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Unconventional Fur Things (Ideas For Scrap)

Unconventional Fur Things (Ideas For Scrap)

You see a fur coat pretty much everywhere, but you don’t really see fur accessories. However, they always seem to be in our closet somehow. Sometimes, we get them ourselves, sometimes it’s gifted to us, and sometimes it just happens to be there, and you don’t know why and how. But whatever the reason is for some extra fur lying around, you can put it to good use. Here are some mini-project ideas for unconventional fur things    that you try for yourself.


Fur cuffs


Possibly the simplest thing to make with fur scraps is fur cuffs. They are small, look fancy and add a cute touch to your outfit. To make one, you just need to make sure the fur scrap is evenly sized and just enough to look good. A big chunk of scrap will look awkward on your wrist.

Here is how you make them – Start by marking the back of the scrap at two places, where you will cut it to make your fur cuff. Cut it with a razor blade so as the fur, itself, is not damaged. Get a lining cloth and cut it at the same measurement as the fur scrap. Afterwards, sew the corners of the lining cloth in on itself, so the edges are not rough.

Take a hair elastic band and cut it in half. Line the back of the fur scrap with the lining cloth and put the elastic band between them. However, be sure to put it in a way that the cut ends of the band are hiding beneath the lining cloth. Sew the items together, and now, you have a button loop to attach your fur cuff to any buttoned jacket.


Plus Size Blue Iris Mink Vest Ranch Mink Trim
Plus Size Blue Iris Mink Vest Ranch Mink Trim

Blue Iris Mink Vest Ranch Mink Trim

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Blue Iris Mink coats Vest Ranch Mink Trim with a grey sweater and skinny blue jeans.


Animal ears headband

 When Halloween rolls around, if there is one thing people like to buy, then it is the animal ear headbands. Adults and children both like to dress up as animals, and so, a must-have item for the costume is the adorable fur headbands. These are also fairly easy to make. Just take the scraps from your old fur coat and follow the instructions given.

Print out a template of an animal ear, preferably of a cat or fox. After that, take cardboard and trace the ear onto it and then cut it out. Put it against the back of the fur scrap and use a marker to mark the shape. To avoid damaging the fur, cut with a razor blade.

Pin down both of the pieces together and sew them. Leave the bottom corner open. Fold the cardboard ears and put the cardboard inside the furry ears. Lastly, you will shave the ears just enough that there is not too much hair on the ears anymore.

Then choose a side of these ears that will play as the inside of the ears. Take a pink fabric and cut it in the same shape of the ear except a little shorter. Glue the cloth to the fur, and they are ready to attach to a headband!


Small rug or drape


Fur rugs and drapes add the perfect look to your home, and they can be very cozy as well. You can make this if you have a slightly bigger piece of fur scrap, possibly one from a fur coat, to work with. You can turn it into a little drape as well for your side table or chest.


Trace a random pattern on the backside of the fur scrap and cut it out. To avoid damage to the fur, always use a razor blade. And then, you’re done. Just place it wherever you like.

Having said that, fur coats are never old, and they are always trendy. For example, look at the fur coat in the picture below. Do you think it will ever be un-trendy enough to throw away?


Marc Kaufman Furs presents a horizontal chinchilla fur jacket with large shawl collar from Marc Kaufman Furs USA,Fur coats in Argentina, fur coats in Chile, fur coats in Venezuela, fur coats in Australia, fur coats in Belgium,fur coats in Netherlands, fur coats in Norway,fur coats in Sweden,fur coats in Dubais,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Kuwait, fur coats in South Africa,fur coats in Tunisia,fur coats in the Falklands
Flaunt your best self in this horizontal chinchilla fur jacket with large shawl collar from Marc Kaufman Furs USA

Chinchilla Fur Jacket Large Shawl Cross Cut Horizontal Collar

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Chinchilla Fur Jacket Large Shawl Cross Cut Horizontal Collar with a black skinny jeans and sandals.


Fur slippers

You see these things everywhere and they’ve become very common in every household. You can also make these by yourself at home. Just follow the instructions.

