Fur Ponchos Fur Capes
Fur Essentials

Multi Toned Knit Mink Fur Poncho Hood.Fur Ponchos Fur Capes
Fur ponchos and fur capes are fur fashion essentials that belong in every fur lovers wardrobe. The lightweight,yet warm attributes of the fur poncho and fur cape make them utilitarian in varied weather conditions(other than rain and snow..naturally). Most fur Connoisseurs would agree, fur ponchos and fur capes are a must have.

Dark Violet Knit Poncho Ruffled Trim Front
The concept of the fur poncho is one of stylish ease and comfort. The Fur poncho or fur cape is a true add on,in terms of a fashion finishing look. It is the “go-to” look for those on the go in cooler temperatures. Ponchos and capes come in an array of styles and colors. They conform to every body type( height/shape).

Black White Knit Rabbit Fur Poncho Hood
Marc Kaufman Furs is the premiere furrier when it comes to high quality fur ponchos and fur capes. Their range of selection is second to none. Marc Kaufman Furs has been the furrier of choice for nearly 150 years. Five (5) generations later, Marc Kaufman Furs continues to reign as one of the very best in fur fashion globally. Their online global sales store provides a gateway to the fur fashion lover to peruse and acquire a fur poncho or fur cape from a wide assortment of same.

Lavender Knit Rex Rabbit Fur Capelet
The Next time you are in New York City,visit the Marc Kaufman Furs flagship showroom store at 212 west 30th street. The Marc Kaufman Furs global online store is available at all times in all time zones and locales. Shop Marc Kaufman Furs for all of your fur fashion needs. Their selection is second to none. You will be more than satisfied with what you find.