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Real Fur Coats Always Rule

Marc Kaufman Furs Presents a chinchilla fur jacket from Marc Kaufman Furs New York, from Marc Kaufman Furs New York,Fur coats in Argentina, fur coats in Chile, fur coats in Venezuela, fur coats in Australia, fur coats in Belgium,fur coats in Netherlands, fur coats in Norway,fur coats in Sweden,fur coats in Dubais,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Egypt,fur coats in Kuwait, fur coats in South Africa,fur coats in Tunisia,fur coats in the Falklands

Real Fur Coats In Demand

Faux Is No

Sable Fur Coat

Sable Fur Coat Marc Kaufman Furs

Real fur coats always rule. The love of fur is becoming a universal reality. No matter how you parse the conversation pertaining to real fur vs. faux fur, real furs wins.
Real fur coats have an unmistakable lure. They are a high-end fashion accessory and ultimate finishing touch on just about any look you could imagine. From celebrity to rank and file citizen, real fur coats rule. They always will.

The Faux Argument

Real Fur Coats Rule

Real Fur Coats Rule

Real fur coats always rule. The argument for faux fur is misleading. While the few who promote the use of faux fur over real fur insist on the wisdom of doing so, the construction and use of faux fur is anything but wise. 

The synthetic nature of faux fur is anything but smart. Its very existence is harmful to the environment at large. It is not biodegradable, real fur is. 

The authentic feel and look of faux fur does not hold up against the natural texture of real fur. The contention that real fur is harvested from animals in an inhumane fashion has been debunked time and time. 

Overwhelmingly, fur farms are regulated for safety and humane treatment of the animals involved. Governments also govern the hunting of specific fur-bearing creatures utilized in fur production in association with ecological groups in many cases. The argument for faux fur over real fur does not hold up.

Marc Kaufman Furs: King Of The Real Fur Coat

Tyson Fury Fur London

Tyson Fury in a Chinchilla Stroller from Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs is one of the few global furriers of note. Backed by nearly 150 years of operational excellence, Marc Kaufman Furs has been one of the pack leaders for fur design and production.
The Kaufman’s have serviced thousands of fur lovers worldwide. They are generally the furrier of first resort for many.
No other furrier group precedes Marc Kaufman Furs in qualitative fur design and production. Their flagship store is located at 212 west 30th street, New York, New York,10001.
Marc Kaufman Furs online global store is ready to service your fur needs day and night 365 days a year. They only deal in real fur, by the way. That is a perfect thing.


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Erykah Badu Fur Fitness

Erykah Badu Flaunts Fur Assets

Figure For Fur

Erykah Badu Fur Fitness

Erykah Badu Fur Fitness

Erykah Badu has fur fitness. Since the early years of the stellar neo-soul singer’s career, Erykah Badu has always had a natural affinity for furs.
Fur coats are for everyone.

There are a few personas who stand out in fur coats. They resonate with them.
Erykah Badu is one of those individuals. The performer has a natural appeal in furs. Her model-like figure and movement in fur coats are a thing to behold. Her performances alone are mesmerizing without the fashion element. However, when outfitted, Erykah assumes the status of sublime grace. In several on-stage appearances, Erykah Badu has regaled audiences with song and visually stunned with the occasional fur presence. Erykah Badu has fur fitness.

Walk The Walk

Erykah Badu Fur Fitness

Erykah Badu Fur Fitness

Functional, appealing fashion is more than conceptual. It is a real thing. Fashion concepts abound; only a few make it to mainstream appeal. Few outerwear elements are as desired and versatile as fur coats. Fur coats have survived the ravages of time and the romantic appeal trends of consumers. However, only a few have managed to publicize them in all of their pristine glory.

