Mink Fur Coats

Full-Length Mink Coats - Explore a Wide Selection at NYC’s Premier Fur Store

Showing all 87 results

Floral Mink Coat

Floral Mink Coat Fox Trim 32226

Full Length Black Mink Coat

Full Length Black Mink Coat 9222

Sale! Original price was: $10,925.00.Current price is: $5,744.25.
Blackglama Mink Coat

Full Length Blackglama Mink Coat 73732

Blackglama Mink Coat Notch Collar

Blackglama Mink Coat Notch Collar 38333

Demi Mink Coat

Casual Demi Mink Coat White Mink Notched Collar 83373

Sale! Original price was: $13,225.00.Current price is: $6,894.25.
Demi Mink Coat Horizontal

Demi Mink Coat Horizontal 82727

Sale! Original price was: $10,925.00.Current price is: $5,744.25.
Full Length Ranch Mink Coat

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat 837373

Chartreuse Green Mink Coat

Chartreuse Green Mink Coat Full Length 9444

royal blue mink coat

Royal Blue Mink Coat Full Length 6522

Camouflage Full Length Mink Coat

Camouflage Full Length Mink Coat 3454

Rainbow Full Length Mink Coat

Rainbow Full Length Mink Coat 9812

Mahogany Mink Horizontal Coat

Mahogany Mink Horizontal Coat 844

Sale! Original price was: $4,594.25.Current price is: $2,294.25.
White Mink Coat Full Length

White Mink Coat Full Length 8448

Classic Blackglama Mink Coat

Classic Blackglama Mink Coat 4837

Custom Designed White Mink Men's Fur Coat

Custom Designed White Mink Men’s Fur Coat 2344

Ranch Mink Coat Black Fox Collar Cuffs Border

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat Black Fox Collar Cuffs Border 88844

Sale! Original price was: $10,925.00.Current price is: $4,594.25.
Designer Turquoise Blue and lilac Fill length Mink Coat

Designer Turquoise Blue and lilac Full length Mink Coat 92929

Sale! Original price was: $33,925.00.Current price is: $20,125.00.
Fuchsia Mink Coat White Mink Fronts

Fuchsia Mink Coat White Mink Fronts 1233

Tourmaline Mink Coat Horizontal Full Length

Tourmaline Mink Coat Horizontal Full Length 8383

Hot Pink Mink Coat

Hot Pink Mink Coat 28383

Sale! Original price was: $5,744.25.Current price is: $3,099.25.
Purple Mink Coat Chinchilla Collar Cuffs

Purple Mink Swing Coat Chinchilla Trim 9421

Sale! Original price was: $14,375.00.Current price is: $6,894.25.
Tiffany Blue Dyed Mink Coat

Tiffany Blue Mink Coat Fox Collar Trimmings 88988

Sale! Original price was: $10,925.00.Current price is: $4,479.25.
Yellow Mink Coat

Yellow Mink Coat Matching Mink Skirt 83838

Red Mink Stroller Fox Border

Red Mink Stroller Fox Border 85858

Sale! Original price was: $10,925.00.Current price is: $4,479.25.
Designer Lavender Mink Coat

Full Length Designer Lavender Mink Coat 6334

Sale! Original price was: $6,894.25.Current price is: $4,594.25.
Sapphire Full Length Mink Coat

Sapphire Full Length Mink Coat Directional 74747

Designer Taupe and White Mink Coat Directional

Full Length Designer Taupe and White Mink Coat Directional 8383

Sale! Original price was: $10,925.00.Current price is: $5,744.25.
Blue Floral Mink Coat

Stylish Blue Floral Mink Coat for Winter Outings at Pretty Places 7373

Sale! Original price was: $5,744.25.Current price is: $3,444.25.
Mahogany Mink Fur Coat Big Rouched Fur Collar Cuffs

Mahogany Mink Fur Coat Big Rouched Fur Collar Cuffs 1235

Mahogany Mink Section Coat Fox Tuxedo and Cuffs

Full Length Mahogany Mink Section Coat Fox Tuxedo and Cuffs 7654

Pink Floral Mink Coat

Pink Floral Mink Stroller 3883

Sale! Original price was: $5,744.25.Current price is: $3,444.25.
Floral Mink Coat

