furs isn’t likely to die out anytime soon.

Finding a classic style, like the one in the photo below, can help you stay relevant in the fashion game for years. Also, many have a fur coat passed down to them from their grandparents. So, the emotional and sentimental factor also makes the fur coats never go out of style.

A Classic Blackglama Mink Coat


There are many reasons fur coats will never go out of style. They seem to stay relevant year after year, regardless of what is usually trending at that moment. Moreover, the endless choices of fur types and styles fashion has to offer you is always an enticing factor.

The vintage appeal is attractive to people. In addition to the warmth and comfort these coats offer, they hold a sense of charismatic qualities and appeal to anyone who observes them. If you live in a cold country, these coats are the best option available to you.

We hope the five reasons why fur coats will never go out of style have helped you realize just how timeless they are – Everyone wants to feel glamorous and luxurious.

At Marc Kaufman Furs we provide you with just that. We are one of the top fur retailers who only want you to feel and look your best in these coats. It is your time to experience the comfort, warmth and extravagance these coats provide.

Mink, Shearling, Fox, Sable and much more – we have them all! Now that you know why these fur coats will never go out of style, visit our website to browse through the countless options we have for you!

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Which Real Fur has the Most Value?

Which Real Fur has the Most Value?


Fur has been a part of the fashion industry for many years. Whether accepted or controversial, it always has had some involvement in the field in one form or another. During one period it was the highest and most demanded item. It appears that in recent years it might be getting its comeback after all. Many people question which specific type of fur carries the most value in terms of monetary means as well as style. Many consider it now to be a ‘niche’ product that is worn by a few people. Despite the lack of numbers, it still remains to be iconic.  Many wealthy investors are keen on keeping the trend going.


Top Furs of the Industry


When it comes to which carries the most value, the most commonly seen furs that are seen are the Mink, Sable and Chinchilla. These are placed at the highest price and labelled as ‘chic’ by buyers. Each of them has their own sense of style and quality that makes them stand out from the generic ones. One of their most vital qualities is the warmth factor. Many jackets and coats tend to fall behind when it comes to quality, but when it comes to the top furs, they never let the one who wears them feel the slightest chill.



This is one of the most famous types of fur that is high in demand in the market. Any person fond of fashion will know the importance and allure that Mink has to offer. It is deemed to be the first fur coat that any woman would buy. With its unique features of being a lightweight, unique sheen, soft texture, and long life, the mink fur was the one that everyone wanted. Even today, the demand for it remains relatively surprisingly high. The fur is usually seen in dark colors of brown. The favorite color theme is the chocolate shade that ranges in price from $1000 to over $50,000.


Like the Mink fur, the Sable carries a considerable amount of value in the fashion world. Known for its silky pelt, it contains the smoothness that other furs lack. Whether you stroke it left or right, up or down, even in circles, the quality of it never fails. As of today, a jacket containing Sable starts around the price of $16,000, but if you’re a picky buyer and want the best quality, get ready to pay up to $150,000 for the hottest silvery coat.


Fabulous Chinchilla Fur Stroller Wide Collar

Ask any fashion enthusiast; the Chinchilla is one of the most distinct furs out there. Identified by its slate blue-grey color, this fur type is in a league of its own, surpassing much of its competition. Though a lightweight, it compensates with its high hair density, making it a ravishing sight. It even carries a considerable amount of softness and warmth as well. However, like most exceptional pieces, it comes at a price. Most Chinchillas are very difficult to maintain, hence its high cost and needs to be maintained at all times. Currently, the price ranges from $30,000 to $100,000.

Investment and Buying Tips

Most fur garments vary in quality and quantity depending on a series of factors such as location, topography, pelt quality, retailer cost, designer label, weather and season. One flaw that sellers tend to face is that furs don’t generally appreciate in value. If a price has been placed, it is difficult to make it higher, due to the small number of niche customers available. In the long run, however, if the sellers can keep its quality maintained well, then their resale value can increase with time.

The better these products are taken care, of, the more their value increases. No customer in their right mind would consider buying a fur that is in bad shape. To accomplish that though is the hard part. Humidity remains to be every furs worst nightmare. Once the temperature turns warm, that is the time to place all your furs in a storage space where the temperature is kept balanced at all times.