Take your plain slippers and take a scrap of fur. Measure the upper strap of your slipper and cut out the scraps on that measurement. Paste the fur with the glue gun and that’s it! Now, you wear these slippers to parties or just casually at home.


Fur stool

We’ve all seen that cute little stool in movies that people use for sitting in front of their vanity. And the best part about that stool is that it has a seat of fur and gives the perfect soft touch to your room. Well, if you’ve wanted that seat, then this DIY is perfect for you!


Firstly, get your stool and cut out a piece of scrap fur that should be slightly bigger than the seat but not too big. It should be just enough that the fur hangs down from all the sides, at least about an inch. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Now, you have two options. You can either glue the fur to the seat and that will be it, or if you want to attach it temporarily only, you can get some safety pins and pin the fur to the seat on the sides. This way, you can take it off whenever you want.


After you’re done with either of these two, your stool is ready to use!


Sable fur coats
sable fur stroller

Diamond Navy Blue Sable Cape

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Diamond Navy Blue Sable Cape with  skinny black jeans.


Pom Pom flats

It is possible that one of your older fur coats had some pom poms that you lost. So, if you have those little fur pom poms lying around, this would be a good way to use them. Just get your flats, a needle and a thread, and your two pom poms. Stitch the pom poms onto the top of the flats and be sure to pull the thread a little harder to ensure that the pom pom isn’t loose. And then you’re done!


Fur uggs

If you have an old pair of uggs and you are this close to throwing them away, then don’t. There is a way you can make them look good again and here, we’ll tell you how.

Get a pair of uggs, a scissor, measuring tape, fur scrap, and your sewing kit. First, measure the size of your uggs from top to bottom and then around. Cut the fur according to those sizes but just a little bigger. Sew the edges of the fur piece so that it is in the form of a tube now.

Put the fur onto your uggs and arrange it so the fur covers the top part of your uggs. Take a suede cording and wrap it around the fur so that it is crossing at the front and then tie it in a bow at the top. And there you have it! Some new winter boots!



Concluding, there is a lot you can do from the fur scraps of a unconventional fur coat, and these are only a few to mention. Moreover, there is no doubt things will get messy because we are using fur, but after you finish making whatever you wanted to, you won’t mind the mess. After all, everyone enjoys a little DIY every once in a while, right? And lately, fur fashion has been gaining quite the attention. It was said that fur retail sales for 2019 amounted to about 22 billion euros.

Aside from these fur DIYs, you can find some very good items like fur hats, collars, purses, and muffs in the Marc Kaufman Fur Collection. We pride ourselves on our products and services. Whether you require a fur coat for keeping warm or a fur capelet for a party, we’ve got all the variety. Get in touch with our skilled team today to get the best services like fur cleaning, fur storage, fur remodeling, fur repair, and even the best products.

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Winter Coat Styles to Keep you Warm

Winter Coat Styles to Keep you Warm

Has the winter season tempted you yet to throw style out of the window and dress up like an unfashionable marshmallow? You open up your closet just to grab those sweat pants, loungewear, tights, and maybe a fur coat to add that extra warmth. The stormy season and longer nights have already made it gloomy and depressing. So why not bring in some style and color to your outfits this season. Winter dressing can be taxing, so let us solve your winter outfit problems with suggestions and style tips to make you look stylish. Winter coat styles to keep you warm.

Ranging from sweat pants, jeans, dresses, sweaters, coats, capes, hats, and beanies, we have numerous ideas to make use of all the winter garments resting in your closet. Whether it is formal or informal, loungewear or party wear, we have got stylish outfit ideas to don this winter.

So, let us get started with it!

Winter Guide

The season also offers you the alternatives to choose pastels, bold colors, and also experiment with patterns/textures. This winter, take the plunge of trying out new ideas to upgrade your look. This blog will help you to integrate new pieces in your wardrobe, how to use specific items lying around in the closet, and how to make the most of what you already own. Read on for some winter outfit recommendations we have for you.