Erykah Badu has. She walks the walk. Erykah has a model presence on top of being a phenomenal vocal presence and artist. She has graced quite a few fashion publications of note over the years. Major design houses such as Ralph Lauren have coveted her presence in their fashion creations. Premiere photographers such as Helmut Lang have sought her editorial presence. Fur fashion was a recurring theme she found. She was a natural for it. Fur seemed to envelop her and take on an organic luminescence around her. The fur coat was an exact fit with Erykah Badu.

Surviving the Times

Erykah Badu Fur Fitness

Erykah Badu Fur Fitness

Since the heady days of the fashionable ’90s, Erykah Badu has retained her love of the fur coat and all things fur. She can be seen often in wintery months sporting any number of fashionably appealing fur coats. Her iconic fashion presence felt in entertainment spheres. Erykah set a standard. She was a neo-soul pioneer that laid the groundwork for future explorers. She set a fur fashion standard that has resonated throughout the years as well. With a collection of furs that would astound the most ardent of collectors, one could only imagine which furrier she would trust to maintain them. Her designated go to furrier is Marc Kaufman Furs.

Marc Kaufman Furs Provides

Nicki Minaj Has Strong Fur Game Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs is a global furrier phenomenon. Their longevity(nearly 150 years and counting) attests to their excellence in fur design and production. They have serviced thousands of satisfied fur lovers around the world. The celebrity enclave utilizes the Marc Kaufman Furs expertise from design and manufacturing to storage and upkeep of their prized fur outerwear. Erykah Badu is but one such celebrated figure to call upon Marc Kaufman Furs for their expert fur maintenance and storage services. It makes sense. The best will almost always seek out the best. Marc Kaufman Furs flagship location is 212 west 30th street, New York, New York,10001. Their online sales store is active 24 hours a day every day of the year. Your fur coat needs and desires fulfilled with Marc Kaufman Furs. They walk the walk.





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Purchasing A Fur Coat NYC

Fur Coat Repairs Are Us Marc Kaufman Furs

Purchasing A Fur Coat

Purchasing a quality fur coat your first time in will take a little research

Black Fox Fur Jacket

Black Fox Fur Jacket Marc Kaufman Furs

Thinking About Buying a Fur

Purchasing a fur coat requires an economic and THOUGHT investment.
When thinking of investing in a fur coat, think in terms of knowledge, length of time in the business.
Many of these factors you can research via online reviews and company histories. Still, an in-person visit may be the deciding factor as to whom to begin your first fur purchase journey.

Chinchilla Fur Jacket with Bell Sleeves Marc Kaufman Furs

Chinchilla Fur Jacket with Bell Sleeves Marc Kaufman Furs

Types of Fur

Many types of furs are available. Mink fur, brown furs, lynx fur, chinchilla, fox fur, mouton fur, and more are some fur options.
The type of fur you choose should depend not only on your taste but also on wearability.
Furs run a gambit of designs and stylings. You need to consider the practical side of your first fur as well as the look of it.

You will need a seasoned furrier to assist you in navigating the waters of your first fur coat Purchase. Marc Kaufman Furs is that furrier.

Sculptured Lazor Cut Blue Dyed Mink Fur Blue Dyed Silver Fox Trim Cape With Hood

Sculptured Lazer Cut Blue Dyed Mink Fur Blue Dyed Silver Fox Trim Cape With Hood Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs has been in existence for nearly 150 years. Five generations of talented and insightful trend-setting Kaufman’s. Marc Kaufman Furs has serviced thousands of clients over three centuries of fur design and production.

Marc Kaufman Furs has maintained everyone from the political and celebrity elite to rank and file global citizenry. Their understanding and quality-driven approach to fur production and style affords them premiere status amongst furriers.

Two Toned Mink Fur Jacket

Two Toned Mink Fur Jacket

Purchasing a fur coat can be an emotional and time-consuming undertaking for sure. The cost of such an investment should be approached with research in mind first.

Give yourself the best possible chance of purchasing not only the fur coat you want but one that meets practicality and wearability standards as well.

