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Hustlers Movie Strip Clubs JLo Furs

JLo Lynx Coat

Hustlers Strip Club Fashion

Jennifer Lopez struts onto the main stage of a cavernous strip club in “Hustlers” to the blaring tune of Fiona Apple’s late ‘90s anthem “Criminal”—the first line of which, “I’ve been a bad, bad girl,” suggests the knowing, playful tease to come.

Lusty men in musty suits immediately begin throwing money at her legendary derriere—not Lopez’s, exactly, but that of the veteran exotic dancer she portrays, the impeccably preserved Ramona. Still, it’s hard to discern completely between Lopez the superstar and the larger-than-life character she plays in “Hustlers,” and that’s part of the pleasure of watching this career-best performance from the multi-talented multi-hyphenate. We know this figure—we see the swagger, the magnetism, the incandescent ability to work an audience. Jennifer Lopez repurposed and repackaged all her well-honed skills here as a reminder that she is naturally gifted actress before she was known as JLo.

JLo Furs

JLo Lynx Coat
JLO Lynx Coat Constance Wu Hustlers Strip Club

JLo’s gift for fashion is apparent in the film. She is gifting the most beautiful lynx coat to her friend Constance Wu. Jennifer wore many furs in the movie, but she sports this beautiful Golden Island Fox Coat on our power move. She shows who the boss is during a segment of this film.

JLO Jennifer Lopez Golden Island Fox Coat
JLO Jennifer Lopez Golden Island Fox Coat

History of Hustlers Movie

On June 11, 2014, four women and one man indicted for allegedly drugging men and charging thousands of dollars on their credit cards at New York City clubs. Five years later, one of those women — Roselyn “Rosie” Keo, considered one of the scheme’s two ringleaders — posed for photographers at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Keo, who was sentenced to five years probation in 2016, was in Toronto to watch her own story play out onscreen in Hustlers, a new movie from writer-director Lorene Scafaria, which premiered at the festival on Sept. 7 and hits theaters nationwide Sept. 13.

Hustlers is based on Jessica Pressler’s December 2015 New York magazine article “The Hustlers at Scores Strip Club,” for which the journalist interviewed both Keo and the scheme’s other leader, Samantha Foxx (née Barbash; This story will refer to her as Barbash since that is the name she went by at the time and the name listed in court documents). The women recounted a deep friendship that turned to sisterhood which then turned dark.

Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO
Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO

Hustlers Story

Scafaria read Pressler’s article, the filmmaker tells TIME, she “found it to be a fascinating friendship story at its core.” She says she knew that if she were to adapt this story for the screen, it had to come from Pressler’s article, rather than court documents and tabloids. This way, a character based on Pressler could serve as a stand-in for the viewer, allowing the audience to empathize with the characters. “I thought that Jessica and Rosie’s relationship was incredibly interesting — the relationship between a storyteller and their subject,” Scafaria says.

Some details of what the Special Narcotics Prosecutor called “repugnant scheme” altered for the film. Scafaria set out to be faithful to the story Pressler wrote, even cutting out the movie’s sound at one point when a recorder used by the movie’s reporter (who is based on Pressler and played by Julia Stiles) is flipped off. She changed the names of the leading women: Roselyn Keo becomes Destiny, played by Constance Wu; Jennifer Lopez’s character, Ramona, is inspired by Barbash. Her business partners, Karina Pascucci and Marsi Rosen, are loosely translated into Annabelle (Lili Reinhart) and Mercedes (Keke Palmer). Cardi B, Lizzo, and a male R&B star (whose identity is best left to viewers to learn upon watching the film) make appearances in the movie, too.

“The responsibility to the truth and what happened,” Scafaria says, “and it’s not a black and white story, after all.”

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Cardi B And JLo Are Fur Queens

Where did Jlo buy Fox Coat

Cardi B and Jlo Are Majestic In Furs

All Hail The Queens of Fur

JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Marc Kaufman Fur For Hustlers Movie
Cardi B And JLO Are Fur Queens. JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Marc Kaufman Golden Island Fox Fur For Hustlers Movie.

Cardi B and JLO are fur queens. Both A listers rocked New York City this past week of April,2019. JLO shut it down on the set of her new movie with Cardi B “HUSTLERS”. The movie is based on the true story of a trio of strippers that fleeced rich wall street types at Larry Flynt’s Hustlers Club in New York City. Jennifer Lopez rocked a Marc Kaufman Furs original full length golden isle fox fur coat on the set of the movie.


JLO snuggling with Constance Wu wearing a fabulous lynx stroller.