The traditional coats in your closets are generally neutrals, such as black, brown, and whites. Therefore, it is about time to stock this year’s winter wear with some new, trendy, multicolored fur coats. If you are thinking of investing, it is better to get your hands on those fur coats, fur capes, and fur vests. Just an addition of any type of fur coat to your outfit will make styling effortless and at the same time portray an elegant yet trendy look. Have you spotted Jennifer Lopez has paired a brown fur coat with a dress for her movie Hustlers? So simple and straightforward, yet a head-turner.

If the weather allows, you can also opt for a knitted sweater for that modish yet cozy look. This outfit can be more captivating if paired with white jeans instead of those repetitive denim jeans you slay all summer.

During winters, there will be days when the weather allows you to dress up and go out, whereas some days are just for staying in and doing grocery runs. For days like these, pick up those oversized sweaters/coats and team it with ripped jeans. This has to be an ideal option for winter styling. Stress-free styling and presentable, what else do you need?

If you wish to make a style statement, brush it up with a scarf or beanie along with uggs for an evening with friends. You can utilize those jersey dresses this winter. Simply pair it with a silver or red fox coat, with a few accessories to add that glam for a dinner date.

Sweater and coats aren’t the only winter essentials to keep you warm. There are hats and beanies that can be used to accessorize the outfit. It is the perfect time to take advantage of those plaid and oversized scarves. It is all about accessorizing the outfit because it makes everything better.

It is time to bring on those boots, instead of heels and sandals. If you have a pair or two, you’re settled. However, if you do not own uggs, it is the right time to invest in them.

These are some elements you can purchase or use from your closet to style your outfits. We have also compiled our top 5 outfits this winter for you to be dressed to the nines.

Black Leather Leggings

The versatility and comfort of leggings are incomparable. Today, leggings are available in abundance, with various colors and styles. Leather leggings have a reputation of being streetwear, easy to transform from day to evening. This is the season to sport those high-waisted leather leggings.

You can pair black leather leggings with a grey or mustard or hot pink with an oversized sweater. Add on your boots, beanie, and a sparkly gold watch to complete the look.

Black Leather Leggings

Black Leather Leggings

Image alt text: Woman donning black leather leggings with an oversized pink sweater

Grey cape with fox fur trims

The second look can be paired with denim in your closet with a fresh look for this winter. It’s always easy to experiment with denim because you can never go wrong with them. This particular style can be paired with high-waist jeans, mom jeans, and ripped jeans. Grab the most comfortable and warm jeans you own and pair them with a light cashmere grey cape from Marc Kaufman. Pair it will boot heels or uggs and some statement jewelry to top it up.

Grey cape with fox fur trims

Grey cape with fox fur trims

Image alt text: Woman giving us winter outfit inspiration with a cashmere cape from Marc Kaufman

Gucci brown belt skirt

Winter coat styles to keep you warm. Another style is for those days when the sun is out. This time can be used for wearing skirts with a pullover or crop top sweaters. For a colder evening, add on those sheer leggings with a full-length mink fur coat, and you are good to go. This outfit allows you to shine in colors other than greys, blacks, and whites. Skirts in neutral colors go a long way, so if you don’t own one, this is the time to invest. You can find a variety of skirts, so buy one to utilize those pullovers catching dust in your closet.

Gucci brown belt skirt
Gucci brown belt skirt

Gucci brown belt skirt

Image alt text: Woman wearing a pleated Gucci skirt pairing it with Nili Lotan pull over and mini-Gucci bag

White Rabbit Coat

The look of winter white never goes out of style. Styling white fur coats for dinners and evening looks is a must this winter. It incorporates that winter feel and an effortlessly chic look. Including a turtle neck in the white fur coat will enhance the whole look. Turtle necks are a must for winter closets, grab a new color each time for a new look. Pair it up with trousers or jeans. The choice is all yours. The best option is to choose the one which fits you better. Winter coat styles to keep you warm.

rex rabbit fur

White Rabbit Coat

Image alt text: Woman wearing a white rabbit coat with turtle neck

Full-length Shearling Coat

For a night out with friends, you might want to figure out clothes, which can keep you warm while on the way to the friend’s house and also keep you at ease with automatic heating systems in the house. The ideal outfit in this scenario is to use your mid-length dresses with a full-length coat and long boots. You can use any kind of coat available in your wardrobe, be it a shearling fur coat, fox fur, or lynx fur. All serve the same purpose of keeping you warm and fashionable.

