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Five Wardrobe Essentials to Fight the Canadian Winters!

Five Wardrobe Essentials to Fight the Canadian Winters!

If Canada is ever known for something, it is its winters. The winter season can be exceptionally harsh in this beautiful country. The months December, January, and February are the harshest for the Canadians. Often times, people are unable to even leave their homes due to the extreme climate. Five wardrobe essentials to fight. The winter weather can start as early as November and last through April’s first week.

Usually, it is cold in most of Canada except for the BC coast, where you can enjoy moderate winter compared to the rest of Canada. There is little snow there too. If you love to ski, you should opt for places near Whistler, British Colombia.

Calgary does not get much snow; however, places like Banff and Canmore may experience snow that is about 2 feet deep. Isn’t it crazy? Keeping warm may become a challenging task, especially if you are outdoors.

Eastern Canada includes Toronto and Montreal, experience a very fierce winter where the average temperature is -20 degrees.

Canada in style

If there is anyone who knows how to dress in winters, it is the Canadians. Who could do better than them? The majority of the time, Canadians are fighting the winter; however, these people have learned to make the most of the gloomy winter nights over the years. How so? Five wardrobe essentials to fight. Well, fashion makes everything better. Keeping warm is the priority; however, Canadians do not come slow when looking their best, even at the worst time of the year.

There is no surprise that some states in the US also experience some harsh cold months. However, our neighbor’s have it worst. There is a joke that goes around that Canada has two seasons a year- winter and July.

What is popular in Canada?

People often try to make the most of their situation in the winters. They have to keep themselves warm and look stylish too. Hence they look towards designers that allow that to happen. Fur has been an essential part of Canadian culture. People in Canada do not like to step out of their warm homes in 2 or more feet deep snow without fur. Hence, these natural beauties are an essential and a wardrobe must-have in everyone’s home. However, not all designers do a great job with fur. Five wardrobe essentials to fight. Many of these designers do not sell appealing fur coats or fur accessories that go well with your style. Hence we have heard only a few names such as Marc Kaufman to be popular amongst Canadians. If you have a Marc Kaufman in your wardrobe, you are styling yourself the right way this winter.

What kind of fur is popular?

Canadians do not discriminate between the type of fur they wear. However, the most common ones found in their furry wardrobes are mink fur, chinchilla fur, and fox fur. These fur have the potential to keep you insulated, all the while making you look chic. Their material is exceptionally soft and cozy. Five wardrobe essentials to fight. Women like to possess fur capes too. Some of them love to look a bit different, especially if they are wearing capes. You could wear just about any kind of dress underneath and have fur wrapped around you that keeps you warm.

Word of caution

Even though Canadians are prominent on fur, there is a big responsibility to invest in one. Hence, if you plan to move to Canada soon or are visiting there, or you already reside there and are thinking of ways to keep yourself warm and cozy, then the fur is your best option. However, it comes to a lot of significant responsibilities. Getting a fur coat or fur cape is like adopting a newborn child. There are many ways it can get damaged if it is not looked after properly. Yes, you read that right.

Just like a child needs love and affection, fur needs to be kept in a cool place. You cannot possibly think about rolling your fur wearable and squeezing it in your closet. It will get damaged very quickly, which will destroy irreversibly. It is not like any other wearable material like cotton or leather. The fur is accurate, and it needs cleaning and regular maintenance. So if you are planning on buying a Marc Kaufman fur coat, then be sure that you will need to look after it properly.

What comes next?

Apart from fur, we have many other options to keep yourself in style while being warm. However, if you are not sure what wearables you can get, you are in the right place. In this blog, we have listed five options for you that will help you rock your lock in the snowy winters of Canada. Don’t worry; we have made sure that you stay warm and cozy this season without worrying about a fashion miscarriage. So keep reading.

White chinchilla coat

What is popular this season is Marc Kaufman’s long winter fur coat. White goes with the snowy winters of Canada. So get your hands on them as soon as you can before the stock runs out.

Parachute jacket

This one goes well with a moderate winter breeze. If you live on the coastal side, perhaps you can have a parachute jacket in your wardrobe.


Never thought about keeping your ears warm? Canadian winters can be brutal to your ears, face, and nose. Hence having Marc Kaufman’s earmuff is a necessity and not a luxury.

Fuchsia Jacket

Noting better than fox fur to keep you warm this season, hence get your hands on Marc Kaufman’s latest Fuchsia Fox fur horizontal jacket and rock your winters in style.

Fur headband

Like we read above, another winter must-have for you this season is a Marc Kaufman fur headband. You would not want to get sick this season as the cold winds can get inside the head.

Final word

Canada is a great place to live a quality life. However, its winters can be cruel to many. Hence the only way to fight it is through Marc Kaufman’s latest winter collection. Get your hands on your coats right away.