
Reasons to Purchase Real Fur

Horizontal Whiskey Mink Jacket

Horizontal Whiskey Mink Jacket

Real Fur is Biodegradable Which is Great For The Planet

  1. Exceptional Warmth: Fur coats are renowned for their insulating properties, providing warmth in cold weather.
  2. Timeless Elegance: Fur coats have a classic and luxurious aesthetic, adding sophistication to your wardrobe.
  3. Durability: High-quality fur coats can last for years with proper care, making them an enduring investment.
  4. Customization: Fur coats can be tailored to your preferences, allowing you to choose fur types, colors, and styles.
  5. Unique and Eye-Catching: Wearing a fur coat can make a fashion statement and draw attention.

    Horizontal Chinchilla Coat

    Horizontal Chinchilla Coat

  6. Resale Value: Well-maintained fur coats can retain their value or even appreciate over time, potentially serving as a financial asset.
  7. Cultural or Traditional Significance: Fur garments hold cultural or traditional importance in some societies and may be worn for specific occasions.
  8. Sustainability Considerations: When sourced responsibly from ethical and regulated fur farms, fur can be considered sustainable, as it uses the entire animal and minimizes waste.
  9. Natural Material: Fur is biodegradable, contrasting with synthetic alternatives made from petrochemicals.
  10. Comfort: Fur coats are soft and comfortable to wear, providing a luxurious feel.

    Designer Lavender Mink Coat

    Designer Lavender Mink Coat

  11. Vintage and Retro Appeal: Vintage fur coats are prized for their unique style and historical charm.
  12. Status Symbol: Throughout history, fur has been a symbol of luxury and social status.
  13. Photography and Film: Some individuals purchase fur coats for specific artistic projects, such as photography sessions or film productions.
  14. Artistic Expression: Fur coats can be used in artistic and creative expressions, including fashion photography and art installations.
  15. Personal Preference: Fashion choices are subjective, and if you genuinely appreciate the aesthetics and tactile sensation of fur, you may choose to buy a fur coat for personal enjoyment.

    Sapphire Directional Mink Coat

    Sapphire Directional Mink Coat

  16. Collectibility: Fur coats can be collectible items, appealing to enthusiasts and collectors.
  17. Climate: In regions with extremely cold climates, fur coats can be practical for staying warm.
  18. Vintage Fur: Some individuals prefer vintage fur coats, appreciating the history and craftsmanship associated with older pieces.
  19. Generational Heirloom: Fur coats can be passed down through generations, becoming family heirlooms.
  20. Supporting Ethical Practices: If you can find fur coats from ethical sources that prioritize animal welfare, you may feel more comfortable with your purchase.
  21. Marc Kaufman Furs