
The Benefits of Wearing the Best Fur Coats

We see that most fur-lovers stay away from buying the best fur coats because of the negative press they receive. However, there are numerous reasons to wear fur. Wearing furs is a matter of one’s personal choice. The only reason we see active-press against real fur products is that they define luxury and fashion.

Oatmeal Mist Alpaca Jacket Fox

Oatmeal Mist Alpaca Jacket Fox Trim Size Medium 8484

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing an amazing fox trim jacket

We will provide you with all benefits of wearing real fur coats. Once you realize the benefits and advantages of real furs, you will understand why this industry is flourishing. The unique benefits and advantages of furs will help you understand the real fur trade’s dynamics and its nature.

Real fur coats and accessories can be the best investment that you make for your wardrobe. Let us start with confronting the propaganda against real furs.

Associating Real Furs with Sophistication

While surfing through the fashion industry, we see that the leading models and celebrities own luxurious vintage fur coats. Thus, it is clear that people actively associate real fur coats with glamour and sophistication. That is the sole point-of-rage for the anti-fur activists. They comprehend it by saying that fur coats are not one’s necessity. They relate it with the spoils that only riches can afford them. Thus, they stand against it and remark real furs as something unnecessary. Furthermore, anti-fur activists often associate animal cruelty with real furs. They disregard entirely that real furs are a necessity, provided the harsh winters that visit west every year.

The Reality of Warm Clothes

All practical warm clothes come from animals, whether it’s wool, zibeline, cashmere, or wild silk. Plastics can never substitute the warmth, comfort, and coziness that animal-made products can provide. In addition to that, plastics are doing nothing useful to the planet as well. If real fur manufacturing involves animal-harm, plastics are non-biodegradable and non-renewable. Thus, faux furs are actively contributing towards planetary-level damage.

One of the many benefits of real furs is that they are biodegradable. Also, the farmers can always rehabilitate the animals used to make those furs. The real fur trade never uses any endangered category of animals to manufacture furs or pelts. The anti-fur exorcism is something that one must not be afraid of because fake furs aren’t benefiting the environment either.

Black Velvet Chinchilla Jacket 8441

Black Velvet Chinchilla Jacket 8441

Alt Image Text: A woman looking lavish in chinchilla jacket

Benefits and Advantages of Real Fur Coats

Wearing real fur coats, capes, strollers, and other accessories offers you many benefits. Let us see the aspects that an anti-fur activist would fear to confront. There are several benefits of wearing real fur articles that people often miss out on. In this section, we will explain the amazing benefits of using real fur coats and accessories. By the end of this blog, you will realize why having a new or used real fur coat is the best investment for your wardrobe. Let us discuss them in the section below:

1.  Protect You and Your Health

If you live in a frigid climate, wearing real furs can benefit you. They can protect you from harsh weather, cold winds, unexpected rains, and snowfalls. Wearing real furs can make commutation easy for you. The chances of you getting sick because of the obtuse temperature will dramatically drop, thus, protecting you and your health.

2.  The Warmest Material Around

Did you know that fur is the warmest material around? It is the reason people have been using animal pelts since historical times. If you take good care of your furs, they can last for decades. You can even pass it down to your generations. They can provide comfort and warmth not just to you but also to your coming generations. You can wear your fur accessories throughout the year, depending on the region where you live. Real fur coats and accessories are the best investment that you can ever make.

3. Fabulous Aesthetic Benefits

While we discussed the practical benefits of real furs, these coats offer many aesthetic offerings. As history tells us, people used to present the rarest animal pelts to their kings and queens as gifts. Thus, it associates luxury and royalty with furs. Real fur coats never go out of fashion. In fact, they remain aesthetically pleasing and timelessly classic. You can always add real fur hood trims and accessories to your dull leather jacket to add a little sass. Furs come with impressive creativity. You can pair them with everything. Whether it is your denim, turtlenecks, or fancy dresses, you can complement everything with a real fur coat.

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4. It Might Last for An Era

You must have heard about the durability of real fur coats? In many families, the elders pass their vintage fur coats down to their generations as an important family heirloom. Once you purchase a real fur coat, you are all set for many winters that are yet to come. They do not last for just one or two years; they last for decades. You will definitely find yourself replacing your other winter clothes more often. Nevertheless, the durability of real fur coats and accessories highly depends on how you care for them. They will only last for decades if you give them the care and conditioning that they deserve.

5. A Big Environmental Help

The first question that glitters one’s mind after reading this heading is “how real furs help the environment?” We are here to explain it to you. Did you know that animals are one of naturally renewable resource? If the industry takes appropriate steps for optimal animal breeding and care, the animals will never go extinct. In addition to that, fur ethics ensure that the manufacturers do not harm any endangered species. In comparison, human-made furs (faux/ fake furs) take hundreds of years to break down. However, when it comes to real furs, they naturally degrade and reduce. Thus, becoming an eco-friendly resource.

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Alt Image Text: A woman wearing chinchilla stroller with black jeggings

Final Word

We see that there are several beautiful aspects of real fur coats. Behind all the anti-fur noise, these benefits are overlooked. Nevertheless, we have highlighted them for you. If you are a fur lover, you do not have to pay heed to what others say. Wearing real or fake fur is the question of personal choice, not animal welfare.

Thus, if you are someone who can’t resist real furs, Marc Kaufman is the right choice for you. We have the most beautiful collection of unique designer fur coats and shearlings. We offer new and used real fur coats at the most reasonable prices. You can purchase your favorite fur coat by contacting us today!

In addition to selling fur coats and accessories, we also provide the most optimal fur maintenance, cleaning, repair, and storage services. Whether you have a fur coat or desiring to purchase one, the most professional furrier has got your back.