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Unconventional Fur Things (Ideas For Scrap)

Unconventional Fur Things (Ideas For Scrap)

You see a fur coat pretty much everywhere, but you don’t really see fur accessories. However, they always seem to be in our closet somehow. Sometimes, we get them ourselves, sometimes it’s gifted to us, and sometimes it just happens to be there, and you don’t know why and how. But whatever the reason is for some extra fur lying around, you can put it to good use. Here are some mini-project ideas for unconventional fur things    that you try for yourself.


Fur cuffs


Possibly the simplest thing to make with fur scraps is fur cuffs. They are small, look fancy and add a cute touch to your outfit. To make one, you just need to make sure the fur scrap is evenly sized and just enough to look good. A big chunk of scrap will look awkward on your wrist.

Here is how you make them – Start by marking the back of the scrap at two places, where you will cut it to make your fur cuff. Cut it with a razor blade so as the fur, itself, is not damaged. Get a lining cloth and cut it at the same measurement as the fur scrap. Afterwards, sew the corners of the lining cloth in on itself, so the edges are not rough.

Take a hair elastic band and cut it in half. Line the back of the fur scrap with the lining cloth and put the elastic band between them. However, be sure to put it in a way that the cut ends of the band are hiding beneath the lining cloth. Sew the items together, and now, you have a button loop to attach your fur cuff to any buttoned jacket.


Plus Size Blue Iris Mink Vest Ranch Mink Trim
Plus Size Blue Iris Mink Vest Ranch Mink Trim

Blue Iris Mink Vest Ranch Mink Trim

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Blue Iris Mink coats Vest Ranch Mink Trim with a grey sweater and skinny blue jeans.


Animal ears headband

 When Halloween rolls around, if there is one thing people like to buy, then it is the animal ear headbands. Adults and children both like to dress up as animals, and so, a must-have item for the costume is the adorable fur headbands. These are also fairly easy to make. Just take the scraps from your old fur coat and follow the instructions given.

Print out a template of an animal ear, preferably of a cat or fox. After that, take cardboard and trace the ear onto it and then cut it out. Put it against the back of the fur scrap and use a marker to mark the shape. To avoid damaging the fur, cut with a razor blade.

Pin down both of the pieces together and sew them. Leave the bottom corner open. Fold the cardboard ears and put the cardboard inside the furry ears. Lastly, you will shave the ears just enough that there is not too much hair on the ears anymore.

Then choose a side of these ears that will play as the inside of the ears. Take a pink fabric and cut it in the same shape of the ear except a little shorter. Glue the cloth to the fur, and they are ready to attach to a headband!


Small rug or drape


Fur rugs and drapes add the perfect look to your home, and they can be very cozy as well. You can make this if you have a slightly bigger piece of fur scrap, possibly one from a fur coat, to work with. You can turn it into a little drape as well for your side table or chest.


Trace a random pattern on the backside of the fur scrap and cut it out. To avoid damage to the fur, always use a razor blade. And then, you’re done. Just place it wherever you like.

Having said that, fur coats are never old, and they are always trendy. For example, look at the fur coat in the picture below. Do you think it will ever be un-trendy enough to throw away?


Marc Kaufman Furs presents a horizontal chinchilla fur jacket with large shawl collar from Marc Kaufman Furs USA,Fur coats in Argentina, fur coats in Chile, fur coats in Venezuela, fur coats in Australia, fur coats in Belgium,fur coats in Netherlands, fur coats in Norway,fur coats in Sweden,fur coats in Dubais,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Kuwait, fur coats in South Africa,fur coats in Tunisia,fur coats in the Falklands
Flaunt your best self in this horizontal chinchilla fur jacket with large shawl collar from Marc Kaufman Furs USA

Chinchilla Fur Jacket Large Shawl Cross Cut Horizontal Collar

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Chinchilla Fur Jacket Large Shawl Cross Cut Horizontal Collar with a black skinny jeans and sandals.


Fur slippers

You see these things everywhere and they’ve become very common in every household. You can also make these by yourself at home. Just follow the instructions.

Take your plain slippers and take a scrap of fur. Measure the upper strap of your slipper and cut out the scraps on that measurement. Paste the fur with the glue gun and that’s it! Now, you wear these slippers to parties or just casually at home.


Fur stool

We’ve all seen that cute little stool in movies that people use for sitting in front of their vanity. And the best part about that stool is that it has a seat of fur and gives the perfect soft touch to your room. Well, if you’ve wanted that seat, then this DIY is perfect for you!


