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Everything You Need to Know About Real Fur

Everything you need to know about real fur

The fur is the most elegant and timeless material that can be worn as either winter coats, winter shoes, or worn as accessories draped around your bag or phone covers. These natural materials go way back in time and have been a source of warm clothing and fashion statement. About 170,000 years ago, people started to wear real fur in order to survive the merciless winters of the north. Ever since then, they are a prized possession that has elegance and class associated with them. Nevertheless, today in the modern world, the use of fur has become more popular as it is worn on formal occasions and is also worn as casual wear. here is everything you need to know about real fur.

So if you have planned a brunch with your friends on a winter Sunday, you can wear your favorite fur coat and stand out in the crowd. There are many types of real fur coats that you can enjoy wearing, but all of them require a lot of care and conditioning; otherwise, they will lose their true beauty. Do you want your furs to look bad while we wear them? Perhaps not.

Word of advice

Buying a fur coat is like adopting a baby. It needs your love and attention. If you are one of those people who buy expensive things and squeeze them in the closet then, they are not your cup of tea. Before you venture out to buy a fur ornament, whether it be a fur coat, a fur jacket,  fur shawl, etc., you need to know whatever you are buying is it authentic, or is it fake? Real fur and faux fur can look alike. If you are an amateur, you won’t be able to tell the difference. But with the help of this blog, you can understand how to watch for overpriced faux fur. We don’t want to spend too much money on fake fur, do we?

Canadian Lynx Stroller

Canadian Lynx Stroller

Image alt text: A woman wears a Canadian lynx stroller

Is it real fur?

The market is full of faux fur. The non furrier may sale you faux fur coat in the name of natural fur coat. These fake furs have become so refine that they look and feel extremely real and you may easily get deceived. However, suppose your goal is to only lookout for the real fur ornaments like fur coats. In that case, you should read below to understand what are the tricks and tips to determine whether the fur you are looking at is real or not.

Touch test: It is the most straightforward tell-tale trick that you can do. Touch the fur; it should feel soft regardless of the ornament it is. Moreover, fake fur is rough to the touch and is not as soft as one would like. They usually are made with plastic, polyester, or acrylic, which are nowhere near as good as natural fur. Hence make use of your fingers by running through the fur.

Label Test: Check the label inside the coat or any other ornament. Usually, the label tells the truth. Hence if it’s original, it should mention the country of origin and the brand name. This is a tell-tale sign that the fur you are buying is all original and useful. Look out for fur ornaments that do not have any tags on them. They are often a red flag.

Hair test: If your fur coat is real, the hair will taper off to a very thin point. The feel of real fur is very soft and starts from the thick hair and ends off with thin hair. Rest assured that fur is real.

Burn test: This is an undeniable tell-tale sign; nevertheless, we would never recommend you to do it unless you are allowed to do so and are in a safe place. You could take out your fur ornaments’ hair and light fire on them; if they smell like burnt hair, you are dealing with real fur. However, If the fur smells like plastic, you are conned by the seller. here is everything you need to know about real fur. Preferably, you should check the fur article before buying it.

Lining test: It is another big give-away sign. Nevertheless, we would not recommend that you try this, especially in a store and while you have not even purchased the fur item. Often, fur coats come in zippers and have specific openings that let you touch the coat’s inside lining. However, in some cases, there are no openings, so what do you do then? Hence you may need to cut your beautiful coat. If the fur coat is made from actual fur or animal pelts, you will feel a smooth leather underbelly.

Keep in mind these tricks and tips before making any purchase. We wouldn’t want you to waste your money.

Pink Chinchilla Horizontal Jacket 4838

Pink Chinchilla Horizontal Jacket 4838

Image alt text: A woman dons a stylish pink chinchilla horizontal jacket

Types of fur coats

The fur industry has probably been the most ancient fashion industry there has ever been. For a long, it has been a symbol of class and wealth. There are too many types of fur around us, and the industry has so much more to offer us.

Here are a few common types of natural furs.

Mink fur: Mink fur is the purest and highest quality fur available that is very lightweight and it is also the most durable and can last decades if cared well. You can always tell it apart from others as it comes in jaw-dropping shades of brown.

Sable Fur: this is the fur that stands out for its look and feels. You can tell that you are touching sable fur because it’s very silky and soft. It usually is available in lighter shades, such as either in golden or red-ish brown.

Chinchilla: These are the most expensive furs that you can get your hands on out there. It is because they are very dense. Moreover, they work very well to keep you warm. If there is a relentless winter and you still want to rock your look, always go for the chinchilla fur coat available in blue-ish grey color.

