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Colorful Fur Coat En Vogue

Colorful Fur Coats En Vogue

Color Makes For A Truly Hot Fur Coat

Fur Coats

Colorful Fox Fur Coat

Colorful fox coat en vogue. The color craze in contemporary fashion has reached the realm of fur outerwear. Color gives life to anything. The vibrancy of bright colors creates allure. Fur coats are luxurious in perception, to begin. When a vibrant color dynamic added to such an alluring piece of outerwear, a love affair ensues.

Colorful Fur Coats,Marc Kaufman Furs

Purple Sheared Mink Coat Chinchilla Fronts

Foxes are a unique outerwear creation. They have an essence about them that screams luxury. The design apparatus incorporated into the making of a fur coat is a varied one. New design and color application in fur coats was conservative. Most color was limited to universally acceptable earth tones. White was the apex of the Pantone hierarchy utilized on fur coats during the early history of fur manufacturing.

Colorful Fur Coats,Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs

Colorful fox coats not only appeal to women but men as well. The current landscape in music and the arts have ignited a social acceptance of unusual,statement-making fur coats adorned by men. Music especially has inspired this trend. Entertainers such as Snoop Dogg, Rick Ross, P.Diddy, DJ Khaled, Kanye West,50 Cent, and many more are at the forefront of this trend. Colorful furs are fashionable.

Red Black Men's Fox Fur Coat Black Fox Fur Collar

Burgundy Black Men’s Fox Fur Coat Black Fox Fur Collar

Marc Kaufman Furs is one of the leading furriers globally. They have consistently represented the very best in fur fashion design for nearly 150 years. Marc Kaufman Furs has been at the forefront in colorful fur design. Marc Kaufman Furs is mostly considered one of the catalysts in the vibrant, unusual fur trends of today.


Joe Namth Marc Kaufman Furs

Joe Namth Marc Kaufman Furs


Marc Kaufman Furs’ flagship store located at 212 west 30th street in the heart of midtown Manhattan. You may also shop Marc Kaufman Furs on their online global sales store, where they are available at all times in all time zones globally. Shop Marc Kaufman Furs for all of your fur needs.