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How can you identify whether a fur coat is of low quality?

How can you identify whether a fur coat is of low quality?

If you’re obsessed with how the stars dress up in winters or craved to adopt a stylish way to stay warm, we are sure it’s all because you’ve wanted to own a fur coat. Buying your own fur coat can be a challenging task because you need to focus on a lot of factors while you buy a good quality fur coat. You will have to cater to different factors like the weather where you live, your budget, and whether you want to buy real or faux fur. It all depends on How can you identify whether a fur coat is of low quality? , whether you want a new fur coat, a faux fur, or a vintage fur coat.

When you are buying a fur coat, you need to focus on a lot of factors to know the quality of the coat. You can ascertain it through various techniques, which we will discuss in the blog. There have been incidents where the customers paid a heavy price for low-quality fur because they had no idea how to check it. Therefore, it is always better to prepare and do your research to save yourself from getting duped or exploited. Hence, we will share a few buyer’s tips in this blog to ensure that you understand the technique and save you from buying low-quality fur.

Tips and Techniques to Spot a Low-Quality Fur

  1. Check out the price

If you’re buying a new fur, it is more like a long-term investment. A good quality fur can cost you thousands of dollars. If you’re unable to invest this much, then it’s useless going out to buy good quality fur. However, if you spot a fur coat at a very low price, the chances are that it is either not real and up to the standards. You might find vintage and faux furs at a low price but, charging an insanely low price for a fur coat is doubtful and can be a bad investment. So, save yourself from the hassle and don’t get attracted to it because of its price. Always watch out for scams and stay vigilant when you’re investing your hard-earned money into something.

Below is an example of a god quality coat at the right price.

Pre-Owned Fox vest Leather Trim
Pre-Owned Fox vest Leather Trim

Fox Vest Leather Trim 12644

Image alt text: A woman wears fox vest leather trip with ripped jeans


  1. Make sure you have enough information about furs

There are various types of fur made from different animals like rabbits, minks, raccoons, foxes, chinchillas, lambs, beavers, and coyotes. These are the most commonly used animals for fur coats. Most of your choices will be from these animals, and each one is different from the other. So, make sure you understand how every fur is different from the other. Below is a brief understanding of these types for your help:

  • Fur made out of rabbit is silky, delicate, easily colored, and affordable
  • Mink furis shiny, coarser, shorter, insulating, and easily colored
  • Raccoon fur is soft, thick, and plush like a fox. But, it usually comes in ombre’ grey color
  • Beaver fur coats are versatile in nature. They are luxurious, long, and colored
  • Fox furis soft, thick, and plush. They mostly come in white-grey or cognac color
  • Lamb coatscome in both light and thick textures. The thick texture is curlier and very warm
  • Chinchilla furis soft but very rare and expensive. They usually come in blue or grey color
  • Coyote fur is short, dense, and durable. It comes in various colors, ranging from creamy tan to greyish colors.

Below is a picture of a high-quality long mink coat to give you an idea about it.

Designer Demi Full Length Mink Coat
Designer Demi Full Length Mink Coat

Designer Demi Full Length Mink Coat 59323

Image alt text: A woman wears designer demi full-length mink coat with boots

  1. Find out if the coat is made from a partial or full skin

The animals are generally small in size; therefore, the partial skins help in creating many coats. However, it is essential to find out how many partial skins help in making the fur coat. Coats made out of full skins will cost you more. So, make sure you understand the expense if that is your preference.

  1. Inspect the fur coat for any damages or missing patches

Check the fur coat thoroughly for any damages or missing patches. Fur can be damaged due to pests, age, or wear-and-tear. Have a closer look at the entire look, especially the zipper, hems, sleeve lines, and neckline. These are the places that are mostly in contact with dirt, skin oils, personal care products, etc. Make sure you have carefully examined every angle and spot of the fur before buying it.

  1. Feel the texture of the fur coat

Fur coats are usually plush and soft. An older coat may have coarse or matter spots in different areas that cannot be fixed. So, before buying it, make sure you understand whether you want to invest in something that is slightly damaged or not.