Fox fur: If you are an orange lover, fox fur is for you. here is everything you need to know about real fur. Subsequently, they are in abundant supply as you can find fox population just about anywhere in the world. The hair on a fox fur coat is longer than any other coat; hence it is straightforward to tell whether it is a real fox fur or a fake one.

Lynx fur: If you get your hands on a lynx coat, you are a lucky person. It is because they are scarce to find. They often come in white color with grey spotting on them, and it is one of the most expensive furs to own.

Oatmeal Mist Alpaca Jacket Fox Trim Size Medium 8484

Oatmeal Mist Alpaca Jacket Fox Trim Size Medium 8484

Image alt text: A woman wears an oatmeal mist alpaca jacket fox trim


We know you are craving some fur. You can find the richest real fur coat collection at Marc Kaufman Fur. Our collection is a mix of timelessness and exquisiteness. Moreover, we also have a large collection of fur accessories that can satisfy your craving of having goods made of fur. We do not want anyone to scam you, hence it is essential that you buy from the most trusted and authentic furrier in the USA.

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Why Should You Wear Real Fur Hats And Other Garments Or Accessories?

Why Should You Wear Real Fur Hats And Other Garments Or Accessories?

Real fur coats and accessories or fake fur coats and accessories? This debate has been ongoing for years now. People have been opposing and siding real fur coats and ultimately, it all falls back to the difference of opinion. Even the biggest names in the fashion industry have their own opinion on all this. As said by the late Karl Lagerfeld, a German fashion designer, fur is an industry, and it’s legal. As long as people use leather and eat meat, it’s not a problem.

Of course, we agree with Karl Lagerfeld and his opinion. However, we do realize that not everyone agrees to this. The answer differs for everyone. But, here, in this blog, we have compiled a few of the many reasons why we say that the real fur industry should prevail and how and why it is beneficial for us.

Benefits of wearing real fur


Firstly, real animal fur is extremely comfortable to wear, and it’s lightweight too. Despite real fur being heavier than faux fur or any other man-made materials, it feels lighter as there is more room to breathe. In addition to that, you only need to put on one real fur coat, and you’ll stay warm in harsh winters. But if it’s a sweater or a faux fur coat, chances are you’ll have to bundle up to stay warm. Not to mention that real fur coats are soft and look luxurious.

Blackglama Mink Jacket Swing

Blackglama Mink Jacket Swing

A woman wears a Blackglama Mink Jacket Swing over leather pants.


Moving to the next point, when it comes to warmth, real fur coats are unbeatable. In other words, it provides more warmth than a man-made sweater or even a thick coat. As we all know that animals have to survive extreme conditions and also need to be agile enough to dodge predators, so their coats do the same for us what they did for them. They keep us warm, no matter how bad the weather may be. And they are lightweight, allowing us to breathe and go about our business without any inconvenience.


Designer Men’s White Shearling Jacket w/ Pocket

Designer Men’s White Shearling Jacket w/ Pocket

A man wears a Designer Men’s White Shearling Jacket w/ Pocket over a white shirt and blue jeans.


Real fur lasts a very long time, especially if one maintains it properly. This is the reason why fur coats are mostly passed down from generation to generation. In addition, maintenance of a fur coat can be tough for someone purchasing a coat for the first time. But with time, it gets easier. Nowadays, we even have so many sure storage options and stores where you can hand in your coat for maintenance and cleaning, and they’ll get the job done.

Burgundy Tan Green Mink Stroller Hood

Burgundy Tan Green Mink Stroller Hood

Image alt text: A woman wears a Burgundy Tan Green Mink Stroller Hood over black knee-high boots.


Unlike the olden days when people preferred functionality over fashionable, now, you can do both. You can buy a coat for the sake of warmth, and at the same time, you can look stylish and wear it to fancy parties. If anything, the coat adds a luxurious and glamorous look to your outfit, all while you being comfortable and warm.

Russian Barguzin Sable Coat Hood

Russian Barguzin Sable Coat Hood

Image alt text: A woman wears a Russian Barguzin Sable Coat Hood over a fancy shirt, shorts, and heels.


Animals are a renewable resource, and that means that they are sustainable as well. They don’t hurt the environment as faux fur does. Being made from plastic, faux fur contributes to pollution; meanwhile, animal fur breaks down, or you can say, degrades once it wears down.

Forrest Green Fox Stroller

Forrest Green Fox Stroller

Image alt text: A woman wears a Forrest Green Fox Stroller over blue jeans and black boots.