Pink Green Blue Floral Mink Coat 4664

Sale! Original price was: $5,744.25.Current price is: $3,444.25.
Blackglama Full length Mink Coat

5 Star Blackglama Full length Mink Coat 8282

Black Cross Mink Coat Silver Fox Trim

Full Length Black Cross Mink Coat Silver Fox Trim 33838

Sale! Original price was: $9,194.25.Current price is: $4,594.25.
Sapphire Directional Mink Coat

Full Length Sapphire Directional Mink Coat 8585

Sale! Original price was: $20,125.00.Current price is: $10,344.25.
Pink Mink Stroller Pink Fox Trim

Pink Mink Stroller Pink Fox Trim 4994

Sale! Original price was: $10,925.00.Current price is: $4,479.25.
Red Pink Floral Mink Fluffy Red Tipped Fur Collar

The Artistry of Mink and Fluffy Fur The Flower Garden 8282

Sale! Original price was: $17,244.25.Current price is: $5,744.25.
The Garden of Eden in Mink

The Garden of Eden in Mink 8878

Sale! Original price was: $17,244.25.Current price is: $5,744.25.
Black Cross mink Coat Silver Fox Trim

Black Cross Mink Coat Silver Fox Trim 88444

Sale! Original price was: $9,194.25.Current price is: $4,594.25.
Blackglama Mink Coat

Full Length 5 Star Blackglama Mink Coat 3492

Floral Mink Coat

Beautiful Floral Mink Coat 3833

Sale! Original price was: $5,744.25.Current price is: $3,444.25.
Demi Mink Coat Crystal Fox Tuxedo

Full Length Demi Mink Coat Crystal Fox Tuxedo 7221

Amazing Designer Mink Coat Fox Trim

Amazing Designer Mink Coat Fox Trim 4223

Sale! Original price was: $5,744.25.Current price is: $3,444.25.
Picasso Sheared Mink Coat

Picasso Sheared Mink Coat 888766

Designer Beautiful Flowered Mink Coat

Designer Beautiful Flowered Mink Coat

Sale! Original price was: $5,744.25.Current price is: $3,444.25.
Blue Iris Mink Coat Indigo Fox Fronts

Blue Iris Mink Coat Indigo Fox Fronts 64633

Sapphire Mink Fur Stroller

Sapphire Mink Fur Stroller #1995

Sale! Original price was: $10,925.00.Current price is: $4,594.25.
mink fur coat

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat Black Fox Fur Tuxedo Trim Fronts #2112

Fushia Mink Coat Designer Print

Fuchsia Mink Coat Designer Print 664

Sale! Original price was: $5,744.25.Current price is: $3,444.25.
black mink coat

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat White Mink Trim 8833

Sale! Original price was: $9,194.25.Current price is: $4,019.25.
Demi Mink Coat Princess Cut

Demi Mink Coat Princess Cut 2383

White Mink Fur Coat with White Fox Fur Tuxedo Trim

White Mink Fur Coat with White Fox Fur Tuxedo Trim #0986

Sale! Original price was: $12,075.00.Current price is: $6,319.25.
Full Length Ranch Mink Coat with Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Trim Chinchilla Collar Cuffs

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat with Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Trim Chinchilla Collar Cuffs #01628

Sale! Original price was: $17,245.40.Current price is: $10,925.00.
designer ranch mink fur coat

Full Length Classic Designer Ranch Mink Fur Coat Shawl Collar Turn Back Cuffs #316


Fushia Mink Coat Fox Trim 6464

Sale! Original price was: $8,044.25.Current price is: $2,869.25.
mahogany mink fur coat

Classic Full Length Mahogany Mink Fur Coat Shawl Collar Turn Back Cuffs #317

Full Length Ranch Hair Up Hair Down Mink Fur Coat

Full Length Ranch Hair Up Hair Down Mink Fur Coat #8789

Mink coat fur coat

White Mink Coat Chinchilla Fur Trim 8899

mink coat russian sable


Sale! Original price was: $28,750.00.Current price is: $13,225.00.
tye dyed reversible sheared mink fur coat