Full-length Shearling Coat
Women’s Gray Shearling Coat Full Length

Full-length Shearling Coat

Image alt text: Woman wearing a full-length grey shearling coat

We have provided the ideas to use different clothing items to create a new fresh look every time you set up out of the house. Now it’s on you to accessorize them as per your liking. Include jewelry, handbags, beanies, hats, and even sunglasses.

It is also essential that after every winter, when you pack your warm clothes, make sure to get your fur coats cleaned professionally and hang them up to maintain the shape of the shoulder. While you wait for the next winter season, it is essential to protect the coat from dust. Hence, pack it in a plastic bag and hang it safely in your closet.

Final Thought

Winter styling can be very exciting if we dig deep into our closets. Pairing up different sweaters, fur coats, and capes helps to create a new look every time. So, make sure to invest in unique pieces every time you shop, so it is easier to pair them up with whatever is available in your closet. If you plan on buying new natural fur coats, visit our website.

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A Way to Feel Good About Wearing Real Fur Coats

A Way to Feel Good About Wearing Real Fur Coats

We all love real fur coats, don’t we? Talking about fur coats – we know that fur coats are the pelts of animals used to make clothing items to be used in winters. A way to feel good about fur coats. For one thing, we cannot deny or argue about; fur coats are made from actual animal skins. Thus, just like the ones who cannot abide by the consumption of meat, milk, and similar products obtained from animals, it is evident that some people will abstain from the use of fur coats as well. Hence, we actively see the anti-fur community communicating the ugliest side of fur coats and accessories.

Nevertheless, whatever the anti-fur community says, furs are going away in the near future. According to the International Trade Center, fur exports from 2008 to 2013 almost doubled. The industry went from 2 billion dollars to 4 billion dollars’ worth of export. Especially after winter 2015, fur appeared in various fashions ranging from chinchilla fur coats to Chewbacca-style slippers. This blog will explore five different ways to wear a real fur coat this winter and feel good about it.

Going A Little Extra With Real Fur Coats

Weren’t we all under the impression that one can only wear real fur coats in winters? The latest news of celebrities says that Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan, and many others have been wearing real fur coats during summers as well. These are the trends that make the world season-less. It’s not just the furs; you can see people wearing tank tops in December, leather boots in July, and whatnot. You can pile-in or pile-off a specific dress regardless of how sweaty or chilly the weather is.

What Do We Mean When We Say Furs?

When we say the word “furs,” we do not necessarily refer to real fur coats. You do not have to have it on your body when it comes to real furs. In light of the long fur history, it is evident that vintage fur coats have been passing from generation to generation, thus, giving the impression that real furs can be used as a form of clothing. Nevertheless, with technological advancements and innovation, you can find real fur accessories easily. You can have a bag, a cuff or collar made out of real furs, or even cushions and table mats. Alternatively, you can also use real furs to create cute gifts for your loved ones as well.

There is a whole lot of things that you can make using real furs, which you can extract from the vintage fur coat that your grandma gave you. On the other hand, you can get real fur coats of all types, styles, and sizes by visiting Marc Kaufman’s website. We provide the most outstanding real fur coats at extremely cost-effective prices. Thus, you can alter these fur coats and try the above-mentioned options to create something cute out of furs.

Ways to Wear Real Fur Coats and Feel Good About It

Fur coats are a must-have for this winter. This section will present you with five different ways to rock a fur coat this year. You can use any of these styles to fit any occasion. You can also use these guidelines to put on a real fur coat casually because, let’s face it, there is nothing worse than the  harsh winter days. If you skip it today, you might find yourself scrolling through this article in December. So, without further ado, let us head straight into the five ways in which you can feel unapologetically good about wearing a fur coat:

1.      The All-Black Classic

There is a reason why they call an all-black outfit classy – it fits all occasions and can make the wearer look elegant. You can use Marc Kaufman’s black designer shearlings to give eccentricity to your outfit. You can carry this look for casual as well as occasional purposes. Additionally, you can add contrasting colors to give a little definition to your outfit.