  • Run your fingers over the fur coat, especially the edges.
  • If you spot any damage, consider trying on the coat to see whether the damage is visible or not.
  • Double-check all the places that are exposed, like the backside of the coat.

Check out the color texture of this rabbit fur below to have an idea about how it looks.


Preowned Full length Printed Rabbit Coat
Preowned Full length Printed Rabbit Coat

Full length Printed Rabbit Coat 4847

Image alt text: A woman wears a stylish full-length printed rabbit coat

  1. Check the pelt under the fur for further examination

The pelt is the inner skin on which you attach the fur. However, the seams can break down or pull apart if you don’t store them properly. It can cause holes in the coat that are unrepairable. Therefore, before buying vintage fur, make sure that you check its pelt thoroughly and see if it is in good condition.

  • Examine the seams of the fur coat.
  • Look inside the fur to see if any part of the pelt is not up to the standards
  • Gently touch the fur and part them to see various spots underneath the pelt
  • Check to see if the coat has a French hem. If it does, then it means the lining and fur are not sewn shut from the bottom. This will help you have a closer look at the pelt.


  1. Smell the fur coat

It is very important to smell the coat because you wouldn’t want to buy a coat with reeks of mold or mothballs in it. Sniff the coat yourself or ask a friend to smell it for you and have a second opinion regarding it. If you feel that the smell is minor, that is not an issue because you can easily get rid of it by sealing the fur coat in a closed container with kitty litter and charcoal. These two absorb bad odors and will make your coat smell fresh. Moreover, you can also sprinkle the coat with white vinegar, which will help get rid of the smell. The vinegar smell will easily evaporate and won’t leave any marks.

  1. See what you can fix

If you see a damaged inner lining, then you can repair it easily. Or, if the coat has light odors, you can easily handle it. However, if the fur has matter patches and bald spots, you cannot fix those. They will stay so, be careful when you’re buying something. Make sure you know and understand the damage before making a final purchase. This will save you from the hassle.


Now since you’ve understood the different dynamics of every fur coat, you can easily identify the best ones and make a good bargain in the market. However, if you’re still unsure about a particular fur coat, take a professional furrier or someone who knows about furs to have a look at it and identify if it is a good investment or not. Bring it to our nearest stores, and we will help you understand it closely.

For more information, visit our website and consult us regarding your fur coats. Marc Kaufman, provides different styles of fur coats of high quality and makes sure our customers are satisfied. We make our fur coats in line with the international standards taking animal rights into account. Check out our website to see how we remodel and repair furs if you want to get your fixed. Visit our store or contact us for more information on how we can help you!

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Everything You Need to Know About Sable Fur

Everything You Need to Know About Sable Fur

When it comes to real fur, it is essential to know that all fur types are exclusive. Some furs have more exceptional qualities, while others are not that extraordinary. Nevertheless, just like there is a king in the animal world, there is also a king in the world of furs. Sable is the most majestic of all furs. All fur lovers know that there are some furs that are to die for. Everything you need to know about sable fur. These kinds of furs stand out not just because of their quality but because of their exceptional beauty and practicality. Sable furs are the most precious fur type. Sable fur coats are likewise an immaculate luxury and will always be timeless.

Full Length Russian Sable Fur Coat 90789

Full Length Russian Sable Fur Coat 90789

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing grey sable coat

Nevertheless, to help you see the magnificent characteristics of sable furs, we are here to drive you through the fur encyclopedia. Let us start with the basics:

Basics of Sable

Sable is a member of the martin genus. It lives in Russia but is also found in the northernmost parts of China and Japan. It’s an omnivorous animal. Sable’s average lifespan is about 20 years, and it preys on fishes, small mammals, and berries. They also feed on the leftover food of bears and wolves. Sable is most likely to turn mean and aggressive if it is farmed domestically. Thus, biology advises that you should never pet a sable.