Sheared Mink Coat Dyed Silver Fox Collar 74658

Sale! Original price was: $9,194.25.Current price is: $4,594.25.
full length mahogany mink for coat

Mahogany Female Mink Coat Full Length Directional Design 8441

Full Length Whiskey Mink Coat

Whiskey Mink Fur Coat Full Length Ruffled Shawl Collar 449

Sale! Original price was: $14,375.00.Current price is: $6,894.25.
Whiskey Mink Coat Fox Tuxedo

Whiskey Mink Fur Coat Matching Fox Fur Tuxedo 873

Sale! Original price was: $13,225.00.Current price is: $5,744.25.
Marc Kaufman Furs presents a sheared mink chinchilla fur coat from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Portugal, fur coats in Madrid

Full Length Mink Coat Chinchilla Tuxedo Cuffs 14472


Blackglama Mink Fur Coat 2195

Sale! Original price was: $14,375.00.Current price is: $9,194.25.
Blackgame Directional Mink Coat with Hood

Blackglama Directional Mink Coat with Hood 2095

Sale! Original price was: $14,375.00.Current price is: $8,044.25.
Petite Demi Mink Coat

Petite Demi Mink Coat Directional Bottom 88002


Cayenne Red Mink Coat Matching Sable Fur Collar 12476

Whiskey mink Fur Coat Ruffled Mink Trim Skin on Skin 91166

Whiskey mink Fur Coat Ruffled Mink Trim Skin on Skin Shawl Collar 91166

Classic Full Length Mahogany Mink Fur Coat Marc Kaufman Furs NYC

Mahogany Mink Coat Full Length Ruffled Collar With Ruffled Mink Cuffs 249

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a blackglama mink coat with chinchilla cross cut shawl collar from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Argentina, fur coats in Chile, fur coats in Venezuela, fur coats in Australia, fur coats in Belgium,fur coats in Netherlands, fur coats in Norway,fur coats in Sweden,fur coats in Dubais,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Kuwait, fur coats in South Africa,fur coats in Tunisia,fur coats in the Falklands

Blackglama Mink Coat Chinchilla Cross Cut Shawl Collar 942

Marc Kaufman Furs presents a black sheared mink coat with chinchilla tuxedo from Marc Kaufman Furs New York City,Fur coats in Argentina, fur coats in Chile, fur coats in Venezuela, fur coats in Australia, fur coats in Belgium,fur coats in Netherlands, fur coats in Norway,fur coats in Sweden,fur coats in Dubais,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Kuwait, fur coats in South Africa,fur coats in Tunisia,fur coats in the Falklands

Black Sheared Mink Fur Coat Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Cuffs 7155

Whiskey Mink Fur Coat Russian Golden Sable Collar 8899

Whiskey Mink Fur Coat Russian Golden Sable Collar 8899


Whiskey Directional Mink Fur Coat 9711

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat Russian Sable Tuxedo and Russian Sable Cuffs 7796

sheared mink coat with lynx collar

Sheared Mink Coat with Canadian Lynx Collar Hood 7788


Full Length Whiskey Mink Coat Directional 2326


Full length Blackglama Ranch Mink Swing Fur Coat Demi Mink Fur Inserts 9922

Whiskey Directional Mink Coat

Full Length Whiskey Mink Coat Directional 8456


Camel Sheared Full Length Mink Coat Chinchilla Chinchilla Trim 7788

Whiskey Mink Coat Russian Golden Sable

Whiskey Mink Coat Russian Golden Sable Tuxedo 2194

Sale! Original price was: $28,750.00.Current price is: $13,225.00.
Amazing Magnificent Sheared Mink Coat Canadian Lynx Hood Full Length Fur Store Marc Kaufman Furs NYC Ski Resort Best Furs