Timeless and ageless

While fashion trends keep changing around the globe, fur fashion always falls back, especially when it’s winter. In addition to that, real fur coats have their own charm and always remain the most luxurious item in your closet. Yes, there are some alterations to fashion trends even when it comes to real fur coats but nothing an expert furrier can’t restyle and redesign.

Full-Length Colorful Striped Vest Fox Collar

Full-Length Colorful Striped Vest Fox Collar

A woman wears a Full-Length Colorful Striped Vest Fox Collar over blue jeans and black boots.

Key Takeaway

Finally, we can say that real fur coats and accessories have much more advantages than any man-made item could have. Therefore, getting a real fur coat is not a purchase but an investment! Now that we have talked about how real fur is beneficial for us, let’s talk about how you can style your real fur collection. If you are new to fur fashion and want to purchase some real furs after reading the above points, here are some tips for you to style them.

How can you wear and style your real fur?

Fur coats

First and foremost, we have the fur coat. You can style a fur coat in many ways, depending upon the type of the fur, the length of the coat, and the color of the coat. So, you can even add other fur accessories, such as a fur hat, to complete the look. Moreover, a fur coat keeps you warm and makes you look fashionable at the same time.

Black Alpaca Coat Fox Tuxedo

Black Alpaca Coat Fox Tuxedo

A woman wears a Black Alpaca Coat Fox Tuxedo over a gray turtleneck and black leather pants.

Fur hats

Adding a fur hat to your outfit is a great way to add a fancy, sort of luxurious touch to your attire. The real fur hat will even keep your head warm.

Crystal Fox Fur Hat

Crystal Fox Fur Hat

A woman wears a Crystal Fox Fur Hat paired with a black turtleneck.

Fur vest

Another good way to upgrade your outfit is by wearing a fur vest that gives a playful yet fancy and outgoing touch to your outfit. So, depending on the color and the design of the real fur vest, you can either make your look playful, fancy, or casual.

Multi-Colored Fox Fur Vest

Multi-Colored Fox Fur Vest

A woman wears a Multi-Colored Fox Fur Vest paired with a black shirt and blue jeans.

Fur shrug

Add a shrug in the mix with your regular, everyday outfit to get an elegant and sassy look. Similarly, the best thing about a real fur shrug is, you don’t need to wait for the right time to put it on. In fact, you can wear it anytime.

Blue Rex Rabbit Knit Shrug

Blue Rex Rabbit Knit Shrug

A woman wears a Blue Rex Rabbit Knit Shrug paired with a black turtleneck and blue jeans.

Fur capelet

A capelet adds the perfect soft touch to your look and is the ideal apparel for a date night or a hang out with your friends.

Red Rex Rabbit Capelet Floral

Red Rex Rabbit Capelet Floral

A woman wears a Red Rex Rabbit Capelet Floral paired with a black turtleneck and black jeans.

Fur poncho

Moreover, you can style a real fur poncho over a simple pair of tights or any kind of t-shirt for a sophisticated look. And the fur poncho will automatically elevate your style.

Fuchsia Knit Mink Poncho Hood

Fuchsia Knit Mink Poncho Hood

A woman wears a Fuchsia Knit Mink Poncho Hood paired with a black turtleneck and black jeans.

Fur cashmere

Any kind of jeans and a shirt paired together with real fur cashmere is a style so simple yet so elegant that it makes you stand out. You can wear this to a fancy party or a five-star restaurant and look your best. Moreover, it is also another fur garment that you can style all year round.

Ivory Cape Rex Rabbit Flowers Cashmere/Wool

Ivory Cape Rex Rabbit Flowers Cashmere/Wool

A woman wears an Ivory Cape Rex Rabbit Flowers Cashmere/Wool paired with a black turtleneck and black jeans.

Fur jacket

A fur jacket is a fashionable way to keep yourself warm and look sporty and fancy. Pair your jacket with some leather pants and boots for a cool yet fancy look.

Ivory Cape Rex Rabbit Flowers Cashmere/Wool

Oatmeal Mist Alpaca Jacket Fox Trim

A woman wears an Oatmeal Mist Alpaca Jacket Fox Trim paired with a gray turtleneck and black leather pants.

Fur purses

Fur handbags, pocketbooks, and purses are possibly the most flexible fur fashion items. And you can wear them with any outfit with your fur coat or other fur clothing as well.

Finnish Raccoon Fur Pocketbook Camel Cashmere Cape Fox Trim

Finnish Raccoon Fur Pocketbook Camel Cashmere Cape Fox Trim

Image alt text: A woman wears a Finnish Raccoon Fur Pocketbook Camel Cashmere Cape Fox Trim with a white turtleneck and beige pants.