Before deciding which garment you would like to buy or invest in, always try to have an idea about the product before doing so. The price is already high, and it would be sensible to be sure about what you’re putting your money into. Make sure that the fur aligns with your skin tone and hair color as well, because that makes the combination more effective as a whole. Remember, you are going to be a sight for sore eyes, let the furs help you achieve that. Don’t worry about what time of day it is, wear the garment day and night if you must, as it will make you more accustomed to it.

Keep track of the styles that are hot in the trends. As of today, the furs are usually dyed with colors that are not found in nature, to add more appeal and flavor to it. If you prefer a classic full-length style with colors of black, brown, and silver, then make sure it fits with your overall look.

Make sure to look up sellers who might be offering deals that are appealing to your tastes and financial means. The ones who are providing the garments from the United States and Europe tend to have those of better quality. If you are conflicted about buying due to ethical reasons, then you can ask where the fur initially came from. If that is not enough, then you can apply the estate route, which will give you a used piece from a vintage clothing store. It may not be the best of quality, but it will have some of the features that you enjoy.


Even today, not many can point a finger and say that one specific type of fur carries the most value. Still, it cannot be denied that the three fur titans of Mink, Chinchilla and Sable continue to dominate the market and have a value that transcends the rest.

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Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

Lady Gaga Is A Walking Red Carpet

Gaga For Fur

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

Lady Gaga is the reigning queen of fur. There is little substantive proof to refute this. Alone, she is a force of nature, unlike any other. Her arrival onto the music and entertainment scene was immediately transformational. Gaga brought with her a style of musicality and presence rarely borne witness to. It was meteoric. However, this particular meteor never lost its apogee. It continued to sail the heights of the entertainment realm. Gaga’s music has affected an entire generation. Her fans are legion and defy a specific demography. Her creative force shows no sign of diminishing. Lady Gaga has now entered the acting sphere. Her acclaimed performance in the remake of a Star Is Born bears proof of life for her newly birthed thespian side.
Along with her eccentric, creative side, is her eclectic fashionista presence. Her love of all things fashionably extreme and statement worthy precedes her. Her love of fur fashion precedes her as well.


The Gaga Fur Effect

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

There has been a definitive Lady Gaga fur effect. A few celebrities are targeted and subsequently refrain from the use of real fur coats; Gaga goes all with her fur presence. She has a Teflon appeal to her burgeoning fan base. Her charm is resistant to any criticism. She may encounter from fringe activist groups regarding the use of real fur. The Gaga effect is real, so is the fur she wears. Gaga has many fur sides. Her varied fur styles are as numerous as her discography.

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

There are no substitutes for real talent or real fur. Both have attributes that can not be replicated in a laboratory. Lady Gaga is a unique talent that wears uniquely designed furs. Few furriers have the ability to design and produce such fur coats. Marc Kaufman Furs ranks as one of the primary furriers in the world.

Marc Kaufman Furs Reigns Supreme

Nicki Minaj Has Strong Fur Game Marc Kaufman Furs

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen. Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs reigns supreme amongst the global furrier elite. They have presided over the design and production of some of the best fur products in existence. For nearly 150 years, the Marc Kaufman Furs way has had a multi-generational impact on the fur loving, global consumer base. They have serviced thousands of fur clients worldwide. The reign of Marc Kaufman Furs continues to this day. Kaufman’s flagship store is located in the United States. Their address is 212 west 30th street, New York, New York,10001. When you consider your next exquisite fur piece, come to Marc Kaufman Furs. Better yet, utilize their online store from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to be Lady Gaga to shop Marc Kaufman Furs.

It doesn’t hurt to be “gaga” for furs, though.