Sheared Mink Fur Coat Canadian Lynx Collar Hood 8862


Full Length Whiskey Mink Coat Directional Swirls 7744

Mahogany Red Full Length Mink Coat Russian Sable Fur Collar

Fabulous Mahogany Mink Coat Matching Russian Sable Collar 995

Marc Kaufman Furs Presents a green chinchilla fur coat with chinchilla fur tuxedo cuffs from Marc Kaufman Furs New York,Fur coats in Argentina, fur coats in Chile, fur coats in Venezuela, fur coats in Australia, fur coats in Belgium,fur coats in Netherlands, fur coats in Norway,fur coats in Sweden,fur coats in Dubais,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Kuwait, fur coats in South Africa,fur coats in Tunisia,fur coats in the Falklands

Mint Green Sheared Mink Coat Chinchilla Trim #9255

Marc Kaufman Furs Presents a dark brown mahogany mink fur coat with chinchilla fur collar from Marc Kaufman Furs New York,Fur coats in Baltimore, fur coats in Chicago, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in Los Angeles, fur coats in Detroit, fur coats in orange county, fur coats in Atlanta, fur coats in Denver, fur coats in Dallas, fur coats in Seattle, fur coats in Portland, fur coats in Santiago, fur coats in Portugal, fur coats in Madrid

Mahogany Mink Fur Coat Chinchilla Wing Collar Cuffs #8574

Marc Kaufman Furs Presents a blackglama mink fur coat with chinchilla fur wing collar and mink belt from Marc Kaufman Furs New York,Fur coats in Argentina, fur coats in Chile, fur coats in Venezuela, fur coats in Australia, fur coats in Belgium,fur coats in Netherlands, fur coats in Norway,fur coats in Sweden,fur coats in Dubais,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Kuwait, fur coats in South Africa,fur coats in Tunisia,fur coats in the Falklands

Blackglama Mink Coat Chinchilla Collar Cuffs #09873


Mink Fur Coats – Timeless Luxury & Elegance

Discover Our Exclusive Collection

Indulge in luxury with our premium fur coats, designed for both elegance and warmth. Our collection features mid-length and full-length styles, making them perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re dressing for a formal event or upgrading your winter wardrobe, our designs add sophistication and comfort.

Why Choose Our Fur Collection?

Our luxurious outerwear is made from the finest materials to ensure exceptional softness and durability. Every piece showcases expert craftsmanship, making it a standout addition to your wardrobe.

  • Elegant Designs: Choose from classic and modern styles.
  • Unmatched Comfort: Enjoy plush textures that provide cozy warmth.
  • Timeless Appeal: Invest in fashion that lasts for years.

Elevate Your Style with Luxury Fur

A high-quality fur coat is more than just clothing—it’s a statement of refinement. Moreover, with a wide range of colors and styles available, finding the perfect fit has never been easier.

Shop the Finest Selection Today

At Marc Kaufman Furs, we are committed to exceptional quality and customer satisfaction. Browse our exclusive collection and experience the elegance of authentic fur fashion. Need assistance? Our experts are always ready to help.

Upgrade your wardrobe today—experience true luxury with our finest selection!

Minks are highly valued for their unparalleled softness, luxurious feel, and durability. Their versatile elegance makes them suitable for both casual and formal occasions.

Yes, minks come in various styles, including full-length coats, shorter jackets, and reversible designs. They also feature different types of collars and closures to suit individual preferences.

Absolutely! We offer custom design services allowing you to select the length, color, collar style, and other details to create a unique mink coat tailored to your specifications.

While natural mink colors include shades of brown, black, and white, mink coats can also be dyed in a wide array of colors, from classic neutrals to vibrant hues. At Marc Kaufman Furs, we offer an extensive palette of fur coat colors to select from.

It's important to try on different sizes and styles to find the best fit. Consider whether you'll be wearing thick layers underneath and ensure there's enough room for comfort and movement.

Store your mink in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and heat. Use a padded hanger and a breathable garment bag. For optimal care, consider Marc Kaufman Furs' professional storage services.

The fur industry follows guidelines and regulations to ensure the ethical treatment of animals. We source our pelts from reputable suppliers who adhere to these standards, ensuring responsible purchasing.