Furrier since 1870

Marc Kaufman Furs is your furrier of choice, no question. Experience and quality, coupled with superior knowledge and excellent customer care and service, Marc Kaufman Furs, stands above the rest.
Visit the Marc Kaufman Furs global online store for a full review of the

Marc Kaufman Furs are ever-evolving fur coat and fur accessory inventory. Better yet, drop into their flagship store at 212 west 30th street New York, New York, in the heart of midtown Manhattan. Purchasing a fur coat just got easier with Marc Kaufman Furs.

Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs



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Fur Coat Repairs Are Us

Fur Coat Repairs Are Us Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Repairs Are Us

Fur coat repairs are a serious matter. Such repairs should be handled by true fur professionals.

Fur Coat Repairs Are Us Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Repairs Are Us Marc Kaufman Furs

Understanding that you need a furrier to properly repair your fur coats and fur accessories is the first step on your journey to properly fixing your precious furs. The next step is identifying whom amongst furriers is the best and erstwhile to entrust your fur coats and fur accessories to. There should only be one choice. Marc Kaufman Furs reigns supreme for global fur servicing,bar none.

Marc Kaufman Furs has serviced fur customers for three centuries starting in 1870. Five generations of Kaufman’s have amassed prestige and renown for their fur design and manufacturing expertise. Fur care has been one of the hallmarks of the Marc Kaufman Furs business model. Fur coat repair is a specialty the Kaufman family have crafted into a fine art.

Fur Coat Repairs Are Us Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Repairs Are Us Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs will repair and restore your damaged fur coat or fur accessory in almost all cases. There are very few jobs that the Marc Kaufman team would not be able to handle. All fur types at almost all age levels can be successfully repaired by the Kaufman team. The pricing platform for repairs and restoration are more than market competitive. The quality of service and the cost benefit,makes Marc Kaufman Furs your fur coat repair expert of choice.

Fur Coat Repairs Are Us Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Repairs Are Us Marc Kaufman Furs

About Alexandra

The next time you are in need of a fur coat repair expert,come to the furrier above furriers. Marc Kaufman Furs is the premiere source for all of your fur needs. Check out their repair program on their global online store. Better yet,come into the Marc Kaufman Furs flagship store located in New York City 212 west 30th street between 7th avenue and 8th avenue. You will be glad you did!

Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs




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Fur Coat Cleaning Professionals NYC

Fur Cleaning Experts Julio Cisneros Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Cleaning Professionals

Fur Coat Cleaning of fur accessories are a delicate, involved process. The standard dry cleaners would not execute the type of focused cleaning fur coats and fur accessories require. Not all furriers or fur experts are created equal. Your decision as to which furrier to utilize is essential. The well being of your fur coat or fur accessory depends on this.

Use professional furriers to clean your fur coats and fur accessories

Fur Cleaning Expert Julio Cisneros

Fur Cleaning Expert Julio Cisneros

Marc Kaufman Furs is one of the preeminent furriers/fur experts in the world. Marc Kaufman Furs has been servicing fur coats and fur accessories for nearly 150 years and three centuries. Over the many years, thousands of clients have come to Marc Kaufman Furs for all of their fur needs. Most of them have remained loyal customers to this day. The personal care and attention to detail in cleaning your fur coat and fur accessories are what sets Marc Kaufman Furs apart from the rest.

Fur Cleaning Experts Julio Cisneros Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Cleaning Experts Julio Cisneros Marc Kaufman Furs

The Marc Kaufman Furs cleansing method is proprietary. 25-year veteran furrier, Julio Cisneros, provides Marc Kaufman Furs with excellent fur care and servicing knowledge. Julio explains the process involved in the cleaning a fur coat or Fur accessory:

“The first step is spraying our organic specialized cleaning solution to the fur coats. Next, I brush the fur coats to help the absorption process of the spray. I then let the organic cleaning mix solution dry. After the fur coats have dried, I blow dry the entire garment to separate the fur coats’ hairs. Finally, the fur coats combed to near perfection and then steamed. The furs are then ready to be stored in cold storage.”

