Bobby Brown Story
Marc Kaufman Furs Does It Again
The Bobby Brown Story will air on the BET network September 4,2018. One of the key elements to watch in the movie will be the white full length mink fur coat from Marc Kaufman Furs. Marc Kaufman Furs continues to be the dominate force in fur coat acquisition amongst celebrities.
Woody McClain stars as Bobby Brown in The Bobby Brown Story. This particular look at Bobby Brown is guided by Bobby Brown himself. It will are over a two day period from September 4th,2018 to September 5,2018 on the BET network. Marc Kaufman Furs was the furrier of first and last resort for the production team working on the Bobby Brown biopic.
Marc Kaufman Furs is the premiere furrier for celebrities in the know.For almost 150 years the Marc Kaufman Fur family have continued to design,produce and sell some of the highest quality fur coats in existence. The next time you are in need of that special,well constructed and fashion forward fur coat,seek out Marc Kaufman Furs first,last and always. You will be glad you did!