Women's Black Shearling Full Length Coat
Women’s Black Shearling Full-Length Coat

2.      Wearing Full-Size Vests

You can look furiously lit if you can manage to complement fur vests with fur handbags. In addition to that, if you have a less bold fashion sense, this look is perfect for you. You will not have to go any extra with the furs and look as effortless as you want. Vests are ideal for casual usage. A way to feel good about it. They are easy to carry, add variety, and are less flashy. Thus, you can always add real fur vests to your wardrobe.

Black Shearling Vest Belt pocketbook Included 4873

Black Shearling Vest Belt pocketbook Included 4873

Alt Image Text: A woman wears black fur shearling vest

3.      The Shaggy Look

We all love that straight-out-of-bed look, don’t we? The shaggy look is just about that. It makes you look as if you woke up in the morning and picked everything that came in your way and wore it. You can also use a fur jacket to create a shaggy look. For this purpose, you do not have to choose a vibrant color. You can use a grey or brown oversized fur jacket and empathize its puffiness with a pair of casual trousers. A way to feel good about it. On the other hand, you will have to ensure is that your purse isn’t as loud as your real fur coat. Hence, a casual shirt, denim trousers, and pull on a real fur coat to define this look for you. Here is a brief fur fashion guide for 2021 for you.

Navy Blue Mink Bomber Jacket Detachable Fur Hood 7421

Navy Blue Mink Bomber Jacket Detachable Fur Hood 7421

Alt image text: A girl wearing a blue fur bomber jacket with a pair of jeans

4.      The Daring Sportsman

We know that connecting real fur coats with sports does not seem sensible. However, before you judge this, hold on and take a minute to read this. The key in this look is to keep the rest of the outfit simple and monotonous while using a vibrant and flashy fur coat. A way to feel good about it. You can get all the cool color real fur coats at Marc Kaufman. Wearing an all-black gym suit with a big handbag will give you the sporty base so that you can add a loud-colored (say vibrant blue) classy real fur coat to finish the look. Just ensure that the coat is about knee-length.

Burgundy Lazar Cut Mink Fur Stroller 78854

Burgundy Lazar Cut Mink Fur Stroller 78854

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing red mink fur stroller.

5.      Turtleneck Offset Mix

A turtleneck with a solid color will give you the right outline for this look. Turtlenecks are capable of creating an actual outfit using something that is entirely effortless. You can take gray slacks; for example, you can create a causal and professional look simultaneously using these slacks. A sleeveless fur coat will make this look even bolder. You can attend the office and the party after 5 pm by adding just the right fur coat to your overall look.

Lynx Jacket White Fox Trim 74663


Lynx Jacket White Fox Trim 74663

Alt Image Text: A woman wears Lynx Jacket White Fox Trim with denim


As we have discussed in this blog, real fur fashion is not going anywhere anytime soon. You can enjoy a multitude of fur accessories. Thus, furs do not only have to be a part of your clothing. We have presented five different looks that you can rock using high-quality real fur coats from Marc Kaufman.

We offer the best real fur coat deals and sales discounts. You can rock a business meeting, a casual walk with your loved ones, and an after-party function using just the right kind of real fur coat. Contact us today to get your hands on the best real fur coats. We have all kinds, colors, sizes, and styles of real fur coats, so what stops you now? Call us today and reserve your best look with Marc Kaufman!

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Six Not-so-easy Steps to Turning Your Fur Into a Blanket

Six Not-So-Easy Steps to Turning Your Fur into a Blanket

Six Not-so-easy Steps Fur coats, as popular as they are, are not everyone’s cup of tea, which is quite understandable. When it comes to fur blankets, everyone would love to have one, given their warmth and softness. So, avoid discarding your parent’s or grandmother’s old fur coats. Instead, consider turning them into fur blankets perfect for cold winter nights.

