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20 Reasons to Purchase a Fur Coat

Violet fox jacket

20 Reasons to Purchase a Fur Coat, If you can find fur coats from ethical sources that prioritize animal welfare.

Horizontal Whiskey Mink Jacket
Horizontal Whiskey Mink Jacket

Real Fur is Biodegradable Which is Great For The Planet

  1. Exceptional Warmth: Fur coats are renowned for their insulating properties, providing warmth in cold weather.
  2. Timeless Elegance: Fur coats have a classic and luxurious aesthetic, adding sophistication to your wardrobe.
  3. Durability: High-quality fur coats can last for years with proper care, making them an enduring investment.
  4. Customization: Fur coats can be tailored to your preferences, allowing you to choose fur types, colors, and styles.
  5. Unique and Eye-Catching: Wearing a fur coat can make a fashion statement and draw attention.
Horizontal Chinchilla Coat
Horizontal Chinchilla Coat
  • Resale Value: Well-maintained fur coats can retain their value or even appreciate over time, potentially serving as a financial asset.
  • Cultural or Traditional Significance: Fur garments hold cultural or traditional importance in some societies and may be worn for specific occasions.
  • Sustainability Considerations: When sourced responsibly from ethical and regulated fur farms, fur can be considered sustainable, as it uses the entire animal and minimizes waste.
  • Natural Material: Fur is biodegradable, contrasting with synthetic alternatives made from petrochemicals.
  • Comfort: Fur coats are soft and comfortable to wear, providing a luxurious feel.
  • Designer Lavender Mink Coat
    Designer Lavender Mink Coat
  • Vintage and Retro Appeal: Vintage fur coats are prized for their unique style and historical charm.
  • Status Symbol: Throughout history, fur has been a symbol of luxury and social status.
  • Photography and Film: Some individuals purchase fur coats for specific artistic projects, such as photography sessions or film productions.
  • Artistic Expression: Fur coats can be used in artistic and creative expressions, including fashion photography and art installations.
  • Personal Preference: Fashion choices are subjective, and if you genuinely appreciate the aesthetics and tactile sensation of fur, you may choose to buy a fur coat for personal enjoyment.
  • Sapphire Directional Mink Coat
    Sapphire Directional Mink Coat
  • Collectibility: Fur coats can be collectible items, appealing to enthusiasts and collectors.
  • Climate: In regions with extremely cold climates, fur coats can be practical for staying warm.
  • Vintage Fur: Some individuals prefer vintage fur coats, appreciating the history and craftsmanship associated with older pieces.
  • Generational Heirloom: Fur coats can be passed down through generations, becoming family heirlooms.
  • Supporting Ethical Practices: If you can find fur coats from ethical sources that prioritize animal welfare, you may feel more comfortable with your purchase.
  • Marc Kaufman Furs
  • 20 Reasons to Purchase a Fur Coat, If you can find fur coats from ethical sources that prioritize animal welfare.

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    Everything You Need to Know About Real Fur

    Everything you need to know about real fur

    The fur is the most elegant and timeless material that can be worn as either winter coats, winter shoes, or worn as accessories draped around your bag or phone covers. These natural materials go way back in time and have been a source of warm clothing and fashion statement. About 170,000 years ago, people started to wear real fur in order to survive the merciless winters of the north. Ever since then, they are a prized possession that has elegance and class associated with them. Nevertheless, today in the modern world, the use of fur has become more popular as it is worn on formal occasions and is also worn as casual wear. here is everything you need to know about real fur.

    So if you have planned a brunch with your friends on a winter Sunday, you can wear your favorite fur coat and stand out in the crowd. There are many types of real fur coats that you can enjoy wearing, but all of them require a lot of care and conditioning; otherwise, they will lose their true beauty. Do you want your furs to look bad while we wear them? Perhaps not.

    Word of advice

    Buying a fur coat is like adopting a baby. It needs your love and attention. If you are one of those people who buy expensive things and squeeze them in the closet then, they are not your cup of tea. Before you venture out to buy a fur ornament, whether it be a fur coat, a fur jacket,  fur shawl, etc., you need to know whatever you are buying is it authentic, or is it fake? Real fur and faux fur can look alike. If you are an amateur, you won’t be able to tell the difference. But with the help of this blog, you can understand how to watch for overpriced faux fur. We don’t want to spend too much money on fake fur, do we?

    Canadian Lynx Stroller

    Canadian Lynx Stroller

    Image alt text: A woman wears a Canadian lynx stroller

    Is it real fur?