Sables are the most valuable source for millennial furs. It has historical importance for Mongolian, Roman, and similar ancient civilizations. History indicates that people farmed sable domestically for furs. Nevertheless, nowadays, Russians use them for creating sable fur fabric. The fur extracted from sable is of high value. It is primarily because sable fur is the most precious and softest of all fur types.

Amazing Russian Sable Fur Stroller Directional 55666

Amazing Russian Sable Fur Stroller Directional 55666

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing brown sable stroller.

Interestingly, in the early 1900s, sables were near extinction. However, Russians made exclusive efforts to save sables and introduced them to the wilds again. Thus, the efforts of the mass reintroduction of sable across Russia remained fruitful.

Interesting Facts on Sable

Sable is one of the most abundant species. Sable was once near extinction, but after making essential efforts and reintroducing the animal back in the wilds, its population increased. It is precious for the fur industry because the fur industry farms it for its fur. Sable produces the most valuable furs, which are durable, beautiful, soft, and warm. Consider the following insights on sable:

  1. Sable males are longer than females. Thus, fur farms breed more sable males than females.
  2. Although sables are brown and black, there are whitish and yellowish fur patches on their necks.
  3. They have sharp teeth and claws and extremely furry tails. Most of the furs come from the sable’s tail.
  4. It is highly active in twilight and feeds on meat. It mostly preys on weasels, fishes, and slugs.
  5. They have a total lifespan of 8 years in the wild but can survive up to 18 years domestically. They reach maturity in 2 years.

Let’s Talk About Sable Fur

Sable is the make-believe cousin of mink and weasel. People have also been confusing it as a cross between a cat and a weasel. Sable weighs about 4.5 pounds and reaches no more than 22 inches in length. However, regardless of its small size, it provides the most luxurious real fur coats and jackets. Sable surpasses fox and mink in the density of fur silkiness. It also provides a luminous range of colors and hues, including beige, brown, grey, silver, and black. Sable is one of the most versatile and abundant species. The demand for sable coats has always been high because it is the dream royalty of every fashionista. Sable furs can completely transform your style.

Brown Cashmere Cape Sable Fur 3222

Brown Cashmere Cape Sable Fur 3222

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing sable cashmere cape

Exciting Insights on Sable Fur

Sable fur is one of the most precious furs worldwide. The fur industry regards sable fur as soft gold. It is one of the most expensive fur types because it symbolizes sophistication and wealth. In addition to that, if you look at it historically, people used sable furs as an equivalent of money. Consider the following insights about sable furs. After reading through this, you will understand why fur-trade considers sable as the most luxurious and precious furs of all time:

  1. There are 17 species of sable. Sables mostly inhabit the mountainous ranges and lowlands.
  2. Sable is famous for its beauty, soft pelts, and warm furs. Fur color ranges from light brown to dark brown and even black.
  3. Sable fur has a history of saving people from cold climates for a long time.
  4. You can easily find sable in the forest and mountainous ranges. It mostly lives in the roots of trees or on the river banks.
  5. They are the most durable kind of furs and, therefore, often passed down to generations.

Hierarchy of Sable Furs

Since there is a multitude of fur color ranges and textures that sable provides, its demand in the fur trade is exceptionally high. Several sable species can easily be found in North America, Yenisei, Japan, China, and Russia. The sable skin varies from light brown to dark brown and black, while it has abstract white fur patches on its neck. Just like any other type of fur, sable fur also follows a hierarchy. There is a region called Barguzinsky, and the breed of sable that lives there is the rarest of all. These sables have dark skin pelts, and their furs are mostly grey. The second most expensive breed of sable is found in the Yenisei. These sables have a very precious skin-colored pelt that one cannot find otherwise. The North American sable breed ranks as the third most expensive sable species.

A High Demand for Sable Furs

The demand for sable furs has always been the highest. Sable is the most luxurious and precious of all fur types. Almost all fur forums and exhibitions demonstrated the beauty, luxury, and class that come with sable furs. In addition to that, sable fur can combine with other types of furs, and thus, the fashion industry actively takes advantage of this attribute. The qualities of sable are not limited to these only; a real fur coat made out of sable fur requires little dressing and processing and extremely minimal restoration. The nature of sable is exceptionally natural, and the industry prefers to use its furs and pelts in their original form. The demand for sable fur coats has always been high because wearing a precious sable fur coat is the dream of fashionistas worldwide. Sable coats will always help you look classy.