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50 Cents Fur Collection Rocks

50 Cents  Power Look

Fur Game Tight

50 Cents Fur Collection Rocks

50 Cents Fur Collection Rocks

50 Cents has a fur collection that rocks! He has always been one of hip hop’s finest artists. His career has successfully spanned nearly two decades. His signature style has been replicated time and again. He is a true hip hop DON. 50 is also a trend setter. His style of dress is minimalist,yet statement worthy. He started out with an urban following that quickly went global. Now, everyone rocks his brand of music and pays attention to his style of dress. He is a multi millionaire many times over. His business game is just as tight as his entertainment game. He has now entered film and television production on both sides of the camera. He acts and produces. His latest cable series ,POWER, is a mega hit globally. It has been so for nearly six years on the STARZ cable network. Not bad for a kid from the turbulent streets of New York City. However,every Don needs a robe or cape. 50’s choice is the awe inspiring fur coat.

Furs World Tour

50 Cents Fur Collection Rocks

50 Cents Fur Collection Rocks

When you rock hard,you need to represent to the fullest. 50 Cents rocks hard. He represents even harder. His fur game is legendary. You know you are fashion legit when all you need to wear is a stand out fur coat with minimal ice and jeans with dope kicks. This is the 50 signature look. It goes over well and,again, it is replicated around the business by other performers and a myriad of global wannabe’s. 50 established his fashion persona complete with banging fur coat cool from the start. He grew the fur game from there.

You need to know that 50 only rocks the best furs from the best furriers. His primary furrier of choice is none other than…you guessed it, Marc Kaufman Furs.

Funk Meister Meets Fur Meister

50 Cent Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

50 Cents Fur Collection Rocks. Marc Kaufman Furs, Celebrity Furrier

Marc Kaufman Furs sets it off in the fur game. Street credibility stretching back nearly 150 years gives Marc Kaufman Furs true fur don status. 50 Cents has been a client of the furrier to the stars for decades. Marc Kaufman Furs was the sole furrier to array all principle rappers in 50’s video production of Uncle Murda’s THOT .

50 Cent Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

50 Cent Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

That is only one of several videos 50 has secured the plus size furs services of Marc Kaufman for. When 50 introduced his new protege POST MAlONE to the world in New York City, you guessed it, 50 cent reached out to his go to furrier; Marc Kaufman Furs.

50 Cents Fur Collection Rocks Marc Kaufman Furs

All in all,it’s just another day on the block for Marc Kaufman Furs. Their flagship store is located at 212 west 30th Street,New York,New York,10001. Check out their 24/7 online store as well. Whether you are a celebrity or a lover of the fur mystique,seek out Marc Kaufman Furs. He creates the furs that rock the globe.




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Hip Hop Fur Connection

Lil Wayne Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

Hip Hop Flows Better With Furs

Fur Flow

50 Cent Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

50 Cent Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

Hip Hop furs is a union that makes sense. It is sensible that an art form that produces dynastic camps of musical influence anoint themselves as kings and queens worthy of adorning the cloth of kings and queens; Fur. The magnificence of fur coats is a visual draw for most. Hip Hop culture incorporates many things that have been absorbed wholly into the overall American cultural landscape. Gold, platinum, exotic cars, and other expensive, high-end trappings punctuate the “spoils of war” that resonate with a large segment of Hip Hop craftsperson’s. Fur is a fashion accessory that trends at the top of that list.

Get In Where You Fit In

Snoop Dogg Cat Lynx Fur Jacket White Fox Hoodie

Snoop Dogg Cat Lynx Fur Jacket White Fox Hoodie Marc Kaufman Furs

The fit is everything in life, Whether it is a fur coat, a group, or anything else. With hip hop culture, fit is critical in all things. The look, the sound, the stage presence, the logo, and vibe are all about the fit in hip hop. Not everything is for everyone. Fur coats are the pinnacle outerwear, finishing looks for a large segment of rap artists. Male and female rap artists see the fur coat mostly in the same vein as having “made it.” Better yet, the fur coat swag makes one “doper than thou.” Snoop Dogg, Rick Ross, Puff Daddy, Lil Kim, Queen Latifah, and many more have arrayed themselves in fur prominence. It’s always about the fit.

Marc Kaufman Furs Aligns With Hip Hop

50 Cent Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

50 Cent Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

Marc Kaufman Furs aligned with music for decades. Major hip hop artists of all sorts have come to Marc Kaufman Furs for their fur needs. Marc Kaufman Furs has serviced the hip hop community prominently. They have provided furs for all things hip hop/rap. Marc Kaufman Furs has been the rap artist go-to for decades from videos to photoshoots to movies. Contact Marc Kaufman Furs via their online store at Visit their flagship store at 212 west 30th street, New York, New York,10001. Marc Kaufman Furs is the furrier for all of your fur needs.