    The market is full of faux fur. The non furrier may sale you faux fur coat in the name of natural fur coat. These fake furs have become so refine that they look and feel extremely real and you may easily get deceived. However, suppose your goal is to only lookout for the real fur ornaments like fur coats. In that case, you should read below to understand what are the tricks and tips to determine whether the fur you are looking at is real or not.

    Touch test: It is the most straightforward tell-tale trick that you can do. Touch the fur; it should feel soft regardless of the ornament it is. Moreover, fake fur is rough to the touch and is not as soft as one would like. They usually are made with plastic, polyester, or acrylic, which are nowhere near as good as natural fur. Hence make use of your fingers by running through the fur.

    Label Test: Check the label inside the coat or any other ornament. Usually, the label tells the truth. Hence if it’s original, it should mention the country of origin and the brand name. This is a tell-tale sign that the fur you are buying is all original and useful. Look out for fur ornaments that do not have any tags on them. They are often a red flag.

    Hair test: If your fur coat is real, the hair will taper off to a very thin point. The feel of real fur is very soft and starts from the thick hair and ends off with thin hair. Rest assured that fur is real.

    Burn test: This is an undeniable tell-tale sign; nevertheless, we would never recommend you to do it unless you are allowed to do so and are in a safe place. You could take out your fur ornaments’ hair and light fire on them; if they smell like burnt hair, you are dealing with real fur. However, If the fur smells like plastic, you are conned by the seller. here is everything you need to know about real fur. Preferably, you should check the fur article before buying it.

    Lining test: It is another big give-away sign. Nevertheless, we would not recommend that you try this, especially in a store and while you have not even purchased the fur item. Often, fur coats come in zippers and have specific openings that let you touch the coat’s inside lining. However, in some cases, there are no openings, so what do you do then? Hence you may need to cut your beautiful coat. If the fur coat is made from actual fur or animal pelts, you will feel a smooth leather underbelly.

    Keep in mind these tricks and tips before making any purchase. We wouldn’t want you to waste your money.

    Pink Chinchilla Horizontal Jacket 4838

    Pink Chinchilla Horizontal Jacket 4838

    Image alt text: A woman dons a stylish pink chinchilla horizontal jacket

    Types of fur coats

    The fur industry has probably been the most ancient fashion industry there has ever been. For a long, it has been a symbol of class and wealth. There are too many types of fur around us, and the industry has so much more to offer us.

    Here are a few common types of natural furs.

    Mink fur: Mink fur is the purest and highest quality fur available that is very lightweight and it is also the most durable and can last decades if cared well. You can always tell it apart from others as it comes in jaw-dropping shades of brown.

    Sable Fur: this is the fur that stands out for its look and feels. You can tell that you are touching sable fur because it’s very silky and soft. It usually is available in lighter shades, such as either in golden or red-ish brown.

    Chinchilla: These are the most expensive furs that you can get your hands on out there. It is because they are very dense. Moreover, they work very well to keep you warm. If there is a relentless winter and you still want to rock your look, always go for the chinchilla fur coat available in blue-ish grey color.

    Fox fur: If you are an orange lover, fox fur is for you. here is everything you need to know about real fur. Subsequently, they are in abundant supply as you can find fox population just about anywhere in the world. The hair on a fox fur coat is longer than any other coat; hence it is straightforward to tell whether it is a real fox fur or a fake one.

    Lynx fur: If you get your hands on a lynx coat, you are a lucky person. It is because they are scarce to find. They often come in white color with grey spotting on them, and it is one of the most expensive furs to own.

    Oatmeal Mist Alpaca Jacket Fox Trim Size Medium 8484

    Oatmeal Mist Alpaca Jacket Fox Trim Size Medium 8484

    Image alt text: A woman wears an oatmeal mist alpaca jacket fox trim


    We know you are craving some fur. You can find the richest real fur coat collection at Marc Kaufman Fur. Our collection is a mix of timelessness and exquisiteness. Moreover, we also have a large collection of fur accessories that can satisfy your craving of having goods made of fur. We do not want anyone to scam you, hence it is essential that you buy from the most trusted and authentic furrier in the USA.

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    Fur Coat Restyling- Alternatives to Selling your Fur Coat

    Fur Coat Restyling- Alternatives to Selling your Fur Coat

    estylingFur coats have been timeless pieces of fashion statements for a long time. They pass down from generation to generation. In addition to being eternal, they are the most stylish pieces of clothing you could own. While it is true that fur coats never go out of style, you could get tired of wearing the same style again and again.

    Therefore, you might think of selling the coat or possibly donating it. Depending on how much the coat is worth and how emotionally attached one can get to it, restyling your fur coat can give it the much-needed facelift it needs. Be it, Mink Coats or Sable Coats, a furrier can restyle any fur the way you desire.

