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Furs Rock In 2020 Best Furs on Earth

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2020 is the year of the contemporary fur. The winter season is in full swing, and the collective fashion consciousness gears towards clothing articles that generate warmth and glamour. Fur enters stage right. Marc Kaufman continues to push the envelope on the fur lifestyle. Their followers are legion and are ever-growing. Our collection of coats has grown exponentially in style and color patterns. The fits are even more precise. The statements are bold.

Sexy in Mink

Sexy in Mink

Furs rock in 2020. Furs continues to rock on our social media sites on Facebook and Instagram. We intend to surround you with the Marc Kaufman fur experience every minute of the day. Our high-quality garments and competitive pricing set us apart from other furriers.

Blue Iris Mink Stroller Silver Fox Collar

Blue Iris Mink Stroller Silver Fox Collar

Finally, to reiterate, furs rock in 2020. Even our friends over at Rogue Music Store agree (how else do you think we got the guitar in insert pic number 2 ?). So we wade into 2020 full of excitement and a ton of hot looking for all shapes, sizes, and occasions. Men, women, and children comprise our customer base. If we do not have it, we can make it on-premises at our NYC sales store at 212 w 30th street, NY. Come in and see us and rock out with a fur( or two, or three). Marc Kaufman is your destination store for the ultimate experience.

Marc Kaufman, 212 West 30th street,NY,NY,10001, 212-563-3877 

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