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Fur Coats Rule Empire

Fur Coats Rule Empire

Cookie Lyon Presides in Fur Coats

Fur Drip

Fur Coats Rule Empire

Fur coats rule the empire..”Empire” the television phenomenon that is. For the past five seasons, television audiences have enjoyed highly successful drama and characters.
Empire has ruled above the rest of TV and cable programming fare since it debuted in January 2015. The shows characters are a collection of compelling entities. There is a character for just about every like and dislike amongst the shows expansive audience pantheon.
Cookie Lyon (portrayed by actress Taraji P Henson) is a major focal point for audiences. Cookie’s fashion presence is a chief attribute. Her fashion signature statement is the fur coat.

Iron Hand In A Fur Coat

Fur Coats Rule Empire

Fur Coats Rule Empire

Cookie Lyon is one of two ruling hands behind a music empire. Her partner (played by Terrence Howard), is the other ruling hand in the family operated business. The character of Cookie Lyon is presented as tough as nails. The fur coats that she adorns in the series meant to add a glamorous, softer contrast. By all accounts, it works. Cookie’s fur fashionability transcends the screen. Audiences love the overall effect of Cookie’s fur coats.

Credibility of Real Furs

Fur Coats Rule Empire

Fur Coats Rule Empire

The authenticity of the fur coats presented in EMPIRE goes a long way toward overall production/storyline credibility. The grittiness of the show’s characters demands a set of circumstances that ring true to the viewership.
There is a broad audience demographic that Taraji P Hensen’s style appeals too. In no small part, the presence of the fur coats that Cookie arrays herself in play to that demographic.

There is no real-world political consequence involved with the appearance of real fur on the show. There is simply the audience appreciation for the design and style of said furs.

In this regard, the fur coat is a definite focal point and an anticipated element of EMPIRE.

Marc Kaufman Furs: EMPIRE Furrier

Fur Coats Rule Empire Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coats Rule Empire Marc Kaufman Furs

It would be a no brainer to assume that Marc Kaufman Furs played a part in the EMPIRE narrative. Marc Kaufman Furs produced a purple fox fur cape for Taraji P Hensen. The wrap used for a SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE appearance.
Taraji wore the fox fur cape for a skit involving the Muppets on an SNL segment. Naturally, Marc Kaufman Furs, furrier to the stars, was assigned the task of designing and producing the fox fur cape. It was a success by all metrics.

50 Cent Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

50 Cent Marc Kaufman Furs Celebrity Furrier

Marc Kaufman Furs has serviced thousands of customers for nearly 150 years. This multi-generational family furrier group is the oldest in the United States of America.
The Kaufman’s maintained a global array of fur lovers. Their unique and qualitative design and production capabilities make them second to none.
Shop the Marc Kaufman Furs flagship store at 212 west 30th street, New York, New York, for your fur needs. The online global sales store is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Put your confidence in Marc Kaufman Furs.




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Kim Kardashian Loves Fur

Kim K and The Fur Coat That Could

Crushing On Fur

Kim Kardashian Loves Her Fur Coats Marc Kaufman Furs

Kim Loves Fur Marc Kaufman Furs

Kim Kardashian loves fur. She is a fashion assassin; she kills in anything she wears. Kim is the focal point of millions of would-be fashionistas worldwide. She has a gift for apparel presentation; just about anything she attires herself in becomes an economic windfall for the brand in question. There are a few like Kim Kardashian. Her fashion sense and poise are immediate game-changers. Kim’s Love of fashion extends to outerwear as well. Her Love of fur coats well documented. She is at the fore of a fur resurgence globally.

Kim Is A  Fur Factory

Kim Kardashian Loves Her Fur Coats Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs

Kim Kardashian has had a love affair with fur coats long before her association and subsequent marriage to Kanye West(another fur lover). Her early running’s in the public eye, while less visible to a mass audience, were replete with fashion twists and turns. The exciting thing about Kim’s open love affair with fur coats was her willingness to go against a pronounced outcry from a tiny and segmented activist group. As Kim’s star rose higher in the celebrity firmament, she became impervious to most of the barbs and attacks rendered by this activist group. Kim rose above it, and as the rapper, Ice Cube said, “kept on stompin’.”