    Fur is an organic material. Therefore, it can stretch and reconfigure to your liking. Fur coats that are well maintained can be restyled after even a couple of decades. They can also be remodeled into a new fur coat and can transform into hats, scarves, gloves, or even carpets. The most common restyling that is done is to make an existing fur coat into a new style. For example, some people want their long fur coats to be short.

    Marc Kaufman Furs has put together a few ways you can restyle your fur coats:

    Shorten the Hem

    During the 1920s and 1930s, fur coats would usually touch your ankles. The coats would be long and bulky. Hence, women wouldn’t get as much comfort as they wouldn’t have the freedom to move.  So, by making the hem shorter, you can instantly change the look of your coat.

    For example, the Mink coat in the photo seems more chic and stylish after the restyling.

    Mink Fur Coat Remodel

    By raising the hem, your coat will immediately acquire a more modern and fresh look. Of course, the comfort and freedom to move is an added bonus! Lastly, having a shorter hem also saves your fur coat from the wear and tear a longer one usually suffers.

    Get Rid of the Sleeves!

    Fur coats in recent years have transformed and come in various styles. One trend that is extremely popular nowadays is a fur vest. Changing your old fur coat into a fur vest is the chicest restyling you can give to it.

    Purple Raccoon Vest

    A fur vest can be the chic-est item of clothing in your closet. It is the epitome of punk glam and can also give you a sophisticated look with a flair of drama. Furthermore, this is a great way to restyle your fur coat. A vest goes with any outfit you wear – it can be bohemian, chic, classy, or even sporty!

    Sometimes, you can have leftover fur because of the restyling of your fur coat. Therefore, you can experiment with it and create several fur accessories! For example, a handbag, a scarf, a headband, and much more can come out of the leftover fur.

    Consider Changing the Cut

    Restyling your fur coat into a new cut can do wonders.

    Mahogany Mink Coat Restyled

    As seen in the photo, the fur coat cut has changed. The collar has opened up, and the sleeves are tapered. Therefore, the coat looks more modern. Lastly, because the waist has been nipped, it seems much more functional.

    Small changes like restyling the cut can make a huge difference and give your fur coat a completely new look!

    Transform it into a Jacket

    Jackets have been trending in the fashion world for the past thirty years or so. Be it leather, denim, or fur, and jackets are the most “right now” item in your closet. If the fur is not appealing to you anymore like it once was, turn it inside out. For instance, use it as a warm lining for a leather jacket or a raincoat.


    As pictured above, the black jacket looks stunning on the woman. It has a Shearling fur lining, which means it provides all the warmth a fur coat would. So, while staying warm, you can look your most stylish too!

    Furthermore, shearing your coat into a casual jacket can make give it a massive makeover too. For example, you can have the whole coat sheared or keep the fur on the collar or sleeves.

    Women’s Black Shearling Pullover Jacket with Zipper

    Turn it into Accessories

    If you are a fur owner and want to try something new with your old fur coat, take your imagination beyond just changing the garment’s style and cut. For one thing, fur has many purposes. It is not only there to wear a coat or a jacket. For example, you can turn your fur coat into numerous kinds of accessories.

    An old Fox coat can be easily transformed into a beautiful floor rug. Similarly, a Mink coat can be restyled into a warm, comfortable throw or blanket. However, this is not where your imagination should stop. For example, you can transform the fur coat into a beautiful fur bag, as pictured below.

    Baby Pink Fox Fur Bag

    If you live in a place where the weather drops to dangerously cold levels, you want to keep your whole body warm. Therefore, you can transform your fur coat into one of the chicest items ever, a fur bubble hat.

    Red Fox Fur Bubble Hat

    To summarize, you can do so much with your fur coat. A furrier can restyle it into fur earmuffs, a scarf, or a fur hat! So, let your imagination run free and let your creativity out!

    Green Fox Ear Muffs


    Fur coat restyling is the smartest choice when you are bored with your coat. It can take some timebut a trusted furrier can do the job exceptionally well. Rushing a fur restyling job can provide you with a low-quality product, which no one wants.

    As you’ve read in the blog, there are multiple ways you can restyle your fur coat. Who thought you could transform a long Mink coat into a handbag? But, you must be sure about the changes you wish to make.

    In conclusion, we are here to help you with the restyling process. Marc Kaufman Furs is a well-known name in the fur industry. We provide you with nothing other than the best quality fur products available. If you’re bored of your fur coat, fret not! We are here to help you with it.

    We have the expertise and experience you need through the restyling process. Therefore, we can guarantee you will get your desired outcome! Visit our page to see how we can help you restyle your fur coat!