Firstly, get your stool and cut out a piece of scrap fur that should be slightly bigger than the seat but not too big. It should be just enough that the fur hangs down from all the sides, at least about an inch. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Now, you have two options. You can either glue the fur to the seat and that will be it, or if you want to attach it temporarily only, you can get some safety pins and pin the fur to the seat on the sides. This way, you can take it off whenever you want.


After you’re done with either of these two, your stool is ready to use!


Sable fur coats
sable fur stroller

Diamond Navy Blue Sable Cape

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Diamond Navy Blue Sable Cape with  skinny black jeans.


Pom Pom flats

It is possible that one of your older fur coats had some pom poms that you lost. So, if you have those little fur pom poms lying around, this would be a good way to use them. Just get your flats, a needle and a thread, and your two pom poms. Stitch the pom poms onto the top of the flats and be sure to pull the thread a little harder to ensure that the pom pom isn’t loose. And then you’re done!


Fur uggs

If you have an old pair of uggs and you are this close to throwing them away, then don’t. There is a way you can make them look good again and here, we’ll tell you how.

Get a pair of uggs, a scissor, measuring tape, fur scrap, and your sewing kit. First, measure the size of your uggs from top to bottom and then around. Cut the fur according to those sizes but just a little bigger. Sew the edges of the fur piece so that it is in the form of a tube now.

Put the fur onto your uggs and arrange it so the fur covers the top part of your uggs. Take a suede cording and wrap it around the fur so that it is crossing at the front and then tie it in a bow at the top. And there you have it! Some new winter boots!



Concluding, there is a lot you can do from the fur scraps of a unconventional fur coat, and these are only a few to mention. Moreover, there is no doubt things will get messy because we are using fur, but after you finish making whatever you wanted to, you won’t mind the mess. After all, everyone enjoys a little DIY every once in a while, right? And lately, fur fashion has been gaining quite the attention. It was said that fur retail sales for 2019 amounted to about 22 billion euros.

Aside from these fur DIYs, you can find some very good items like fur hats, collars, purses, and muffs in the Marc Kaufman Fur Collection. We pride ourselves on our products and services. Whether you require a fur coat for keeping warm or a fur capelet for a party, we’ve got all the variety. Get in touch with our skilled team today to get the best services like fur cleaning, fur storage, fur remodeling, fur repair, and even the best products.

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Winter Coat Styles to Keep you Warm

Winter Coat Styles to Keep you Warm

Has the winter season tempted you yet to throw style out of the window and dress up like an unfashionable marshmallow? You open up your closet just to grab those sweat pants, loungewear, tights, and maybe a fur coat to add that extra warmth. The stormy season and longer nights have already made it gloomy and depressing. So why not bring in some style and color to your outfits this season. Winter dressing can be taxing, so let us solve your winter outfit problems with suggestions and style tips to make you look stylish. Winter coat styles to keep you warm.

Ranging from sweat pants, jeans, dresses, sweaters, coats, capes, hats, and beanies, we have numerous ideas to make use of all the winter garments resting in your closet. Whether it is formal or informal, loungewear or party wear, we have got stylish outfit ideas to don this winter.

So, let us get started with it!

Winter Guide

The season also offers you the alternatives to choose pastels, bold colors, and also experiment with patterns/textures. This winter, take the plunge of trying out new ideas to upgrade your look. This blog will help you to integrate new pieces in your wardrobe, how to use specific items lying around in the closet, and how to make the most of what you already own. Read on for some winter outfit recommendations we have for you.

The traditional coats in your closets are generally neutrals, such as black, brown, and whites. Therefore, it is about time to stock this year’s winter wear with some new, trendy, multicolored fur coats. If you are thinking of investing, it is better to get your hands on those fur coats, fur capes, and fur vests. Just an addition of any type of fur coat to your outfit will make styling effortless and at the same time portray an elegant yet trendy look. Have you spotted Jennifer Lopez has paired a brown fur coat with a dress for her movie Hustlers? So simple and straightforward, yet a head-turner.

If the weather allows, you can also opt for a knitted sweater for that modish yet cozy look. This outfit can be more captivating if paired with white jeans instead of those repetitive denim jeans you slay all summer.

During winters, there will be days when the weather allows you to dress up and go out, whereas some days are just for staying in and doing grocery runs. For days like these, pick up those oversized sweaters/coats and team it with ripped jeans. This has to be an ideal option for winter styling. Stress-free styling and presentable, what else do you need?

