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How to Redesign your Fox Leather Jacket?

How to Redesign your Fox Leather Jacket?

As winter is winding down, the fur coats are going back into the closets or to storage. Whether it’s a fox fur leather jacket, mink fur vests, or lynx fur jackets, they share the same fate. But it’s not necessary that you can’t use your fur coat or fur jacket in other seasons besides winter. A popular fashion choice for all seasons is leather jackets.

Fluffy White Fox Hoodie Jacket
Fluffy White Fox Hoodie Jacket

As stated by Statista, in 2019, $101.45 million worth of fur clothing and accessories were imported by the US from the rest of the world. As fur gains popularity, there is a definite common choice for people, when choosing a leather jacket, is the real fox leather jacket and fox fur coat. And there are, obviously, legitimate reasons for how to redesign your fox leather jacket.

Benefits of Fox Leather Jacket

  • Keep you warm in the harsh winters and keep you cool during scorching summers.
  • They are not heavy on your shoulders and are very breathable and light, making them comfortable to wear.
  • Eco-friendly and a renewable resource.
  • Leather coats stay in fashion all year round, and so, you do not need to worry about which season you should buy them for.
  • They have a luxurious look, unlike most faux fur jackets.
Royal Blue Fox Boa
Royal Blue Fox Boa

Why would you want to redesign your jacket?

Now, there could be multiple reasons you would want to redesign your jacket. Sometimes, the plain look of the jacket just isn’t doing it for you. And the leather jackets you see at stores with different colors and designs are not your style. With people becoming more and more creative, it’s not a surprise to see someone wearing a customized or redesigned jacket that is unique. And of course, it’s because it is their design.

Red Fox Bolero Jacket
Red Fox Bolero Jacket

Sometimes, the rates of redesigning may be too expensive for some people, especially after they have already purchased a pure leather jacket. After all, a leather jacket is an investment rather than a purchase. So, for this reason, many people have found alternate solutions that are to take the risk and design the jacket themselves.

How to customize or redesign your leather jacket?

So, here we have compiled some tips and tricks to redesign your fox fur coat or fox leather jacket and give it a new look altogether.

  • Painting it

The best and easiest way to customize your leather jacket is by painting it. What you paint on it is up to you, whether it’s flowers, some written text like a poem, patterns, or even just abstract. Surely, since you’ve painted this yourself, your jacket will be one of a kind. However, you can also take inspiration from someone and paint.

To paint the jacket, you’ll first need to decide what you want to draw and get your paints accordingly. Be sure to get good quality acrylic paints as you don’t want them ruining your coat. We highly recommend you to have a reference picture right next to you so that nothing goes wrong. And then start painting!

If you feel like you are not a good painter and don’t want to take the risk, then you should ask a friend or possibly someone else who is good at painting. And one more important thing you’ll have to keep in mind is the color of the jacket. Since your jacket is most probably black, the colors need to be brighter and bolder. This way, they won’t feel faded and will be properly seen.

Black Fox Jacket Silver Fox Inserts
Black Fox Jacket Silver Fox Inserts

Black Fox Jacket Silver Fox Inserts

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Black Fox Jacket Silver Fox Inserts with black tights.

  • Embroidery

This is another thing you can do to redesign your fox fur coat or fur jacket. You can go two ways about this. You can either write on the back of the jacket or you can just outline its sleeves and cuffs. The way to do both is pretty similar.

If you want to outline the sleeves and cuffs of the jacket, just glue the fabric on top of the places you want it to be and then stitch on top of it, so it sets. Another way to do this is by actually sewing through the jacket that is only recommended if you have done something like this before.

The same goes for if you want to write something on the back of the jacket. Take a paper and print or write the text you want to add to the jacket. Trace it to parchment or baking paper. Then place the paper face down onto the back of the jacket. Make sure it holds in place by pining it down carefully. Trace the writing on the back of the paper, so it transfers to the jacket.

Remove the paper and retrace anything that is missing on the jacket and then take a piece of rope with glue on one side and stick it over the text. Leave the jacket overnight, so the glue dries up, and then stitch over the rope to finalize the design.

Red Fox Jacket Leather Inserts
Red Fox Jacket Leather Inserts

Red Fox Jacket Leather Inserts

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Red Fox Jacket Leather Inserts with ripped jeans.

  • Sewing a patch

This is another way to up your game. If you have a patch or purchased one especially, for this reason, all you’ll need to do is get your needle and thread and sew the patch on there. You can sew one big patch or ten tiny patches, it’s up to you. Your fur fox coat will look brand new!

  • Dye

Dye your jacket by dipping it in another color dye of your liking, and it will give a faded ombre effect to it. It will give your jacket a personal and unique touch. Keep in mind, the dye should be a special one and not just any you grab from the store. Research the options and get one that doesn’t ruin your leather coat.