    Let us help you transform your look. You can expect nothing but the best outcome from us!




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    Collection of Mink Coats Fur Coats Fur Jackets

    Amazing Collection of Mink Coats, Fur Coats and Jackets to choose from.

    Large Selection over 3000 furs online.

    Finest American Belly Lynx Fur Stroller White

    Finest American Belly Lynx  Stroller White

    thumb_Mink Coat with Canadian Lynx Collar & Hood-5

    Mink Coat with Canadian Lynx Collar

    Sapphire Mink Fur Jacket Horizontal Stripes

    Sapphire Mink Jacket Horizontal Stripes

    Amazing Full Length Canadian Golden Sable Fur Coat Large Shawl Collar

    Amazing Full Length Canadian Golden Sable Coat Large Shawl Collar. Made in the USA

    Golden Russian Sable Fur Hooded Cape Collar Stroller Made USA

    Golden Russian Sable Hooded Cape Collar Stroller Made USA

    Ranch Mink Jacket Silver Fox Fur Shawl Collar

    Ranch Mink Jacket Silver Fox Shawl Collar

    Fabulous White Mink Stroller Silver Fox Hood

    Fabulous White Mink Stroller Silver Fox Hood 8899


    Black Swakara Russian Sable Collar Cuffs

    Black Swakara Russian Sable Collar Cuffs

    Thank you for shopping Marc Kaufman Fur NYC

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    Fur Coats Red Carpet

    Red carpet Fur coats

    Fur coats on the red carpet

    Fur coats red carpet are generally show stoppers. We revisit the image of Marilyn Monroe again to emphasize this point.High end fur coats are classic and elegant accoutrements that “finish” certain wardrobe selections. The best stylists in the business realize this point. The “wow” factor is hard to come by these days in entertainment. The presence of a coat on the red carpet, adorned by the right individual, can ratchet up the  glamour tempo.


    lady Gaga wears fur coats on the red carpet

    Magnificent fur on the red carpet

    Lady Gaga,always the fashion rebel/icon has long held a reverence for the furs She has appeared on more than just one Hollywood carpet sporting a fox coat. Michael Kors fur coat brand has benefited exponentially from Gaga and her fur wearing ways on the red carpet and at various events.

    Rihanna wears fur coats on red carpets

    Fur coats on red carpets

    Rihanna was the toast of the town at the Met gala recently. Her red carpet fur was simply spectacular(as seen in the image above). Rihanna cemented the import and significance of the red carpet in the most spectacular of ways. Such high end furs are obtainable at only the finest furriers. Marc Kaufman Furs is the premiere source of unique high end furs. Whether for the runway or the everyday walk of life, Marc Kaufman is the preferred choice for fur lovers. Feel free to review his vast selection of fur coats at Marc Kaufman NYC Let Marc Kaufman set you on your fur coat experience!

    What is the history of furs?


    Marc Kaufman , 212 W 30th street, new York,NY, 10001, 212-563-3387


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    Fur Is Back Big Time Marc Kaufman Furs NYC

    Fur Is Back Big Time — Here’s Why

    Jenna Sauers

    Jenna Sauers

    As we recently learned, the fur industry is booming. Global fur sales rose by 70% from 2000 to 2010. Annual sales of fur pelts reached $15-16 billion, according to the fur industry’s trade association, during the winter of 2010-11 (pelts are sold during a season that runs from around October through March, and the 2010-11 season is the most recent for which figures were available). An industry spokesperson attributed the rise primarily to two factors: designers who have incorporated small amounts of fur into a wider array of garments, making fur an option in warmer climates, and “a younger generation whose passion is not animal rights.”

    This development is surprising to anyone who remembers the highly publicized battles over fur and animal welfare of the 1980s and 1990s. Back then, shocking depictions of the cruelty inherent in fur production — often in the form of polemical and, critics said, misleading videos produced by pro-animal-rights fringe groups — were only starting to reach a wider audience. Protesters were omnipresent at fashion week and public pressure to avoid fur was high. Anna Wintour was served a skinned raccoon at the Four Seasons. It seemed like every week another of your favorite celebrities was stripping off for a PETA ad. By turn of the millennium, the moral issue of fur seemed settled, and fur itself seemed like a relic of a bygone age — something that your grandparents’ generation had misguidedly believed was okay, like golliwog dolls or smoking during pregnancy. The idea of wearing something so thoroughly politicized and icky as fur just seemed ugly. Popular culture kept up with the times: when Lily Esposito chided Mary Cherry for her mink coat on Popular, Mary Cherry looked like the spoiled, amoral wench that she was.