If you wish to make a style statement, brush it up with a scarf or beanie along with uggs for an evening with friends. You can utilize those jersey dresses this winter. Simply pair it with a silver or red fox coat, with a few accessories to add that glam for a dinner date.

Sweater and coats aren’t the only winter essentials to keep you warm. There are hats and beanies that can be used to accessorize the outfit. It is the perfect time to take advantage of those plaid and oversized scarves. It is all about accessorizing the outfit because it makes everything better.

It is time to bring on those boots, instead of heels and sandals. If you have a pair or two, you’re settled. However, if you do not own uggs, it is the right time to invest in them.

These are some elements you can purchase or use from your closet to style your outfits. We have also compiled our top 5 outfits this winter for you to be dressed to the nines.

Black Leather Leggings

The versatility and comfort of leggings are incomparable. Today, leggings are available in abundance, with various colors and styles. Leather leggings have a reputation of being streetwear, easy to transform from day to evening. This is the season to sport those high-waisted leather leggings.

You can pair black leather leggings with a grey or mustard or hot pink with an oversized sweater. Add on your boots, beanie, and a sparkly gold watch to complete the look.

Black Leather Leggings


Black Leather Leggings

Image alt text: Woman donning black leather leggings with an oversized pink sweater

Grey cape with fox fur trims

The second look can be paired with denim in your closet with a fresh look for this winter. It’s always easy to experiment with denim because you can never go wrong with them. This particular style can be paired with high-waist jeans, mom jeans, and ripped jeans. Grab the most comfortable and warm jeans you own and pair them with a light cashmere grey cape from Marc Kaufman. Pair it will boot heels or uggs and some statement jewelry to top it up.

Grey cape with fox fur trims


Grey cape with fox fur trims

Image alt text: Woman giving us winter outfit inspiration with a cashmere cape from Marc Kaufman

Gucci brown belt skirt

Winter coat styles to keep you warm. Another style is for those days when the sun is out. This time can be used for wearing skirts with a pullover or crop top sweaters. For a colder evening, add on those sheer leggings with a full-length mink fur coat, and you are good to go. This outfit allows you to shine in colors other than greys, blacks, and whites. Skirts in neutral colors go a long way, so if you don’t own one, this is the time to invest. You can find a variety of skirts, so buy one to utilize those pullovers catching dust in your closet.

Gucci brown belt skirt
Gucci brown belt skirt

Gucci brown belt skirt

Image alt text: Woman wearing a pleated Gucci skirt pairing it with Nili Lotan pull over and mini-Gucci bag

White Rabbit Coat

The look of winter white never goes out of style. Styling white fur coats for dinners and evening looks is a must this winter. It incorporates that winter feel and an effortlessly chic look. Including a turtle neck in the white fur coat will enhance the whole look. Turtle necks are a must for winter closets, grab a new color each time for a new look. Pair it up with trousers or jeans. The choice is all yours. The best option is to choose the one which fits you better. Winter coat styles to keep you warm.

rex rabbit fur


White Rabbit Coat

Image alt text: Woman wearing a white rabbit coat with turtle neck

Full-length Shearling Coat

For a night out with friends, you might want to figure out clothes, which can keep you warm while on the way to the friend’s house and also keep you at ease with automatic heating systems in the house. The ideal outfit in this scenario is to use your mid-length dresses with a full-length coat and long boots. You can use any kind of coat available in your wardrobe, be it a shearling fur coat, fox fur, or lynx fur. All serve the same purpose of keeping you warm and fashionable.

Full-length Shearling Coat
Women’s Gray Shearling Coat Full Length

Full-length Shearling Coat

Image alt text: Woman wearing a full-length grey shearling coat

We have provided the ideas to use different clothing items to create a new fresh look every time you set up out of the house. Now it’s on you to accessorize them as per your liking. Include jewelry, handbags, beanies, hats, and even sunglasses.

It is also essential that after every winter, when you pack your warm clothes, make sure to get your fur coats cleaned professionally and hang them up to maintain the shape of the shoulder. While you wait for the next winter season, it is essential to protect the coat from dust. Hence, pack it in a plastic bag and hang it safely in your closet.

Final Thought

Winter styling can be very exciting if we dig deep into our closets. Pairing up different sweaters, fur coats, and capes helps to create a new look every time. So, make sure to invest in unique pieces every time you shop, so it is easier to pair them up with whatever is available in your closet. If you plan on buying new natural fur coats, visit our website.