Cross Fox Jacket
Cross Fox Jacket

Cross Fox Jacket leather Inserts

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Cross Fox Jacket leather Inserts, black tights and running shoes.

  • Studs

Studded leather jackets look incredible on their own. And if you wanted one but couldn’t get it, then you can just try this. Get some studs (or a lot), a glue gun, and get to work. You can make a specific design or attach some at the corners and the edges to highlight them, or just go all out!

  • Cut it

If you are willing to take a risk, get your scissors and cut off the sleeves for a new leather vest look! Of course, you’ll have to be careful, and you’ll also have to close up the open edges. So, that’s why we recommend this to those that have an idea of what they are doing or at least have someone experienced enough by their side to guide them.

Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket
Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket

Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket and ripped jeans.

  • Add stripes

Adding two or three stripes to your jacket can make you look smarter. It is a simple way to look good and isn’t a very risky option either. Choose a contrasting color, like white against black, and add it around one sleeve or vertically to one side of the front of the jacket.

  • Add jeans

Another unique idea is to take your favorite pair of skinny patterned jeans, cut it up, and add it to the jacket. Take your jacket and cut the sleeves. From the skinny jeans, you will cut out a pair of sleeves and some extra portions for outlining, if you want. Stitch the new sleeves to the jacket and add the outlining and you’re done! Make sure to see how good your jeans will look against the jacket before cutting and attaching. No doubt, your fox fur coat will get a unique touch!

Multi Colored Fox Leather Motorcycle Jacket
Multi Colored Fox Leather Motorcycle Jacket

Multi Colored Fox Leather Motorcycle Jacket

Image alt text: A woman wearing a dress and a Multi Colored Fox Leather Motorcycle Jacket

  • Make accessories

You can turn your fox fur coat into accessories for any occasion. You can make accessories out of your jackets like keychains, gloves, or purses. Although they are a little complicated to make than the ideas given above, so we recommend that you see an expert furrier for this.


As you have read above, there are many ideas and many designs for changing up your plain fox fur coat or leather jacket into a new one! The risk of ruining the jacket is still there, but for a practice run, you can get a second-hand or a thrift faux fur jacket to get a hands-on experience.

You can find a wide collection of second-hand and new fur and leather jackets on our website that you can wear. And they’re all pure leather and fur! From fox fur coats and jackets to mink fur coats and fur vests, we have the whole range. We can also remodel your fur jacket and can also repair it for you. Browse through our collection to find the best jackets for you!

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Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Real Fur Coat

Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Real Fur Coat

Fur coats can protect you against the cold winter winds and also make you look classy at the same time. Do you plan on buying a new real fur coat? The thought of wearing real fur can be exciting. However, buying the right product for yourself isn’t very simple. People make a lot of mistakes while buying fur coats. These mistakes cost a lot because real fur costs thousands of dollars. Now you wouldn’t want anyone to make you believe a fake fur coat is a real one and rip you off, right? The purpose of this blog is to make sure that doesn’t happen to you when you go to buy a new real fur coat. This guide will be useful for you even if you’re not buying fur for the first time. Here are a few mistakes to avoid when buying a real fur coat.

Top 3 Mistakes You Can Make             

  1. Buying Faux Fur Thinking It’s Real

There can be a lot of miss commitment when it comes to selling fur. People will try to pass off faux fur as real. However, identifying real fur can be fairly simple. Just by touching the fur, you can tell how smooth it is. The artificial manufacture of fur sometimes causes it to lose its smoothness. Also, the base of the fur can tell you if it’s real or not. You can check it by separating a few hairs. Real fur was previously attached to animal skin, so it has a leathery feel to it. The back of faux fur will have a texture similar to a textile.

Another way to test if the fur is real is to take a few hairs from it and burn it. You must observe the smell when you burn them. If it smells like burning plastic, then it’s a big no! If you want to know more about identifying real fur, click here to read our guide for buying real fur. Marc Kaufman is a reputable brand that is persistent in selling the best quality real fur coats and jackets to its customers.

  1. Buying Fur That Doesn’t Suit You

Once you’ve determined if the seller is selling real fur, you need to decide which type of pelt you want. Not all types of pelts suit everyone. So, don’t make the mistake of buying an expensive fur coat that doesn’t suit you. You’ll end up keeping it in your wardrobe and not wearing it ever. Here are the most common types of fur pelts:

Mink – It is the most widely available form of fur. The United States produces over 2 million pelts of mink each year. Mink fur is soft to touch and is an excellent insulating material, making mink coats the highest in demand.

Chinchilla – People prefer chinchilla fur for its vintage black and grey look. It has the highest hair density but is lightweight at the same time. Furriers can sew the fur in both vertical and horizontal directions. here are a few mistakes to avoid when buying a real fur coat. Both will give a stylish touch to your outfit.