    Fur Is Back Big Time — Here's Why

    But during the 2000s, things changed. Designers who hadn’t previously shown fur on the runway began showing it; designers who had previously shown some, showed more. Designers who had publicly pledged to abjure fur, like Giorgio Armani, went back on their word — as did a good number of those overexposed PETA “faces.” (Naomi Campbell even went so far as to do an ad campaign for the furrier Dennis Basso.) Fur began to creep back into fashion magazine pages. 1990s grunge and minimalism gave way to 2000s bling and ostentation. And now, fur is back in a big way. This year’s fall runways? Among the designers who showed fur and/or shearling were Alexander McQueen, Dolce & Gabbana, Lanvin, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, Oscar de la Renta, Prada, Rebecca Minkoff, Salvatore Ferragamo, Tom Ford, Vivienne Westwood, and Yves Saint Laurent.

    Fur Is Back Big Time — Here's Why

    This reversal is not merely the result of a cultural trend meeting its inevitable backlash. It’s also a story of economics, and of the fur industry’s quiet battle to rebrand its product as sustainable, natural, and luxurious.

    Fashion is still a very top-down business. A fur coat in a designer’s fall collection might retail for $10,000 and be ordered by a handful of stores; but that fur coat’s value in visibility for fur as a whole helps sell thousands of $60 rabbit-trimmed Michael Kors hats and $400 coyote-trimmed men’s jackets at Macy’s. To help make fur a trend that pops up in magazine editorials and online, fur suppliers often sponsor designers, giving them free product to incorporate into their seasonal collections and even sending them on junkets. In 2010, the New York Times reported that one Scandinavian supplier, Saga Furs, gave fur to Cushnie et Ochs, Thakoon, Brian Reyes, Wayne, Derek Lam, Proenza Schouler and Richard Chai. It also paid for three designers to go on a junket:

    Last summer, for example, the designers Alexander Wang and Haider Ackermann, plus Alexa Adams and Flora Gill of Ohne Titel were flown to Copenhagen for weeklong visits to the design studios of Saga Furs, a marketing company that represents 3,000 fur breeders in Finland and Norway. Saga Furs regularly sponsors such design junkets.

    Another fur supplier, the North American Fur Auctions, gave furs that year to Bibhu Mohapatra and Prabal Gurung. “We want to make sure fur is on the pages of magazines around the world,” said the NAFA’s director of marketing at the time. “The way to do that is to facilitate the use of fur by designers.”

    Fur Is Back Big Time — Here's Why

    Fur industry organizations sponsor design contests at top fashion schools, including Parsons and the Fashion Institute of Technology. (So does PETA, which enjoyed some institutional support at Parsons back when Tim Gunn was dean of its fashion school.) The prizes are often lavish, including free international travel and tens of thousands of dollars worth of product — perfect for a young designer who needs backing to launch a line. It’s no accident that fur is increasingly present on the runways: the fur industry has spent years patiently working to re-legitimize and de-stigmatize its product in the eyes of a new generation of fashion tastemakers, and fur’s current boom is the fruit of their labors. A 2007 ad campaign even called fur “the natural, responsible choice.” Alice Olivia designer Stacey Bendet, herself a vegan, wears fur and uses it in her collection. “It doesn’t make sense,” she once admitted. “Something about putting it inside me feels really barbaric. Something about wearing it just feels a little glamorous.”

    Fur Is Back Big Time — Here's Why

    Established designers like Zac Posen now see no downside to collaborating with fur brands — c.f. Posen’s collection for Pologeorgis. Even a series of minor scandals over fur labeling hasn’t served to set back the industry.

    Five years ago, PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk said that only “old fogey designers like Karl Lagerfeld and so on” used fur, and that fashion’s new generation just wasn’t that into fur. Clearly, Newkirk was wrong.

    In the past decade, fur has gone from being a kind of ethical third rail to just one point on the developing moral questionnaire of modern living. Maybe you care more about the environmental degradation, animal cruelty, and labor issues brought up by the leather tanning industry, or factory farms. Perhaps you think nothing of wearing vintage fur because to throw out a useful garment smacks of waste. Maybe you believe, like Silvia Fendi, that real fur is preferable to fake because, as she put it, “We did a collection of fake fur several years ago but found it is the most polluting thing for the environment.” Perhaps you feel a little like Kelis, who concluded a long MySpace rant against PETA by weighing concern over animal welfare to concern for the human beings who toil in sweatshops and in the fields. “Underpaid minorities picking your vegetables, now that’s fine for you right?” asked Kelis. “Don’t waste my time trying to save the dang chipmunk!”


    Whatever the case, fur is back in a big way. And it seems to be here to stay for the foreseeable future.