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The Wondrous World of Fur Coats For the Plus Size Woman

Fashionable fur coats are plentiful for all women of all tastes, types and sizes. The plus size woman has a real friend in the the fashionable coat department. She always has. The range and diversity of marvelous designer fur coats for women is awe- inspiring. Marc Kaufman  leads the way in the designing that special fur for that special lady. Style is about fashion, not size. We at Marc Kaufman custom design and create the most


Marc Kaufman Furs Presents a whiskey demi mink fur stroller from Marc Kaufman Furs New York,Argentina,United Kingdom,Austria,Denmark,Norway,Australia,Finland,Saudi Arabia,Oman,Kuwait,Jordan,Egypt

Drink in life with this whiskey demi mink fur stroller

Marc Kaufman Furs Presents a whiskey demi mink fur stroller from Marc Kaufman Furs New York,Argentina,United Kingdom,Austria,Denmark,Norway,Australia,Finland,Saudi Arabia,Oman,Kuwait,Jordan,Egypt

Drink in life with this whiskey demi mink fur stroller

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a plus size hot pink knit mink fur poncho with fur fringes from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Portugal, fur coats in Madrid

You will be in the pink of things with this plus size hot pink knit mink  poncho with fur fringes

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a plus size hot pink knit mink fur poncho with fur fringes from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Portugal, fur coats in Madrid

You will be in the pink of things with this plus size hot pink knit mink fur poncho with fur fringes

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a plus size hot pink knit mink fur poncho with fur fringes from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Portugal, fur coats in Madrid

You will be in the pink of things with this plus size hot pink knit mink  poncho with fur fringes 

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a plus size hot pink knit mink fur poncho with fur fringes from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Portugal, fur coats in Madrid

You will be in the pink of things with this plus size hot pink knit mink fur poncho with fur fringes 

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a plus size hot pink knit mink fur poncho with fur fringes from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Portugal, fur coats in Madrid

You will be in the pink of things with this plus size hot pink knit mink fur poncho with fringes

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a plus size hot pink knit mink fur poncho with fur fringes from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Portugal, fur coats in Madrid

You will be in the pink of things with this plus size hot pink knit mink poncho with fur fringes

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a plus size blue iris swing mink fur directional stroller from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Buenos Aires, fur coats in Caracas

Your beauty is in the eye of every beholder in this plus size blue iris swing mink directional strollers

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a designer plus size mahogany mink fur coat from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Buenos Aires, fur coats in Caracas

Move over to the plus column in this designer plus size mahogany mink fur coat 

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a designer plus size mahogany mink fur coat from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Buenos Aires, fur coats in Caracas

Move over to the plus column in this designer plus size mahogany mink fur coat

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a designer plus size mahogany mink fur coat from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Buenos Aires, fur coats in Caracas

Move over to the plus column in this designer plus size mahogany mink  coat from Marc Kaufman Fur New York City

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a designer plus size mahogany mink fur coat from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Buenos Aires, fur coats in Caracas

Move over to the plus column in this designer plus size mahogany mink coat from Marc Kaufman Fur New York City

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a plus sized blue iris mink fur swing stroller From Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Buenos Aires, fur coats in Caracas

Realize added value with this plus sized blue iris mink swing stroller From Marc Kaufman New York City

Elegant Plus Size Mink Directional Swing Stroller Black Fox Headband

Plus Size Blackglama Ranch Mink  Swing Stroller Scalloped Pom Poms

Large Size Mahogany Female Directional Mink Coat Wing collar Swing Turn

Marc Kaufman NYC

212 West 30th St

NYC NY 10001

212 563 3877

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24 Carat Gold Mink Jacket

Mink Gold coat

Mink gold

Mink is gold..literally in this case. Marc Kaufman Furs in association with Nobline Switzerland have produced the first ever series of 24 karat gold infused mink fur coats. The designs are spectacular. Each gold mink coat is a one of a kind. They have just been released for retail sale globally.

mink gold coat

Mink  jacket Gold

Each gold mink designer fur coat retails at $195,000 dollars(US). The interest is huge amongst fur lovers and the celebrity elite. These coats were just covered by Japanese television at the Marc Kaufman Fur flagship store in New York City. The global gold mink  coat phenomenon has begun! Marc Kaufman Furs and Nobline Switzerland are on the cutting edge of remaking the mink coat as we now know it.

24 karat gold mink coat

24 Karat gold fur coat

The coat is real. The time is now for such an innovative design piece. Contact Marc Kaufman Furs at Marc Kaufman Furs Online, Marc Kaufman Furs Facebook, or Marc Kaufman Furs on Instagram. Join the Gold Fur revolution now!

Marc Kaufman Furs,212 w30th street, 10001, 212-563-3387