Thus, after all the benefits and styles discussed above, it is clear that there are many ways to style a real fur coat, which elevates your look to another level. In conclusion, they may be expensive, but you can tell that the design and look are worth every buck.

With all this in mind, if you fancy yourself a real fur coat, cape, or any other garment or accessory, visit the Marc Kaufman website to look through all the options. We specialize in not just designing the best real fur coats and accessories but also in storing, cleaning, restoring, and remodeling your fur coats.

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Steps to Take Care of Your Real Fur Scarves | MARC KAUFMAN FURS

Steps to Take Care of Your Real Fur Scarves | MARC KAUFMAN FURS

Are you scared of ruining the real fur scarves that you own? Do you wear them every winter to keep yourself warm and cozy? Steps to take care of your real fur Scarves. have you ever thought about cleaning them on your own, but you didn’t because you were anxious that you might damage them? If you want to know about how to take care of your real fur scarves, this article will help you with it.

Taking care of real fur scarves requires detailed attention. A little mismanagement might ruin your expensive fur scarves. The process of cleaning requires accuracy in time as well as in task. The traditional methods of repairing and cleaning the costumes do not go well when treating the real fur.

We would recommend you seek a professional furrier’s help who knows about treating real furs because cleaning or repairing furs takes a lot of time and effort. Even small damage can pave the way for bigger problems, so it is better not to risk your real fur scarf to save some pennies.

Quality fur repair NYC

Image alt text: A professional furrier is repairing a fur item

The professional furriers use proper tools with precision during the process of fur repairing and cleaning. A furrier will treat the threadwork of scarves and will start to work from the inside to avoid any external display of repairment. Visit our website hire a professional furrier to treat your fur coat.Quality fur repair NYC

How to Take Care of Your Fur Scarves

One of the reasons for taking care of your fur scarves is that animals’ furs tend to desiccate, and in case of not cleaning them properly, it absorbs dust and other odors that ruin the look of your real fur. Cleaning furs is essential, and you should do it every year before packing it for your next winters. By doing this, the look and shine of your fur scarves will never fade away. If you plan to take care of your real fur scarves yourself, you must follow the steps mentioned below.

Protect the Furs from Dust

The fur and dust is not a good combination. It absorbs dust rapidly. Using a cotton bag to store your fur scarf is ideal. You can protect them from dust by keeping them in a cotton bag, and air circulation will not stop either.

Black Shearling Jacket Silver Fox Hood

Black Shearling Jacket Silver Fox Hood

Image alt text: A woman wearing a stylish black shearling jacket with a silver fox hood

Hanging Furs
Carrying your fur in a breathable garment is the best way not to ruin its quality. Many of us fold our fur scarves in a plastic bag, isolating the furs from getting in contact with air. Plastic bags are a big no when it comes to sustaining the quality of your fur. Hang your fur scarf in a padded hanger so that it does not lose its shape.

Fur storage

Fur storage

Image alt text: Marc Kaufman stores a number of fur coats of customers

Prevent Exposure to Light

Preventing your fur scarves from exposure to sunlight is one of the most important things to do. Sunlight disturbs the whole look of fur scarves. If you are walking down the streets in the daytime, it is fine, but if you are not using your fur scarves, then do not hang them anywhere near the direct sunlight. It is always recommended to place them in a dark place because the less the sunlight, the better it is for your fur storage scarves.

Canadian Lynx Coat

Canadian Lynx Coat 

Image alt text: A woman wears an elegant Canadian lynx coat

Brushing Your Fur

Brushing your fur scarves helps you removing the dust particle from them. However, do not brush them with an ordinary brush. The fur brush is not a conventional brush. People buy it specifically for treating their furry costumes. If you plan to take care of your fur on your own, a fur brush helps you in removing out the dirt and debris from your scarves. In case of trouble in cleaning your fur scarves, visit our website and seek professional assistance.

Prevent from Jewelry
It will help if you prevent your fur scarves from jewelry and other kinds of things like brooch or pin that you think may cling to your fur scarves. It will destroy the look of your whole scarf. Also, avoid wearing shoulder bags consistently because they will wear away your furs from the shoulder area, leaving them bald.

Avoid Friction on FursWhile you are wearing fur costumes, avoid sliding on the seat or apply any force against it. Friction will damage the furs from that particular spot, making them bald. It will destroy the whole look of your scarf.

Protection from Matting

You have to protect your fur scarves from makeup and body oil by wearing them around the neck under the coat. Do not use hair spray or perfumes on your fur scarves because they will dry the fur. Steps to take care of your real fur Scarves. Oil in any of the products may cause a weird odor in your scarf that will stay for a longer time, which will be hard for you to remove.

