How can you identify whether a fur coat is of low quality?
If you’re obsessed with how the stars dress up in winters or craved to adopt a stylish way to stay warm, we are sure it’s all because you’ve wanted to own a fur coat. Buying your own fur coat can be a challenging task because you need to focus on a lot of factors while you buy a good quality fur coat. You will have to cater to different factors like the weather where you live, your budget, and whether you want to buy real or faux fur. It all depends on How can you identify whether a fur coat is of low quality? , whether you want a new fur coat, a faux fur, or a vintage fur coat.
When you are buying a fur coat, you need to focus on a lot of factors to know the quality of the coat. You can ascertain it through various techniques, which we will discuss in the blog. There have been incidents where the customers paid a heavy price for low-quality fur because they had no idea how to check it. Therefore, it is always better to prepare and do your research to save yourself from getting duped or exploited. Hence, we will share a few buyer’s tips in this blog to ensure that you understand the technique and save you from buying low-quality fur.
Tips and Techniques to Spot a Low-Quality Fur
- Check out the price
If you’re buying a new fur, it is more like a long-term investment. A good quality fur can cost you thousands of dollars. If you’re unable to invest this much, then it’s useless going out to buy good quality fur. However, if you spot a fur coat at a very low price, the chances are that it is either not real and up to the standards. You might find vintage and faux furs at a low price but, charging an insanely low price for a fur coat is doubtful and can be a bad investment. So, save yourself from the hassle and don’t get attracted to it because of its price. Always watch out for scams and stay vigilant when you’re investing your hard-earned money into something.
Below is an example of a god quality coat at the right price.

Image alt text: A woman wears fox vest leather trip with ripped jeans
- Make sure you have enough information about furs
There are various types of fur made from different animals like rabbits, minks, raccoons, foxes, chinchillas, lambs, beavers, and coyotes. These are the most commonly used animals for fur coats. Most of your choices will be from these animals, and each one is different from the other. So, make sure you understand how every fur is different from the other. Below is a brief understanding of these types for your help:
- Fur made out of rabbit is silky, delicate, easily colored, and affordable
- Mink furis shiny, coarser, shorter, insulating, and easily colored
- Raccoon fur is soft, thick, and plush like a fox. But, it usually comes in ombre’ grey color
- Beaver fur coats are versatile in nature. They are luxurious, long, and colored
- Fox furis soft, thick, and plush. They mostly come in white-grey or cognac color
- Lamb coatscome in both light and thick textures. The thick texture is curlier and very warm
- Chinchilla furis soft but very rare and expensive. They usually come in blue or grey color
- Coyote fur is short, dense, and durable. It comes in various colors, ranging from creamy tan to greyish colors.
Below is a picture of a high-quality long mink coat to give you an idea about it.

Designer Demi Full Length Mink Coat 59323
Image alt text: A woman wears designer demi full-length mink coat with boots
- Find out if the coat is made from a partial or full skin
The animals are generally small in size; therefore, the partial skins help in creating many coats. However, it is essential to find out how many partial skins help in making the fur coat. Coats made out of full skins will cost you more. So, make sure you understand the expense if that is your preference.
- Inspect the fur coat for any damages or missing patches
Check the fur coat thoroughly for any damages or missing patches. Fur can be damaged due to pests, age, or wear-and-tear. Have a closer look at the entire look, especially the zipper, hems, sleeve lines, and neckline. These are the places that are mostly in contact with dirt, skin oils, personal care products, etc. Make sure you have carefully examined every angle and spot of the fur before buying it.
- Feel the texture of the fur coat
Fur coats are usually plush and soft. An older coat may have coarse or matter spots in different areas that cannot be fixed. So, before buying it, make sure you understand whether you want to invest in something that is slightly damaged or not.
- Run your fingers over the fur coat, especially the edges.
- If you spot any damage, consider trying on the coat to see whether the damage is visible or not.
- Double-check all the places that are exposed, like the backside of the coat.
Check out the color texture of this rabbit fur below to have an idea about how it looks.

Full length Printed Rabbit Coat 4847
Image alt text: A woman wears a stylish full-length printed rabbit coat
- Check the pelt under the fur for further examination
The pelt is the inner skin on which you attach the fur. However, the seams can break down or pull apart if you don’t store them properly. It can cause holes in the coat that are unrepairable. Therefore, before buying vintage fur, make sure that you check its pelt thoroughly and see if it is in good condition.
- Examine the seams of the fur coat.
- Look inside the fur to see if any part of the pelt is not up to the standards
- Gently touch the fur and part them to see various spots underneath the pelt
- Check to see if the coat has a French hem. If it does, then it means the lining and fur are not sewn shut from the bottom. This will help you have a closer look at the pelt.
- Smell the fur coat
It is very important to smell the coat because you wouldn’t want to buy a coat with reeks of mold or mothballs in it. Sniff the coat yourself or ask a friend to smell it for you and have a second opinion regarding it. If you feel that the smell is minor, that is not an issue because you can easily get rid of it by sealing the fur coat in a closed container with kitty litter and charcoal. These two absorb bad odors and will make your coat smell fresh. Moreover, you can also sprinkle the coat with white vinegar, which will help get rid of the smell. The vinegar smell will easily evaporate and won’t leave any marks.
- See what you can fix
If you see a damaged inner lining, then you can repair it easily. Or, if the coat has light odors, you can easily handle it. However, if the fur has matter patches and bald spots, you cannot fix those. They will stay so, be careful when you’re buying something. Make sure you know and understand the damage before making a final purchase. This will save you from the hassle.
Now since you’ve understood the different dynamics of every fur coat, you can easily identify the best ones and make a good bargain in the market. However, if you’re still unsure about a particular fur coat, take a professional furrier or someone who knows about furs to have a look at it and identify if it is a good investment or not. Bring it to our nearest stores, and we will help you understand it closely.
For more information, visit our website and consult us regarding your fur coats. Marc Kaufman, provides different styles of fur coats of high quality and makes sure our customers are satisfied. We make our fur coats in line with the international standards taking animal rights into account. Check out our website to see how we remodel and repair furs if you want to get your fixed. Visit our store or contact us for more information on how we can help you!