Fur Cleaning Experts Julio Cisneros Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Cleaning Experts Julio Cisneros Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs utilize a range of organic cleaning solutions on fur coats and fur accessories. The chosen organic cleaning solution is chosen according to fur coat skin/ hair, types of fur(mink fur, fox fur, sable fur..etc), and, most importantly, the fur coats’ age. Most remaining fur companies in the business of the storage and cleaning of fur coats, continue working with the old, outdated methods of fur coat cleaning.

Old Fashion Fur Cleaning

Most furriers still use a chemical solution on the fur coats and then place them in rotating, mechanical drums. This process, on many an occasion, contributes to the damage of the fur coats. Sawdust added into the drum along with the chemical solution’s The fur coats and solution tumble in the drum for 20 minutes or half an hour, in many cases.

The Fur skins on the coat broken down in this way unnoticeable by the naked eye until tears and rips become apparent over a short period. The fur coats are returned to the customer, clueless about what the outdated process is doing to their valuable fur coats or fur accessories. I (Julio Cisneros), in conjunction with Marc Kaufman Furs, took the time based on our experience as furriers to create different types of organic cleaning solutions. This proprietary cleansing system works to benefit the various types of fur coats and fur accessories about their type and age.

We can satisfy our client base by keeping their fur coats and fur accessories clean and presentable while also extending the life of their fur coats and fur accessories.”

Fur Cleaning Experts Julio Cisneros Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Cleaning Experts Julio Cisneros Marc Kaufman Furs

The next time you need a furrier to handle your yearly fur coat and or fur coat accessory cleaning, seek Marc Kaufman Furs. The flagship store located at 212 west 30th street New York, New York, 10001, located in the heart of midtown Manhattan close to Madison Square Garden and the Macy’s Herald Square flagship store. You may also access their cleaning services via their global online store at www.Kaufman Do not trust just any furrier with your precious furs. Seek out Marc Kaufman Furs for the care and well being of your fur coats and fur accessories.

Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs




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Fur Coats For Everyone

Navy Blue Sheared Mink Fur Peacoat

Navy Blue Sheared Mink Fur Peacoat Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur coats have never ceased being popular. There have been periods when they were less visible to the public eye via entertainers and athletes dressed casually,but the popularity of fur coats has never really waned.

Light Pink Mink Fur Coat Leather Inserts

Light Pink Mink Fur Coat Leather Inserts Marc Kaufman Furs

There really is no demographic divide in regards to whom is attracted to the mystique of the fur coat. The appeal is universal. Fur styles and design determine who buys what type of fur coat or fur jacket. There are a plethora of furriers (although there has been a thinning of the field due to a number of different factors). Only a choice few stand out as trend setters and standard bearers.  Marc Kaufman Furs is primary amongst furriers world wide.

P Diddy Whiskey Mink Coat Super Bowl 2018

P Diddy Whiskey Mink Coat Super Bowl 2018 Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs is a furrier above furriers. Since 1850, Marc Kaufman Furs has spanned three centuries, thousands of styles,thousands of clients and the entire known world. Five generations of venerated Kaufman’s have moved the fashion fur dial to new heights and established fur trends.

Joe Namath Marc Kaufman Furs

Joe Namath Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs is one of the few chosen furriers to the celebrity elite. Celebrities from mixed media fields of entertainment(including the world of professional athletics), continue to seek out Marc Kaufman Furs for their fur expertise and design skill set for fur coat fashions of all types. This is saying quite a lot. The realm of furriers is not an easy one to conquer. Marc Kaufman Furs has stood above the field for what seems to be an eternity. Rank and file individuals the world over continue to seek out Marc Kaufman Furs for all of their fur needs and desires.