Full Length Golden Russian Sable Directional Coat Wing Collar 4477

Full Length Golden Russian Sable Directional Coat Wing Collar 4477

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing full length golden sable coat

Final Words

Sable fur coats should always be on your list of 5 must-have fur coats this winter. The royalty, luxury, and perfection that sable offer is the dream of every woman. This is why people use even the oldest of sable fur coats, and families pass them down their generations as the family heirloom. If you also find sable fur coats fascinating, Marc Kaufman is here to satisfy all your fur needs. We have the biggest collection of sable furs. We display most of our sable coats and jackets on our websites. However, if you cannot find the right size, know that we can make all the showcased products into any size and color. We are the leading fur coat manufacturers, so even if you require the most complex customization, we are here for you!

Visit our website today to buy the coat that suits your personality the best. We offer the best collection of the most luxurious sable fur coats at the most affordable prices.

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Hustlers Movie Strip Clubs JLo Furs

JLo Lynx Coat

Hustlers Strip Club Fashion

Jennifer Lopez struts onto the main stage of a cavernous strip club in “Hustlers” to the blaring tune of Fiona Apple’s late ‘90s anthem “Criminal”—the first line of which, “I’ve been a bad, bad girl,” suggests the knowing, playful tease to come.

Lusty men in musty suits immediately begin throwing money at her legendary derriere—not Lopez’s, exactly, but that of the veteran exotic dancer she portrays, the impeccably preserved Ramona. Still, it’s hard to discern completely between Lopez the superstar and the larger-than-life character she plays in “Hustlers,” and that’s part of the pleasure of watching this career-best performance from the multi-talented multi-hyphenate. We know this figure—we see the swagger, the magnetism, the incandescent ability to work an audience. Jennifer Lopez repurposed and repackaged all her well-honed skills here as a reminder that she is naturally gifted actress before she was known as JLo.

JLo Furs

JLo Lynx Coat

JLO Lynx Coat Constance Wu Hustlers Strip Club

JLo’s gift for fashion is apparent in the film. She is gifting the most beautiful lynx coat to her friend Constance Wu. Jennifer wore many furs in the movie, but she sports this beautiful Golden Island Fox Coat on our power move. She shows who the boss is during a segment of this film.

JLO Jennifer Lopez Golden Island Fox Coat

JLO Jennifer Lopez Golden Island Fox Coat

History of Hustlers Movie

On June 11, 2014, four women and one man indicted for allegedly drugging men and charging thousands of dollars on their credit cards at New York City clubs. Five years later, one of those women — Roselyn “Rosie” Keo, considered one of the scheme’s two ringleaders — posed for photographers at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Keo, who was sentenced to five years probation in 2016, was in Toronto to watch her own story play out onscreen in Hustlers, a new movie from writer-director Lorene Scafaria, which premiered at the festival on Sept. 7 and hits theaters nationwide Sept. 13.

Hustlers is based on Jessica Pressler’s December 2015 New York magazine article “The Hustlers at Scores Strip Club,” for which the journalist interviewed both Keo and the scheme’s other leader, Samantha Foxx (née Barbash; This story will refer to her as Barbash since that is the name she went by at the time and the name listed in court documents). The women recounted a deep friendship that turned to sisterhood which then turned dark.

Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO

Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO

Hustlers Story

Scafaria read Pressler’s article, the filmmaker tells TIME, she “found it to be a fascinating friendship story at its core.” She says she knew that if she were to adapt this story for the screen, it had to come from Pressler’s article, rather than court documents and tabloids. This way, a character based on Pressler could serve as a stand-in for the viewer, allowing the audience to empathize with the characters. “I thought that Jessica and Rosie’s relationship was incredibly interesting — the relationship between a storyteller and their subject,” Scafaria says.