Cold Fur Storage

Cold Fur Storage

Image alt text: Fur coats stored at Marc Kaufman’s fur

Eliminate the Moist

If your fur scarf gets in contact with water or snow, dry it as soon as possible. Otherwise, the moisture will destroy the quality of the fur. Hang them in a ventilated, shadowed place, away from the direct sunlight, and let them dry for a significant time period. Avoid combing or brushing your fur scarves during this period because the furs may come off. You can use your hands to set the fur. Avoid using blow dryers, ironing, cloth dryer, or anything like that on your fur scarves to remove the moist.

If your fur scarf is fully soaked in the water and water is dripping out of it consistently, take it to professional cleaners, or you will have to face severe consequences, like losing the shape of your scarf or shrinking of the furs.

Avoid Mothballs for Smell

Keep moths and other creepy crawlies from harming your jacket by hanging or setting lavender sachets in the extra room. Avoid using mothballs as they have a strong smell that will infiltrate your fur scarves. It will get tougher for you to get rid of the smell of mothballs.

Stop Cleaning or Treating Your Fur Scarves If

  • You spot a difference between the washed/rubbed area of fur than the rest of the fabric.
  • Water or fabric produces unusual stain or yellow-ish colors during the cleaning process.


Fur scarves need special care to last longer. If you take care of your fur scarves properly, they can last for up to 50 years or so. But if you fail to do so, they will be damaged in a short span of time. Fur scarves cannot tolerate your harsh treatment towards them, and you need to be very gentle while storing them. The fur garment keeps you warm and comfy, but these furs are better kept away from direct sunlight.

We are emphasizing it because direct sunlight will dry out the furs that will totally ruin the look of your fur scarf. The sunlight also leaves patches and unusual spots and discoloration on the furs, so the fur scarves are best under the dark area. Also, avoid leaving your fur scarves out if you are not wearing them, especially during the summers.

If you have any queries regarding the storage and maintenance of fur scarves, contact us now.

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5 Real Fur Coats You Can Wear Anywhere

5 Real Fur Coats you can wear anywhere

It is essential to stay warm in winters, but that doesn’t mean that you have to compromise on your style. A classic heavy fur coat is the core of every fashionista’s wardrobe. Nothing! I repeat, nothing in the world beats the look of a fur coat over your winter outfit. 5 real fur coats, Apart from a standard puffer, a slight touch of fuzziness instantly enhances your look. They keep you cozy and comfortable no matter how extreme the weather conditions are. There are numerous designs available in stores that can bring a luxurious and incredible look to your outfit.

However, it’s not only the clothing that matters but the right combination of fur coat that adds beauty to your entire look. In the majority of the countries, socializing takes place outdoors. The best way you can protect yourself from cold and look chic is by draping the perfect coat. There is no other way of doing it than with a real fur coat. It will keep you puffed and toasty but won’t make you feel like you’re wearing a sleeping bag.

In addition, there are different designs available, from shearlings to animal prints and poppy colored mink coats to textured fox fur coats. There’s no chance of staying under-dressed if you invest in natural fur coats this season. So, to make it easy for you, we’re here to help you find the best fur coats you can wear at any party by styling them differently according to the occasion. Hence, find the right fur coat and make yourself a fashion success on chilly days. For best real fur coats, we have shortlisted the top 5 real fur coats from our website that you can wear anywhere by styling it differently.

The Top 5 Real Fur Coats for You

  1. Black Poplin Jacket

This Black Poplin jacket with a red fur-lined hood is the perfect blend of two colors. You can carry it in different styles based on the type of occasion you’re attending. The fluffy collar and hood on this gem add the right pop to your outfit for an extra shield from the cold weather. The two shades are perfect for an entirely authentic look. Black is the ideal color for your winter wardrobe as you can add and style it with different color combinations.

Moreover, it not just compliments different shades but also brightens up your outfit. You can wear blue denim and a white turtle-neck underneath for a semi-formal look. However, you can also carry it with a black turtle-neck, black or nude heels, and a printed, textured leggings, for example, cheetah printed. To further enhance your look, you can add different accessories to your look, such as a matching handbag, earrings, wrist-watch, etc.

Furthermore, you can also go with an all-black look with black boots, a turtle-neck, and a leather skirt underneath to give the perfect boho-chic look. You can add accessories like hoops, wrist-watch, and rings to make it more glamourous.