White Mink Directional Stroller

White Mink Directional Stroller Marc Kaufman Furs

The next time you venture to New York City,seek out Marc Kaufman Furs at their flagship store location. Located at 212 west 30th street New York,New York 10001,Marc Kaufman Furs resides in the heart of Manhattan. They are easy walking distance from the Empire State Building, Macy’s global flagship store in Herald Square and the world famous arena known as Madison Square Garden. You may also seek them out via their global online sales store. Marc Kaufman Furs is your first stop for the very best in fur coat fashions,bar none.

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs

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Marc Kaufman Furs Cold Fur Storage

Joe Namath (shown here with Marc Kaufman) wearing his Marc Kaufman Furs custom coyote coat

Joe Namath (shown here with Marc Kaufman) wearing his Marc Kaufman Furs custom coyote coat

Marc Kaufman Furs offers a great fur coat and fur accessory cold fur storage program. All fur coat and fur accessory owners should know that fur coats and fur accessories should be placed in cold storage during the warm months of the year.

White Shadow Directional Mink Fur Jacket Hood

White Shadow Directional Mink Fur Jacket Hood Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs will place your fur coats and fur accessories in cold storage at relatively low cost. If you choose to come into the flagship store to drop off you fur coats for cold storage, you will pay only 45 dollars until December 31,2018. Should you live within a 50 mile radius of the Marc Kaufman Furs flagship store in midtown,New York City, Marc Kaufman Furs will schedule a pick up of your fur coats. The cost for fur coat and fur accessory is 55 dollars only until December 31,2018.

Ranch Pleated Sheared Mink Fur Jacket

Ranch Pleated Sheared Mink Fur Jacket Marc Kaufman Furs

Spring is here. Do not delay in organizing your fur coats for pick up or drop off. Marc Kaufman Furs is located in midtown,New York City ,close to the world famous. Madison Square Garden. Marc Kaufman Fur’s address is located at 212 west 30th street,New York,New York 10001.Let Marc Kaufman Furs take care of your fur coat cold storage needs. Then go to the Marc Kaufman Furs online global store and line up your next fur coat or fur accessory purchase!

Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs

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Used Fur Coat Value

Crystal Fox Bomber Jacket

Crystal Fox Bomber Jacket Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur coats have a value beyond their contemporary appeal. Fur coats retain a mystique and fashion value through decades. A well maintained fur coat can have a resale value decades later. The key to realizing the resale potential of your fur coat is maintaining it.

Sheared Brown Mink Fur Stroller

Sheared Brown Mink Fur Stroller Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur coats are a high value item and an investment of sorts. In order to realize your fur coats future resale value,you should clean and glaze your coat at regular stages. This would depend on frequency of wear. However, even if your coat sits without wear for long periods,you should still regularly care for your fur coat with an occasional cleaning and glaze.

Brown Sheared MInk Fur Coat

Brown Sheared MInk Fur Coat

The most important factor in maintaining your valuable fur coat is cold storage during the warm months of the year. When your fur coats are out of the cold weather season,they should be stored in a cool area or vault uncovered at a temperature between 45 and 55 degrees fahrenheit. Fur coat cold storage is essential to extending the life of your fur coat as well as helping it to retain it’s future resale value. Marc Kaufman Furs is the leader in fur coat and fur accessory care. Marc Kaufman Furs has been servicing fur coats and fur accessories for 5 generations and nearly 150 years.

Zuki Cashmere Coat with Chinchilla Fur Collar and Cuffs

Zuki Cashmere Coat with Chinchilla Fur Collar and Cuffs

Marc Kaufman Furs operates a major flagship store location in New York City. Their midtown Manhattan address is 212 west 30th street New York,New York 10001. They also maintain a global online store where you may obtain further information on the used fur resale process. If you possess a fur coat that is in very good condition and 10 years old or less, contact Marc Kaufman Furs. They will see to your fur coat needs and more.