Some details of what the Special Narcotics Prosecutor called “repugnant scheme” altered for the film. Scafaria set out to be faithful to the story Pressler wrote, even cutting out the movie’s sound at one point when a recorder used by the movie’s reporter (who is based on Pressler and played by Julia Stiles) is flipped off. She changed the names of the leading women: Roselyn Keo becomes Destiny, played by Constance Wu; Jennifer Lopez’s character, Ramona, is inspired by Barbash. Her business partners, Karina Pascucci and Marsi Rosen, are loosely translated into Annabelle (Lili Reinhart) and Mercedes (Keke Palmer). Cardi B, Lizzo, and a male R&B star (whose identity is best left to viewers to learn upon watching the film) make appearances in the movie, too.

“The responsibility to the truth and what happened,” Scafaria says, “and it’s not a black and white story, after all.”

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What Type of Fur Coat Should I Buy

Finding the Perfect Fur Coat

Searching for the perfect fur coat is not as complicated as people think. This article simplifies your choice of the ideal fur garment for you to choose.

Before we can even start this conversation, your lifestyle is so important. Will the fur be worn casual, for dress wear or just warmth.

This question is the first process in determining the perfect fur garment for your particular lifestyle. Should I purchase a designer fur coat, and what is the difference?

Zuki Oyster Sheared Beaver Floral Jacket

Purchasing a designer fur assures quality and quality. The Zuki sheared beaver jacket above is the most exquisite sheared beaver along with detailed craftsmanship.

Chinchilla Furs

This fantastic jacket is a work of art, not just a fur coat. If you are looking for a fur that stands out, the Zuki Fur Collection is one of the finest.

If looking fabulous and unique in a fur coat is your goal, Chinchilla is a great choice. There is no other fur that feels like Chinchilla.

Chinchilla Fur Bolero Jacket

Chinchilla Fur Bolero Jacket

Chinchilla fur is fashioned in many styles and looks elegant for any special occasion. The downside of owning a chinchilla fur coat is its delicacy. It would help if you were very gentle, wearing this amazingly soft fur.

Fox Fur

Pink Fox Coat

Pink Fox Coat


This pretty pink fox coat is a fun fur to wear. The fox fur comes in an infinite amount of colors.

You can choose any color you want in the fox fur. This fur vest is the perfect item to wear shopping, very lightweight, and hot.

Lynx Belly Stroller

If you can afford a real expensive fur, go for it, the ultimate of sporty luxury. This lynx stroller comes with a hefty price tag of USD 95,000. This fur coat speaks for itself, lightweight, soft and eye appealing, a fantastic fur.

Mink Furs

Blue iris mink fur coat

Where to buy a blue iris mink fur coat

Mink Furs come in a variety colors and styles. There are so many choices, that’s what makes it so difficult.

Shearling Furs

White Shearling Teddy Bear Jacket

White Shearling Teddy Bear Jacket

Shearling furs are extremely warm, light weight and very fashionable.

Don’t forget, once you purchase a fur  you must maintain them by cleaning and putting them in cold fur storage.

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Luxury Shopping On the Rise

Blue Iris Mink Stroller Silver Fox Trim

Shopping on The Rise

Luxury Shopping will be on the rise after this long and unwanted Pandemic. People are working from their homes and still make their money. Working on the computer all day increases the need to shop and surf the internet for extraordinary things.

Once the rules and regulations become relaxed from the Corona Virus, The need to get out and socialize is very apparent. Restaurants will open, Theatres will be operational, and parties will start-up in a big way.

Pink Fox Coat

Marc Kaufman Furs Pink Fox Coat

Need to Shop

The need to go Luxury Shopping will be the first on your list, right after going to your favorite hair and nail salon.

People have been saving their money, and if they were unemployed, that extra $600 per week stimulus money gave them disposal cash.

It will not happen overnight; the turn towards luxury goods will increase slowly. Then the momentum build up. The public has separated so long, and People need to show that they are ok and made it through these tough times.

Online Businesses

Online businesses capitalized, and new companies created. During
this long unwanted time off, online sales boomed. Computers, Food services, Luxury Clothing, and Accessories did very well during these tough times.