Black Poplin Jacket Red Fur Lined Hood 8373

Image alt text: A woman wears Black Poplin Red Fun Lined Hood that gives her an elegant look

  1. Lynx Fur Jacket

This American Cat Lynx fur jacket adds the right vibrance to your look. It is a front-open fur jacket that makes you stand out amongst others. With this simplest ensemble, you can follow the perfect street style look. You can pair it with casual denim or ripped jeans with a white or black turtle-neck and brown boots to complement the tiger print on the jacket.

Moreover, this is a lightweight coat that is perfect for chilly winter mornings. As the freezing wind blows and the sun shines in the sky, you can don this stylish real fur coat to keep yourself warm and to be this winter’s style statement this year. The brown shades add an aesthetic appeal to your outfit, giving you a casual yet classy look.

American Cat Lynx Fur Jacket 30890

Image alt text: A woman dons American Cat Lynx Jacket with blue jeans having a perfect casual look

  1. Curly Lamb Stroller

This medium-length pink Curly Lamb Stroller is the best funky yet classy piece of cloth to keep you warm in the winters. This front-open coat adds an extra cool nuance to your look. It is a staple coat that is a must for every girl’s wardrobe.

This light-colored coat is perfect for casual daylight wear. In addition, you can pair it with a white turtle-neck, blue denim, or ripped jeans with brown high boots and a brown belt to add another dimension to your outfit. To add glamor to this stroller, you can pair it with white skinnies and a white turtle-neck with a combination of brown boots and a brown belt. Furthermore, you can add different accessories to your outfit to complement the mixture and give it a chic look.

Pink Curly Lamb Stroller Size 6 4563

Image alt text: A woman clad in Pink Curly Lamb Stroller gets a casual yet trendy look

  1. Camel Shearling Jacket

Real fur coats are not only for women. This men’s Camel Shearling is a soft and lightweight jacket perfect for adding the right shade to your outfit. Its fluffy white collar adds coziness and is ideal for adding an elegant touch to your look. You can wear blue denim or ripped jeans with a white turtle-neck or a plain t-shirt. The zipper adds the right tone to your look. Furthermore, you can give it a formal look by wearing black jeans and a black turtle neck along with brown boots and a belt. Moreover, you can add accessories like a wristwatch and a pair of shades for a formal look.

Men’s Camel Shearling Jacket 3827

Image alt text: A man wears Camel Shearling Jacket with blue jeans for the perfect casual look

  1. Emerald Green Fox Jacket

This Classic Emerald green fox jacket is the perfect fit to wear in casual and formal events. Its cropped and vibrant color will give you an elegant touch. The jacket might be short in length but, its thickness will provide you with the warmth and comfort you need. The color will make you prominent among your peers on all occasions and events. Its unique green color will add glamor to your outfit. To carry this at a formal event, you can wear black jeans and a black turtle-neck beneath them with high heels to give you a classy look.

On the other hand, you can carry it with blue denim or ripped jeans for a casual look to add the perfect blend along with a white turtle-neck. Moreover, a few accessories will give you a chic look. So, don’t forget to carry a bag, wear a wristwatch, and earrings for a classy look!

Classic Emerald Green Fox Jacket 7574

Image alt text: A woman wears Classic Emerald Green Fox Jacket, it can give you the perfect casual as well as a formal look


To conclude, you look highly depends on the way you style your outfits. However, these fur coats are the perfect fit for all the formal as well as informal events you want to attend this season. These fur coats are useful as they keep you warm and they are long-lasting. They are the best item of clothing for your everyday look.

It all depends on how you want to style it with different color combinations. You can visit our website to find the perfect coat that matches your style.

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Real Fur Coats for All Seasons | MARC KAUFMAN FURS

Real Fur Coats for All Seasons | MARC KAUFMAN FURS

Image alt text: Women and men rocking unique styles of fur coats

You may find it ‘too much’ to wear fur coats in the summer season. However, the trend is changing globally and designers have started incorporating natural fur coats in different ways to fit all seasons. As a result, these fur coats have become the center of attraction in the spring and summer seasons as well. It means that you can wear fur coats and be a style statement all year long. Surely, you can wear them on the chilly days of the winners following the trend of luxe fashion. Real fur coats take the lead. Wearing a cozy upper on a cold day is an uncanny way through which you can make casual sweatshirts look on-point. Hence, from classic prints to unique neutrals, cropped beauties to ankle-skimming cuties, they fur coats are destined to work in winter season.

Furthermore, there are numerous innovative styles through which you can pull off that holiday-cheer look in trend. Moreover, you can style and modify any look with the addition of fur coats for any kind of weather, season or occasion. They are chic, trendy, and fun, which help in creating an outstanding, non-sweaty summer outfit as well. Taking inspiration from the trendy look, we have rounded up different ways through which your fur coats can be used  in any season.