Lynx – This precious white cat fur is astonishingly beautiful. It will make you look adorable for sure. Wearing lynx fur is the best way to look attractive, and it’s ideal for telling the world how fashionable you are.

Sable – Sable fur has a unique kind of smoothness to it. Unlike other types, it feels smooth to touch in any direction. This high-quality fur is glamorous and will boost your appearance to the next level. It is ideal for you if you want heads to turn in your direction and mouths to speak of you.

Fox – Fox fur is also another prevalent type of fur found all over the world. It is a must-have for fashion freaks. Choose this type of fur for your wardrobe if you want the most natural-looking fur.

So, how to make sure the fur coat suits you? First of all, go for fur shopping in broad daylight. Before buying the coat, wear it and check how it looks on you by looking in a full mirror. Turn around and look at yourself from all angles. Just doing this will give you a good idea if the coat suits you. You can always take a friend along for their valuable opinion.

Furthermore, the coat should also resonate with your personality. You can make sure by reading this article about choosing fur coats that fit with different personalities. If you’re buying a fur coat for a specific occasion, you can take help from this guide on how to wear fur on different occasions.

Full Length Ranch Mink Coat with Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Trim Chinchilla Collar Cuffs


Full Length Ranch Mink Coat with Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Trim

Image alt text: A woman wears a full-length ranch mink coat with chinchilla fur to get a stylish look

  1. Buying a Coat That is Made from Pieces of Fur

A fur coat can be made in two ways, from full skins or from pieces. Fur coats made from full skins are of higher quality than fur coats made of pieces. Coats made from full skins also cost more as it is made out of the fur from the back and belly of the animal. On the other hand, a pieced pelt fur coat is made from pieces of pelt from parts, like paws, and tails, sewn together. This stitching makes it asymmetrical because seams will be visible, and all the pieces may not be of the same shade. Hence, when you go to buy a real fur coat, try to get one that is made from a full skin.

Designer Demi Full Length Mink Coat
Designer Demi Full Length Mink Coat

Designer Demi Full Length Mink Coat

Image alt text: A woman dons a full-length mink coat over black boots for a trendy look

The Bottom Line

Now that you know the top mistakes that people can make when buying real fur coats, you can try your best to avoid them. Many people might tell you that using animals for their fur is unethical. Ask them, “Do you eat meat?” and in most cases, that’ll be the end of the discussion. It is a fact that nature has created animals for the consumption and use of humans. The fur industry has had its ups and downs, but fur coats have remained a fashionable choice for celebrities and those who wish to show their power and status. If you want to buy a new real fur coat, be sure to visit our website and check out our awesome fur products.

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Everything You Need to Know About Sable Fur

Everything You Need to Know About Sable Fur

When it comes to real fur, it is essential to know that all fur types are exclusive. Some furs have more exceptional qualities, while others are not that extraordinary. Nevertheless, just like there is a king in the animal world, there is also a king in the world of furs. Sable is the most majestic of all furs. All fur lovers know that there are some furs that are to die for. Everything you need to know about sable fur. These kinds of furs stand out not just because of their quality but because of their exceptional beauty and practicality. Sable furs are the most precious fur type. Sable fur coats are likewise an immaculate luxury and will always be timeless.

Full Length Russian Sable Fur Coat 90789

Full Length Russian Sable Fur Coat 90789

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing grey sable coat

Nevertheless, to help you see the magnificent characteristics of sable furs, we are here to drive you through the fur encyclopedia. Let us start with the basics:

Basics of Sable

Sable is a member of the martin genus. It lives in Russia but is also found in the northernmost parts of China and Japan. It’s an omnivorous animal. Sable’s average lifespan is about 20 years, and it preys on fishes, small mammals, and berries. They also feed on the leftover food of bears and wolves. Sable is most likely to turn mean and aggressive if it is farmed domestically. Thus, biology advises that you should never pet a sable.

Sables are the most valuable source for millennial furs. It has historical importance for Mongolian, Roman, and similar ancient civilizations. History indicates that people farmed sable domestically for furs. Nevertheless, nowadays, Russians use them for creating sable fur fabric. The fur extracted from sable is of high value. It is primarily because sable fur is the most precious and softest of all fur types.

Amazing Russian Sable Fur Stroller Directional 55666

Amazing Russian Sable Fur Stroller Directional 55666

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing brown sable stroller.

Interestingly, in the early 1900s, sables were near extinction. However, Russians made exclusive efforts to save sables and introduced them to the wilds again. Thus, the efforts of the mass reintroduction of sable across Russia remained fruitful.