The start of luxury shopping online shopping has made it exponentially more comfortable for us to shop. With hundreds of retailers just a click away, shopping online became easy. Leaving the comfort of your house is no longer a necessity to have access to luxury brands.

Fendi, Supreme, Gucci, Tom Ford, and Prada, as well as streetwear staples like Junya Watanabe, Off-White, and AMIRI feared well during this crisis.

However, with the great variety of choice available to us, also comes a significant variation in quality. To prevent you from sifting through endless Google shopping results or resorting to the same tried and tested sites, we’ve put together the 19 top luxury shopping sites for designer goods, streetwear, one-off collaborations, and ready-to-wear looks.

Luxury customers do not mind shelling out for full-price items if it offers long-term value or perceived as an investment piece. They’re also driven less by sales, discounts, and practicality and more by emotions, promotional incentives, and a flight to investment pieces, from Hermes accessories and Bulgari jewelry to everyday wardrobe staples like jeans.

Shopping Report

According to the report, 72% of customers are willing to pay more for high quality wardrobe. Items as women opt for “a quality piece that will endure.” Shoppers are paying special attention to staple items like quality boots, winter coats and denim.

Nearly 40% say shelling out extra for such items pay off in the long term when considering cost-per-wear ratio. Additionally, 13% plan to eventually resell the item while 12% hope to pass it to their offspring one day. (Forbes Magazine 4/30/2020).

U.S. retail sales jumped by a record 17.7% from April to May, with spending partially rebounding after the coronavirus had shut down businesses, flattened the economy and paralyzed consumers during the previous two months.
The Commerce Department’s report Tuesday showed that retail sales have retraced some of the record-setting month-to-month plunges of March (8.3%) and April (14.7%) as businesses have increasingly reopened. Still, the pandemic’s damage to retail sales remains severe, with purchases still down 6.1% from a year ago.

Marc Kaufman Furs Online





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Collection of Designer Furs

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat with Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Trim Chinchilla Collar Cuffs

Designer Furs Back Into Fashion

Designer furs will emerge more robust than ever. It’s been a long time to wait for fashion. COVID 19 set the world on fire. Everything stopped. Social distancing has shut down Churches, Shopping Centers, Restaurants, Theater, and any social gatherings. It’s almost over, its time to get our life back.


Directional Black Sheared Mink Stroller Sable Collar

Directional Black Sheared Mink Stroller Sable Collar

Outcomes the Channel bag, the Louboutin shoes, Fendi scarf, and a Marc Kaufman Furs full-length Russian Sable Coat. Off to the Opera and life gets re birthed.

Since March 15th, the loneliness and boredom of all this social distancing took a toll on people. The eagerness to get out and shine again has been on all their minds since the beginning of this pandemic. That’s why fashion, represented by Designer Furs, will emerge as the new wave of success. You survived Corona.

Belly Lynx Stroller

Belly Lynx fur stroller

A classic mink coat is a staple.  A fur accessorized with a beautiful Vuitton bag, and matching Louis Vuitton bag looks incredible. Designer accessories makes a perfect fur coat look fabulous.

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat with Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Trim Chinchilla Collar Cuffs

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat with Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Trim Chinchilla Collar Cuffs

Since 1870 The Marc Kaufman Fur Family designed quality fur coats for women and men. We have a large selection of designer fur coats and fur jackets at wholesale pricing. Collection of Full-length designer coats, designer mink coats, fur jackets, fox coats, fox jackets, sable coats, and sable strollers.

We specialize in fur storage, fur cleaning, repairs, and remodeling. For the softest in furs, we have the most beautiful Chinchilla trimmed mink coats, chinchilla coats, chinchilla jackets, lynx coats.

Enjoy your shopping experience at Marc Kaufman Furs, NYC. The Best Place to Shop in New York City for Furs. 

