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Fur Accessory Cold Storage

Fur accessories

Fur accessories Marc Kaufman Furs

Cold storage for Fur accessories are just like fur coats or Fur jackets; they need to be cared for and maintained properly. Fur accessories are not like other fashion accessories. They reside in the same necessary upkeep category as their glorified brethren, the fur coat.

Fur accessories

Fur accessories Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur accessories run a large field of items. There are fur muffs, fur earmuffs, fur clutch bags, fur handbags, fur headbands, fur hats, fur caps, fur gloves, fur-lined shoes, furball, fur scarves, the list goes on. Fur rugs are also another fur item that many overlook in terms of care and maintenance. During the warm months of the year, all of these items should be placed in cold fur storage, just as fur coats and fur jackets are. Cold storage is necessary to protect your fur accessories from heat and moisture during the warm months of the year.

Cold Fur Storage

Marc Kaufman Furs is the preeminent go-to furriers for the care and well being of your fur accessories. Marc Kaufman Furs has been in operation as fur experts since 1850. Five generations of fur experts have serviced thousands of clients and untold thousands of fur coats and fur accessories through the last three centuries. That is no small feat by any standard or metric. You will need a qualified fur expert to assist you with your fur accessory cold storage needs.

Green Fox Fur Ear Muffs

Green Fox Fur Ear Muffs

Your closet, in most cases, will not do at all. You have to cold storage your fur accessories at a constant temperature between 45 and 55 degrees. Global fur sales and manufacturing leader, Marc Kaufman Furs, will accommodate your fur accessories adequately. Check our comprehensive online store for further details concerning cold storage.

Marc Kaufman (left) with legendary NY Jets quarterback "Broadway Joe" Namath

Marc Kaufman (left) with legendary NY Jets quarterback “Broadway Joe” Namath

Marc Kaufman Furs will schedule a pick up of your fur coats and fur accessories within a 50-mile radius of their flagship store in midtown New York City. The pickup cost will only be 65 dollars for the entire calendar year through to December 31st. You may drop off or ship your fur accessory items to Marc Kaufman Furs for 55 dollars for the whole of the calendar year through to December 31st.

Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs

 Marc Kaufman Furs is one of the premier furrier experts on the planet. Why trust the security and well being of your fur coats and fur accessories to anyone else. Contact Marc Kaufman Furs at 212-563-3877 for your cold fur storage and all fur coat needs.