  1. Olive Green Shearling Vest

This Olive Green Shearling vest is one of the coolest  fur coats you can wear throughout the year. This coat is made with a mixture of different materials like fur, wool, and others. Also, its full-zip closure with fur on its collar gives it a classic look.You can easily pair it with neutral colors like black and white. Consequently, this is quite a stylish vest that you can carry in any occasion and season.

Olive Green Shearling Vest

Alt image text: A woman wears the trendy Olive Green Shearling Vest that makes her simple look standout.

  1. Men’s Navy Shearling Jacket Camel Shearling Trim

This Navy Blue Shearling Jacket has a zip closure with slanted side pockets. It has a brown stripe around the sleeves, collar, border, and zip. This coat can give you a masculine casual look as well as a trendy touch. . Moreover, there is room to wear a t-shirt underneath to style it with any neutral color.

Men’s Navy Shearling Jacket Camel Shearling Trim


Alt image text: Man flaunts Men’s Navy Shearling Jacket Camel Shearling Trim that gives him a casual yet trendy look

  1. Black Sheared Rex Jacket Knit Trim

This Rex Jacket gives you a bit of sporty look with stripes around the collar, sleeves, border, and side pockets. Moreover, you can pair it with a jeans of your choice and you will rock the look. Furthermore, it is similar to leather jackets and is tailored to fit your body. There is space underneath for you to wear a shirt or a shirt as well. We will suggest you to wear it with an ice-blue jeans and a white t-shirt inside to have an attractive look.

Black Sheared Rex Jacket Knit Trim

Image alt text: With the red stripes at sleeves pockets and collar, Black Sheared Rex Jacket Knit Trim gives this woman a sporty look



  1. Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket

This black fox motorcycle jacket is perfect for the fall, summer, and winter seasons. This black shade adds a feel of royalty to your outfit. You can carry it well with a pair of ripped jeans and a white t-shirt to have a casual day-light look. In addition, you can also wear it with a black shirt and blue jeans for to a party at night.

Real Fur Coats

Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket

Image alt text: A woman flaunts the rogue look wearing black fox motorcycle jacket with a ripped jeans


  1. Black Cashmere Wool Cape Rex Rabbit Fur Flowers

This cape is a bit loose and can be worn over any neutral color. The most appealing feature in this cape is the flowers all around the border made of fur. Therefore, this cape is the best alternative to a jacket if you want to have a unique, chic, stylish, and comfortable look in the summer or spring season. Cape coats are quite elegant and give you a sophisticated look which you can carry to different parties or even at formal events like weddings and engagement. So, you can wear it over a matching dress with boots or heels. These cape-style coats are trendy amongst French and Italians in Europe.

Consequently, it gives you an exquisite and versatile look, which you can easily carry with a pair of jeans.

Real Fur Coats

Black Cashmere Wool Cape Rex Rabbit Fur Flowers

Image alt text: A woman wears Black Cashmere Wool Cape Rex Rabbit Fur Flowers over a pair of black jeans

  1. Women’s Black Shearling Stroller Notched Collar

This Black Shearling Stroller Notches Collar with buttons on its front gives a sophisticated look to your outfit. The texture is very cozy and the best part about this shearling coat is its elegant look that you can carry at all occasions. Also, you have the option of hooking up all the buttons or just leaving it open from the front to have a more casual touch.

These shearling coats are in the fashion, and you will spot a numerous people donning them in the streets. You can wear this with skirts or skinny jeans, and high heels. The fur collar gives a classy look and adds detail to your outfit. Therefore, such shearling coats are super trendy, comfortable, and stylish to wear.

Real Fur Coats

Women’s Black Shearling Stroller Notched Collar


Image alt text: A woman wears the Black Shearling Stroller Notches Collar with a blue jeans, giving her an excuisite look

  1. Red Sheared Mink Coat

There is nothing like carrying a red sheered mink coat . This color is perfect for all the parties at any time of the day. It looks classy yet funky at the same time. Thus, it is a perfect match for all seasons including winter, fall, or even the night in the summer season. Hence, you can pair it over black skinnies and a black or white t-shirt.  You can either don it with high boots or heels and you will look stunning in it

Such bright-colored coats are something that can complement the majority of the outfits.

Red Sheared Mink Coat

Image alt text: A woman dons Red Sheared Mink Coat with black pants that gives her a royal look


To conclude, real fur coats are not necessarily meant for the winter season. You can also style them differently in the fall, spring, or even summer season. You can pair these coats with a combination of different colors. The best way to make these coats prominent is by wearing them over neutral colours. To find the best fur coats that you can carry throughout the year, you should browse our collection. We have a wide range of fur coats to offer you, contact us now if you have any query regarding these classy coats.