Cardi B And JLO Are Fur Queens
Cardi B And JLO Are Fur Queens
JLo Lynx Coat
JLO Lynx Coat Constance Wu

In the same week, Cardi B adorned a smoking hot statement-making fur coat for an event in New York City in 60 plus degree weather. It was for the BeautyCon event held in New York City. Both ladies ran afoul of fringe activist group PETA. In the end, it only did not matter. Jennifer and Cardi rocked the New York City entertainment and fashion realms.

New York City Fur Industry Is Alive and Well

The fur industry in New York City, the United States of America the world, is alive and well. The fur industry in New York City alone contributed 400 million to the cities bottom line for 2018. Fringe groups such as PETA have attempted to paint the fur trade as a business in decline. They cite designer brands have been forced to abandon their fur manufacturing due to the ongoing harassment and vilification from the PETA group. They fail to mention that this is not the same as killing customer demand. Customer demand for fur related products is strong as ever and growing. Baby boomers to millennials continue to purchase fur coats and fur related products for their practicality and overall aesthetic. There is no end to this classic accessory that has been around and sought after for centuries.


Marc Kaufman Furs: Furrier Amongst Furriers

Where did Jlo buy Fox Coat
JLO Jennifer Lopez Fox Fur Coat
Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO
Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO

Marc Kaufman Furs has provided the best in fur design and production for nearly 150 years. They are five generations strong. They have serviced all manner of clients from royalty to commoner for the past three centuries. Marc Kaufman Furs is the furrier of choice for countless celebrities. JLO needed a statement fur for the movie Hustlers with Cardi B. As a result their wardrobe staff reached out to Marc Kaufman Furs which found this perfect golden island fox coat. Their flagship store located at 212 West 30th Street, New York, New York,10001. Marc Kaufman has an online global sales store that never sleeps.

Don’t believe the hype. Fur is here to stay. Seek out Marc Kaufman Furs for all of your fur related needs.


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JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Marc Kaufman Furs

JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Fur Coat Hustler Movie

Jenny Back On The Block In Golden Island Fox and Lynx Fur Coat

Who Said Fur Is Not En Vogue Anymore ?

JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Marc Kaufman Fur For Hustlers Movie
JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Marc Kaufman Fur For Hustlers Movie

Jennifer Lopez rocks a Marc Kaufman Fur. The set of her new movie HUSTLERS with Cardi B and Lili Reinhart has the entire film industry buzzing. Hustlers is currently in production in New York City. The movie revolves around three female strippers (exotic dancers) who ally. The sole purpose of this alliance is to seduce and rob rich and powerful men who patronize their strip club. It’s The Wolf Of Wall Street meets Jurassic World. The movie is a drama based on a true story of what transpired at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club during the financial crash that started in 2007.

JLO Dazzles In Fur

JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Marc Kaufman Fur For Hustlers Movie
JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Marc Kaufman Fur For Hustlers Movie

Jennifer Lopez currently turned 49 years of age. She has maintained an excellent, fit physique. JLO’s form and figure accentuated in the film Hustlers. The selection of body-conforming, tight attire was purposeful. The film highlights nightlife in the upscale New York City gentlemen’s clubs (upscale strip clubs). Jennifer’s wardrobe is visually sexy and striking. All looks selected with top name brand designers in mind.

JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Marc Kaufman Fur For Hustlers Movie
JLO Jennifer Lopez Rocks Marc Kaufman Fur For Hustlers Movie


JLo and Constance Wu cuddling with a fabulous Canadian lynx coat.

JLo Lynx Coat
JLO Lynx Coat Constance Wu


Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO
Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO

Then there is the fantastic full-length fox fur coat from Marc Kaufman Furs she adorns for a scene in the movie. The fox fur coat is a show stopper. It is also a Marc Kaufman Furs original. Once again, Marc Kaufman Furs was the celebrity furrier of choice to provide this stellar fur outerwear piece.

Marc Kaufman Furs: The A Lister’s Preferred Furrier

Joe Namth Marc Kaufman Furs
Joe Namth Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur is alive and well and sought after in 2020. Contrary to the erroneous view of fringe groups such as PETA, furs will long be a desired and practical fashion component for many. Marc Kaufman Furs continues to provide proof of this. For nearly 150 years and five generations, Marc Kaufman Furs has serviced thousands of fur lovers the world over.
The Kaufman’s are premier furriers.

Custom Designed Fur coats and fur accessory design and production are their forte. Marc Kaufman Furs is second to none. They have the history to back it up. Their flagship store located at 212 West 30th Street, New York, New York,10001. Their online sales store is accessible 24 hours a day,365 days a year, worldwide.

You do not have to be a celebrity to own a Marc Kaufman Furs original fur piece. Reach out and request your desired style and fit. Marc Kaufman Furs will handle the rest. Customer approved for three centuries; Marc Kaufman Furs will take care of you.

This amazing fur was purchased for Jennifer Lopez from Marc Kaufman Furs of NY