Real vs Faux: No Tap Out

Kim Kardashian Loves Her Fur Coats Marc Kaufman Furs

Kim Kardashian Loves Fur Marc Kaufman Furs

Starting in 2018, Kim Kardashian began to play with faux furs at the behest of Pamela Anderson, who did so on behalf of an animal activist group. Although Kim approved of faux fur’s styles, Kim never ceded the fur fashion high ground. Kim continued to wear real fur coats. The middle ground she struck with faux and real fur did not sit well with a small portion of the populace. Kim continued to be a knock out in her REAL fur coat looks.

Marc Kaufman Furs Continues To Thrive

Kim Kardashian Loves Her Fur Coats Marc Kaufman Furs

Kim Kardashian Loves Fur Marc Kaufman Furs

Through all of the discussion and tumult surrounding faux vs. real fur, Marc Kaufman Furs remained stable and in demand for their design superior, qualitative REAL fur coats. Marc Kaufman Furs is the oldest furrier in the United States of America. They have serviced all manner of clients from entertainment and sporting personalities to political and global citizenry. Their flagship store is located at 212 west 30th street, New York, New York, 10001, close to the world-famous Madison Square Garden arena. The Marc Kaufman Furs global online store is operational 365 days a year around the clock. There is no choice to be made. Marc Kaufman Furs is the furrier of choice. 





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Red Carpet Fur Coats Red Carpet

Fur Lined Glamour

Shock and Awe

Rhianna Red Carpet Yellow Cape Fox Trim

Rhianna Red Carpet Yellow Cape Fox Trim

Fur Coat Red Carpet Magic. That’s the ticket! Red carpets around the world are fashion spectacles to behold.

The Red Carpet is where stars(celebrities) shine brighter, talk louder, smile broadly, and dress to impress. They are all looking for the attentive eyes of the crowds of photographers and videographers. Every detail of their ensembles, assembled with just one purpose:

They seek to be the conversation piece in all of the media tabloids the next day. Fashion is the vehicle used to ride media coverage on the red carpet. It helps to have a fashion edge. Several celebrities turn to the lure and luster of the fur coat.

Why It All Matters On The Red Carpet

Red Carpet Fur Coat Magic

Red Carpet Fur Coat Magic Marc Kaufman Furs

Presence in entertainment is everything. It is the ticket to audience draw and appreciation. In addition it’s the gateway to bankability(I know, not a word). Bankability is the ticket to financed productions of all sorts and continued media exposure.
In short, the relevance and livelihood of a celebrity rests in no small part on a properly conditioned presence. A presence crafted in terms of talent and fashionability.

Celebrities draw on the creative skills of stylists and clothing manufacturers to pull ensembles together. It is a quid pro quo. Stars adorn themselves in top-flight apparel, and clothing designers reap the exposure of having dressed front line celebrities.
The fur coat is that vaunted finishing look for the fortunate few who can obtain it. Marc Kaufman Furs is one of the primary furriers to the stars that enables the “shine” to focus.

Marc Kaufman Furs: Red Carpet Mastery Class

Joe Namth Marc Kaufman Furs

Joe Namath Marc Kaufman Furs


Marc Kaufman Furs is a fur impresario. This multi-generational family furrier group surpasses all expectations. They are a renowned furrier, recognized worldwide. Marc Kaufman Furs has serviced the entertainment industry for nearly a century. There are very few existing furriers that can attain to the design and manufacturing capabilities of Marc Kaufman Furs. Several individuals within the celebrity class frequent Marc Kaufman Furs because of the stylized presence they deliver in fur outerwear. Rank and file citizen and celebrity alike shop Marc Kaufman Furs. Their flagship showroom store is located at 212 west 30th street, New York, New York 10001. The online store is serviceable to all customers around the clock every day of the year. Let Marc Kaufman Furs make you red carpet ready everywhere, at any time.