“Fashion will last the test of time!” Marc Kaufman



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How to properly pack fur clothing for transport

Pack Fur Clothing

If you are a proud owner of a shearling coat, mink coat, or any other garment made of genuine fur, you probably know how important it is to maintain and store it properly. These are the most expensive pieces of clothing one can have in their possession, so it makes sense that they deserve special attention. The same goes for moving your fur pieces from one place to another, so we will teach you how to properly pack fur clothing for transport.

Blue Iris Mink Coat Indigo Fox Fronts

Blue Iris Mink Coat Indigo Fox Fronts

Maintenance of your fur pieces

There is not a single piece of clothing that deserves more attention than a garment made of fur. You cannot just leave these delicate, natural materials in your closet for years and expect to find them in good condition after many seasons. They need care and maintenance. To start with, they need to be cleaned from time to time. You should have them professionally cleaned at the beginning and end of every season.

Do you need professionals for packing your items made of fur?

Fur has to be clean before transportation as well. Sweat and other types of dirt can damage your valuable pieces of clothing, so why risk it? If you are moving from one place to another, give yourself enough time to pack your clothes properly. You can get the necessary materials and do this by yourself or you can hire professionals to do it – the choice is all yours and it will depend on your budget, priorities and some other circumstances.

Fur Cleaning Experts Julio Cisneros Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Cleaning Experts Julio at Marc Kaufman Furs

If you cannot afford professional packing services for all of your clothes, that is fine. It will take a bit more of your time, but the result will probably be the same. However, pieces made of fur can suffer serious damage if not packed or transported properly. That is why you should really consider asking experienced packers and movers for help.

The packing supplies you should use

For the most precious pieces, make sure to get quality boxes and other packing supplies and you will never regret it. Even if you cannot afford help in terms of packing, you still do need good materials to work with. Here are the supplies you can use:

  • top quality cardboard boxes – the ones from your local supermarket simply won’t do since they can never be clean enough to use them to properly pack fur clothing for transport.

  • wardrobe boxes – these are great since they already have a wardrobe rod installed, so it is easier you transport clothes on hangers. There’s no need for both wardrobe boxes and standard ones, so only opt for one.

  • wardrobe bags – never be tempted to use plastic ones. Go for cotton or some other natural material.

  • hangers – preferably made of wood, so that they cannot get rusty. You will need one for each piece of clothing.

  • soft padding material – it has to be uncolored and acid-free in order to not damage the delicate fur.

  • crumpled paper – plain, white paper is a better choice for padding than newspapers since ink can cause discoloration.

  • tape, scissors, marker, labels – you need these items whenever you’re packing.

Packing methods

Now that you are sure that your valuable fur clothes are clean (and dry) and you have all the necessary supplies, you can start packing. There are a few methods you can opt for. Whichever you choose, be gentle and don’t press too hard on the fur.


This is one of the most economic ways to get your furs safely from one location to another.

  • Use crumpled paper to fill in the sleeves – that will help them keep their form during and after transport

  • Gently turn the shoulders inside out and fold the longer pieces of clothing in half lengthwise

  • Use soft padding material (or packing paper) to wrap the coat

  • Put it inside a clean box

  • Fill the rest of the box with some soft materials, crumpled paper or even packing peanuts

  • Close, seal, and mark the box – this is a very important step that people usually forget when packing by themselves. Just like all other professionals providing the same service, our friends from Movers 101 NYC need to know what’s inside the boxes they are relocating so that they handle the dedicates with the utmost care.

Wardrobe bags

Cotton bags are great for DIY moving methods. But, since they do not provide you with extra security, these bags should be used only for local moves and when you are sure they won’t be exposed to moisture and heat.

  • Hang your fur coat on a hanger and leave the hook sticking through the hole on top of the wardrobe bag

  • Carefully zip the bag and never put more than one garment in a single bag

Here’s a practical tip: You can even use cotton pillowcases or duvet covers instead of wardrobe bags. Just make sure they are clean and don’t have holes.

Wardrobe boxes

Since these boxes already have rods installed, you can simply hang your bagged fur clothing inside. Such boxes might be expensive, but if you are moving often, they might be a good investment.