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Millennials Really Like Real Fur Coats

Millennials Like The Real Fur Deal

Don’t Believe The Hype


It’s True, most millennials like real fur. Millennials are not staunch activists against related products.
This particular generation has a different set of fashion values. They like colorful and statement worthy fashion elements.
Millennials are into things that speak to them as individuals. There is a sense of balance and inclusion with this generation, for the most part.
There is also an overwhelming sense of independent thought that ripples throughout the rank and file of millennials.
Fashion applies to their choices in clothing as well. Many do not find real fur to be an issue worthy of consideration in a world fraught with more substantial concerns about the overall quality of life.


The Millennial Way


There are points where fashion elements take hold. As a result, this is especially true about the real fur coat. Many millennial’s see the furs as a real fashion statement. It’s almost as though the furs leapfrogged a generation. As a result a resurgence of the garment as a popular fashion accessory is evident in contemporary pop culture. It is everywhere. Famous entertainers and fashion bloggers have images of themselves adorned in fur everywhere on social media. It is truly a thing to behold. Fur garments eternal. Millennial’s are proving this.


Millennials Like Marc Kaufman

Cross Fox Fur Vest Hood
Magnificent Cross Fox Vest

Fur fashion. Nearly 150 years as a premier furrier guarantees recognition from all demographic groups. 

Marc Kaufman is the oldest furrier in the United States of America. The Kaufman’s have serviced thousands of fur clients globally. Millennials know all about Marc Kaufman magic. 

Burning Man to the red carpet, Marc Kaufman has fed the millennial appetite. Very few furriers can design and manufacture the eclectic style of fur coats sought by the millennial. Marc Kaufman Furs can and does.

Kaufman’s flagship store located at 212 West 30th Street, New York, New York,10017. Their online global sales store is available around the clock for all of your fur needs and desires. Seek out Marc Kaufman for your next garment. Millennial or other, Marc Kaufman has the real fur coats, best suited for you; yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

Lady Gaga Is A Walking Red Carpet

Gaga For Fur

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen
Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

Lady Gaga is the reigning queen of fur. There is little substantive proof to refute this. Alone, she is a force of nature, unlike any other. Her arrival onto the music and entertainment scene was immediately transformational. Gaga brought with her a style of musicality and presence rarely borne witness to. It was meteoric. However, this particular meteor never lost its apogee. It continued to sail the heights of the entertainment realm. Gaga’s music has affected an entire generation. Her fans are legion and defy a specific demography. Her creative force shows no sign of diminishing. Lady Gaga has now entered the acting sphere. Her acclaimed performance in the remake of a Star Is Born bears proof of life for her newly birthed thespian side.
Along with her eccentric, creative side, is her eclectic fashionista presence. Her love of all things fashionably extreme and statement worthy precedes her. Her love of fur fashion precedes her as well.


The Gaga Fur Effect

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen
Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

There has been a definitive Lady Gaga fur effect. A few celebrities are targeted and subsequently refrain from the use of real fur coats; Gaga goes all with her fur presence. She has a Teflon appeal to her burgeoning fan base. Her charm is resistant to any criticism. She may encounter from fringe activist groups regarding the use of real fur. The Gaga effect is real, so is the fur she wears. Gaga has many fur sides. Her varied fur styles are as numerous as her discography.

Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen
Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen

There are no substitutes for real talent or real fur. Both have attributes that can not be replicated in a laboratory. Lady Gaga is a unique talent that wears uniquely designed furs. Few furriers have the ability to design and produce such fur coats. Marc Kaufman Furs ranks as one of the primary furriers in the world.

Marc Kaufman Furs Reigns Supreme

Nicki Minaj Has Strong Fur Game Marc Kaufman Furs
Lady Gaga Reigning Fur Queen. Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs reigns supreme amongst the global furrier elite. They have presided over the design and production of some of the best fur products in existence. For nearly 150 years, the Marc Kaufman Furs way has had a multi-generational impact on the fur loving, global consumer base. They have serviced thousands of fur clients worldwide. The reign of Marc Kaufman Furs continues to this day. Kaufman’s flagship store is located in the United States. Their address is 212 west 30th street, New York, New York,10001. When you consider your next exquisite fur piece, come to Marc Kaufman Furs. Better yet, utilize their online store from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to be Lady Gaga to shop Marc Kaufman Furs.

It doesn’t hurt to be “gaga” for furs, though.