This way, you will not feel guilty for throwing out your parent’s old fur coats, and your mother will not be mad at you for throwing out her old stuff. And you can take full advantage of them, especially during the winters. A fur blanket can also be the perfect throw blanket for your sofa or your bed. There are many ways to use and re-purpose your fur coat. They can add a fancy touch to your home decor when turned into something new.

Now, you must be wondering, how can you do that? Well, we are here to help you. So, we assure you that you will know the entire process of how to turn your fur coat into a fur blanket. And just so you know, these blankets make for the perfect gift for your friends and family!

We have written down 6 not-so-easy steps for you to know how a fur coat is turned into a blanket. You may not be the one making it, but you will know the process. That way, you will know what to expect from the furrier that you are hiring for this. These steps will tell you how your fur coat turns into a fur blanket at the hands of an experienced furrier!

Separate the pelts

First pelts are cut into strips and then sewn together. Naturally, to convert a fur coat into a fur blanket, we’ll need to take these apart in a way so they can be re-arranged to form a blanket. The expert furrier will complete this task by removing the lining and seams. This is the first step and probably the longest. Keeping in mind the fact that there are hundreds of seams, the fluffier must take extra care to do this step.

Blue Iris Mink Coat Indigo Fox Fronts 64633

Blue Iris Mink Coat Indigo Fox Fronts 

Image alt text: A woman wears a blue Iris mink coat with fox fronts

Checking the pelts

Now, the pelts will need checking after separation. They have to be clean, so they are of the highest quality. Old pelts are removed to ensure the high quality of the blanket.

Creating plans ahead of time

As the furrier has disposed of the damaged pelts, there is no doubt that the number of pelts will have decreased. Also, the size of the blanket will vary greatly depending on the number of pelts the furrier has to work with. Six Not-so-easy Steps. So, keeping all this in mind, the furrier will next form a plan to see how he can work with what he has and what the size of the blanket will be. Remember that all the pelt sizes might not be the same as the sleeves are differently sized than the coat itself.

red chinchilla fur bolero jacket
Turn red lights green with this horizontal red chinchilla fur bolero jacket from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City

Red Chinchilla Bolero Horizontal Jacket

Image alt text: A woman dons a luxurious red chinchilla bolero horizontal jacket

Sewing the fur

Next, the furrier sows the pieces together carefully to make the blanket. This step may also take quite some time as compared to other steps as sewing the seams together is no easy task and requires patience and time. Since the fur coat was already sewn together once and is being sewn again, there is a high chance of it damaging easily. So, everything is done slowly and carefully.

Magnificent Canadian Lynx Coat

Magnificent Canadian Lynx Coat

Image alt text: A woman looks trendy by wearing a Canadian lynx coat over white trousers

Finalizing the shape

The blanket is close to finished in this step. Mostly, it is square or rectangle but sometimes could be other shapes as well, as required of the client. The furrier might have to trim the edges according to the excess of it.

Adding the filler and closing it up

The final step of making fur blankets is adding the filler and closing it up. The furrier leaves a space in the backing, that attaches to the leather side of the furs. Then, in goes the filler, which enhances the warmth of the blanket. The backing is sewn closed and the blanket is ready to use!

Important tips before turning your fur coats into a fur blanket

Before you turn your fur coat into a fur blanket, there are a few things you should consider. Firstly, you will need to see if your coat is completely clean and in as new a condition as possible so that your blanket is not lacking in quality. Six Not-so-easy Steps. Secondly, you need to make sure if the fur coat turned fur blanket will fit your lifestyle. If you want to have it as a throw blanket or even just a blanket, does it match your aesthetic? Does it appeal to your tastes?

And one more very important factor that you need to consider is the pricing for turning your fur coat into a blanket. If you have a sable fur coat, then it is definitely and very hard to re-purpose and will cost you higher. Whereas, fox fur coat costs relatively cheaper to transform into a blanket.