Transporting conditions

Heat and humidity are fur’s greatest enemies. That is why these delicate clothes should be kept in storage facilities specially designed for fur protection, at least during summer. The same conditions should apply when transporting such items as well. Ask your moving or shipping company whether your valuables will be in a climate-controlled vehicle during transport and do not take no for an answer! Bear in mind that even a few hours are enough for mold or mildew to develop on the fur. Direct sunlight can harm it too, so don’t leave anything to chance.

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs

Now you know how to properly pack fur clothing for transport! Pick the right moving company and you’ll be sure to enjoy your favorite fur pieces long after you have relocated to your new home.

Since 1870 The Marc Kaufman Fur family has been designing quality fur coats for women and men. We have a large selection of designer fur coats and fur jackets at wholesale pricing. Full length designer coats, designer mink coats, fur jackets, fox coats, fox jackets, sable coats, and sable strollers.

We specialize in fur storage, fur cleaning, repairs and  remodeling. For the softest in furs we have the finest Chinchilla trimmed mink coats, chinchilla coats, chinchilla jackets, lynx coats.

Enjoy your shopping experience at Marc Kaufman Furs, NYC . The Best Place to Shop in New York City for Furs. 

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Why Does a Fur Coat Tear or Rip Fur Repair

Degrade Blue Mink Stroller

Owning a fur coat for warmth in the winter is a perfect solution. Furs are naturally insulated, which is why they keep you warm during those cold, blistering winter days. Fur coats and jackets are a green product, which does not harm the environment.

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs

Over time, maintenance of a fur coat is strongly recommended. We recommend cold fur storage yearly. Furs Need to Be cleaned at least once every two years.

Fur Cleaning Experts

Fur Cleaning Experts

The caring of fur has it’s moments. Remember fur is natural and within time there can be some repair issues. Since fur naturally decomposes. Over time you will have rip, a tear or some dried pelts. The majority of the time, this can be repaired. New fur can be added to replace any fur that has been deteriorating over many years of wear.

fur repairs

wear can i fix a fur coat

Real fur is an organic material. « Faux fur » (fake fur) and most synthetics are made from petrochemicals. Like other plastics, these materials do not break down easily and will remain in landfills for centuries. The “dressing” process (tanning) helps to preserve the pelts for some time. After many years of use, they will eventually dry out and begin to deteriorate (i.e., biodegrade), returning to nature. Old fur apparel can even be composted for your garden!

The fur is a natural, organic material, and like all such materials will quickly disintegrate and biodegrade unless preventive measures are taken. To prolong the life of fur garments, pelts first undergo a unique tanning process known as “dressing”. This process protects the hair follicles and the fur while preserving the skin, making it less likely to disintegrate and, therefore, more durable.

However, even this tanning process cannot prevent deterioration entirely, and the fur pelts will, in time, dry out and become brittle. But when the garment is properly cared for, this could take several decades.

Eventually, however, fur pelts will biodegrade just like any other organic material, and can even be turned into compost for your garden. To demonstrate this, and also to compare the rate of degradation with that of fake fur made from petroleum, Truth About Fur conducted the Great Fur Burial experiment. The results were precise. After one year, the real fur had almost entirely biodegraded, while the fake fur remained intact.

Great selection of Fox Headbands, Fox Earmuffs and Fur Hats in the most stylish Colors imaginable.

Marc Kaufman Furs in New York City, NY ships your fur purchases to wherever you may be. We have over 2000 quality furs to choose from. Marc Kaufman Furs of NYC has the most extensive online fur selection in the World.

Our Designer Furs come from different parts of the world. We have some of the most beautiful Italian designed fur coats, French designed furs along and designed fur coats from our NY fur designers. I must say we have a beautiful fur collection.

Special Orders is our Specialty. We can take a collar from one fur coat, a sleeve treatment from another fur garment, a collar from another fur coat, It’s all your Choice.

Check out New Russian Designer Fur Coat Collection. We have developed this collection with the  help of a Russian Fur designer.

With over 1000 furs styles to choose from, our unique designs will be stand alone. Only one fur sample per style will be available for purchase.