Seek advice from an expert furrier and share your ideas with them. This was so they can guide you better on what you should do. You should definitely check if the furrier is significantly experienced to work on your fur coat. Check up on their portfolio and take a look at their previous work and testimonials. Similarly, you should research the different coats and furriers to see your options. Be careful of scammers that might ruin your coat. Always select a reputable person or company, like Marc Kaufman, to handle your furs.

Royal Blue Fox Jacket Hood
Royal Blue Fox Jacket Hood

Image alt text: A woman wears a stylish royal blue fox jacket prepared by Marc Kaufman


Concluding, we can deduce that fur coats, as great as they are, don’t really have the same comforting feeling as a good fur blanket does especially when it’s a cold day and you’re all snuggled up in it with a warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate and watching your favorite TV show at the end of a busy day. Real fur is slowly but surely making its way back into the market despite the many protests and disagreements of people with it. With the increase of technology, there are many other ways of extracting fur from animals so that it is not very harmful to them.

Real fur is obviously very different from faux fur and you can tell by looking at it. So, people are starting to move more towards real fur. As said by Silvia Fendi, “Fur is the most natural material that exists – and these days, everyone is into natural things!”

While some people may think it is wrong, it is a matter of personal opinion and interest. So, if you are a real fur enthusiast, our store is the place for you! Ranging from Sable furs to Fox furs, you will find fur coats, fur jackets, fur vests, and much more! You can even find used furs to cater to your interests. And they look brand new!

We, at Marc Kaufman, have expertise dealing with real fur coats and pride ourselves on helping our customers. If you are still skeptical about the coat-to-blankets process, reach out to us and get your price quotation and expert advice on what to do. We specialize in selling real fur coats at affordable rates so click that button and turn your furry ideas into reality!

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Choosing The Best Fur For Yourself

Choosing The Best Fur For Yourself

Choosing fur is no less than choosing a car. You have to be very vigilant while investing your money because, like cars, fur coats are quite expensive and unaffordable at times. We try to get our hands on the best fur coats.

When you invest such a significant amount in merchandise, you expect a lot more from it than just performing its primary function. The same is the case with furs. They are multi-functional. They keep us warm against the harsh winter weather and also enhance our looks and styling. Therefore, due to their multiple functionalities and ability to maintain a balance between comfort and style, people tend to invest their money in fur coats.

However, before you start to choose fur coats for yourself, you need to sort out a few essential questions. Will you be wearing it in the arid dense winter climate of North Dakota? Or will you wear it while strolling in the streets of New York? These answers will decide the type of fur that you should buy for yourself. To check out out vast collection of fur coats, visit our website.

Some people pay more attention to selecting their fur color while others look for specific patterns or textures to enhance their fur coats’ look. The following guide will help you choose the best fur for yourself.

Mink Fur

Mink is one of the most popular furs. These furs ooze a feeling of glamour and beauty. Mink furs are extremely soft and delicate. The guard hair is very silky to the touch. Apart from their softness and delicate feeling, mink furs are very lightweight, and you will barely realize that you are wearing a genuine fur coat. If you are searching for something super soft and comfortable to wear, mink fur is for you. You can check our website for mink coats.

When you consider investing in mink fur, you should know whether the skins are of female or male minks. Because the female minks’ skins are better. Since they have hair and leather that is finer than that of the male minks. These lines embark a soft and shiny look on the fur coat.

Classic Blackglama Mink Coat 

Classic Blackglama Mink Coat 

Image alt text: A woman wears a classic blackglama mink coat

Fox Fur

The silver fox fur, the white fox fur, and the red fox fur are the most famous fox furs. The fox furs are soft and shiny that will make you the centre of attention in the crowd. In contrast to mink furs, we do not determine the quality and nature of fox furs’ skin by comparing the genders. The colour and quality of hair of fox furs determine their worth.

Chinchilla Fur

This kind of fur is quite cherished and appreciated for its vibrant and glamorous tone of colors. The chinchilla furs have a unique tone of dark colors like greys and blues. They are commonly available in the colors like beige, shadow, black velvet, violet, and grey. Chinchilla furs have a very soft coat and delicate leather. If you are planning to buy comfy wear, chinchilla fur will not disappoint you.

Emerald Green Chinchilla Horizontal Fur Jacket

Emerald Green Chinchilla Horizontal Fur Jacket

Image alt text: A woman dons a stylish emerald green chinchilla horizontal fur jacket

 Sable Fur

The sable fur is perhaps the best among all the fur varieties out there. Its coat is extraordinarily light and warm. These are the most expensive type of fur coats. They are glamorous, elegant and also a source of being in the limelight. According to research, the best quality of sable furs belong to Russia that also exports the best quality of sable furs.

Furthermore, you can also find sable furs in North American regions or Canada. However, there is an evident difference in the sable furs’ quality. If you want to look graceful and put on a rich look, sable fur coats should be your ultimate choice.

Lynx Fur

Lynx fur coats are among the most valuable and one of the most expensive coats in the world. The lynx furs include the utilization of white-coloured and spotted parts of the animal skin. This pattern is extracted from the animals’ bellies. The lynx furs are known for their seductive and captivating looks. If you want to embrace an elegant yet luxurious look, lynx furs coats are the best choice for you.

Magnificent Canadian Lynx Coat

Magnificent Canadian Lynx Coat

Image alt text: A woman wears a trendy Canadian lynx coat

Rabbit Fur

Rabbit furs are super soft and are available in a variety of colors. The softness of rabbit fur is similar to the softness of mink fur. Moreover, rabbit furs are quite affordable that allow people to get their hands on fur coats easily without going penniless. In addition, these furs provide warmth and coziness, and you can easily protect yourself from the cold while wearing a rabbit fur coat. Most people tend to forget about rabbit fur while thinking of real furs. Click here to buy a rabbit fur coat.

Lamb Fur

For people who are thinking about genuine fur coats at an affordable price, lamb fur is the right choice. However, many people don’t even consider buying sheep fur coats because of their unpopularity. But, when you search for short-length furs that offer a unique wavy look, sheep fur can be a brilliant option. Sheep fur is relatively heavier than numerous other fur coats. Due to which it offers maximum warmth in the cold weather, making it ideal for individuals in colder environments. One of the most famous sheep fur coats is a shearling coat. The wool is sheared down to reduce the bulkiness. Click here to order a lamb fur coat for yourself.

Gray Persian Coat Fox Collar

Gray Persian Coat Fox Collar

Image alt text: A woman dons a grey Persian coat with fox collar

Raccoon Fur

Most people don’t usually consider raccoon fur while buying fur coats. Racoon fur is thick, delicate, and warm, which guarantees you protection against the cold winds. Because of their unique color, raccoon furs give an incredible look. From long fur coats to fur edges on other coats, they provide a wide variety of furs.

Styling Your Fur Coat

The styling of fur coats varies extensively, which defines your entire look. Once you have decided on a particular type of fur coat for yourself, the next step is to choose your fur coat style. The most common styling options in fur coats include:

The three-quarter length

As the name suggests, the three-quarter length elongates till your calf , leaving an eternal glamourous look on you.

Stroller Coats

Stroller coats go below your knees. They are ideal for wearing at formal parties and gatherings.

Seven-Eighth Length coats

Seven-eighth length are long fur coats but they are not the longest. These fur coats cover your mid-calf. They cover the seven-eighth of the garments you wear.


These are the longest coats and are sometimes dragged on the surface as well. These coats cover the whole body, from shoulders to ankles. If you want your coat’s warmth from head to toe, these are the ideal coats for you.


There are various types of fur coats, and everyone wants the best fur coats for themselves but before investing your money in furs, you must acknowledge yourself with all the information related to furs. People buy fur coats while considering their personality and gatherings they have to attend. For instance, musicians and singers usually go for bright shiny colors whereas, brides and royals opt for a more sophisticated and elegant look for their fur coats. Regardless, of their styling and quality, fur coats leave a graceful and dignified look on people. We, at Marc Kaufman, have a wide variety of fur coats. You can visit our website and order a fur coat for yourself now.