Interesting Facts on Sable

Sable is one of the most abundant species. Sable was once near extinction, but after making essential efforts and reintroducing the animal back in the wilds, its population increased. It is precious for the fur industry because the fur industry farms it for its fur. Sable produces the most valuable furs, which are durable, beautiful, soft, and warm. Consider the following insights on sable:

  1. Sable males are longer than females. Thus, fur farms breed more sable males than females.
  2. Although sables are brown and black, there are whitish and yellowish fur patches on their necks.
  3. They have sharp teeth and claws and extremely furry tails. Most of the furs come from the sable’s tail.
  4. It is highly active in twilight and feeds on meat. It mostly preys on weasels, fishes, and slugs.
  5. They have a total lifespan of 8 years in the wild but can survive up to 18 years domestically. They reach maturity in 2 years.

Let’s Talk About Sable Fur

Sable is the make-believe cousin of mink and weasel. People have also been confusing it as a cross between a cat and a weasel. Sable weighs about 4.5 pounds and reaches no more than 22 inches in length. However, regardless of its small size, it provides the most luxurious real fur coats and jackets. Sable surpasses fox and mink in the density of fur silkiness. It also provides a luminous range of colors and hues, including beige, brown, grey, silver, and black. Sable is one of the most versatile and abundant species. The demand for sable coats has always been high because it is the dream royalty of every fashionista. Sable furs can completely transform your style.

Brown Cashmere Cape Sable Fur 3222

Brown Cashmere Cape Sable Fur 3222

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing sable cashmere cape

Exciting Insights on Sable Fur

Sable fur is one of the most precious furs worldwide. The fur industry regards sable fur as soft gold. It is one of the most expensive fur types because it symbolizes sophistication and wealth. In addition to that, if you look at it historically, people used sable furs as an equivalent of money. Consider the following insights about sable furs. After reading through this, you will understand why fur-trade considers sable as the most luxurious and precious furs of all time:

  1. There are 17 species of sable. Sables mostly inhabit the mountainous ranges and lowlands.
  2. Sable is famous for its beauty, soft pelts, and warm furs. Fur color ranges from light brown to dark brown and even black.
  3. Sable fur has a history of saving people from cold climates for a long time.
  4. You can easily find sable in the forest and mountainous ranges. It mostly lives in the roots of trees or on the river banks.
  5. They are the most durable kind of furs and, therefore, often passed down to generations.

Hierarchy of Sable Furs

Since there is a multitude of fur color ranges and textures that sable provides, its demand in the fur trade is exceptionally high. Several sable species can easily be found in North America, Yenisei, Japan, China, and Russia. The sable skin varies from light brown to dark brown and black, while it has abstract white fur patches on its neck. Just like any other type of fur, sable fur also follows a hierarchy. There is a region called Barguzinsky, and the breed of sable that lives there is the rarest of all. These sables have dark skin pelts, and their furs are mostly grey. The second most expensive breed of sable is found in the Yenisei. These sables have a very precious skin-colored pelt that one cannot find otherwise. The North American sable breed ranks as the third most expensive sable species.

A High Demand for Sable Furs

The demand for sable furs has always been the highest. Sable is the most luxurious and precious of all fur types. Almost all fur forums and exhibitions demonstrated the beauty, luxury, and class that come with sable furs. In addition to that, sable fur can combine with other types of furs, and thus, the fashion industry actively takes advantage of this attribute. The qualities of sable are not limited to these only; a real fur coat made out of sable fur requires little dressing and processing and extremely minimal restoration. The nature of sable is exceptionally natural, and the industry prefers to use its furs and pelts in their original form. The demand for sable fur coats has always been high because wearing a precious sable fur coat is the dream of fashionistas worldwide. Sable coats will always help you look classy.

Full Length Golden Russian Sable Directional Coat Wing Collar 4477

Full Length Golden Russian Sable Directional Coat Wing Collar 4477

Alt Image Text: A woman wearing full length golden sable coat

Final Words

Sable fur coats should always be on your list of 5 must-have fur coats this winter. The royalty, luxury, and perfection that sable offer is the dream of every woman. This is why people use even the oldest of sable fur coats, and families pass them down their generations as the family heirloom. If you also find sable fur coats fascinating, Marc Kaufman is here to satisfy all your fur needs. We have the biggest collection of sable furs. We display most of our sable coats and jackets on our websites. However, if you cannot find the right size, know that we can make all the showcased products into any size and color. We are the leading fur coat manufacturers, so even if you require the most complex customization, we are here for you!

Visit our website today to buy the coat that suits your personality the best. We offer the best collection of the most luxurious sable fur coats at the most affordable prices.

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Fur Coat Cold Storage For Summer

Orange Mink Fur Bomber Jacket

Fur Coat Cold Storage For Summer

Warm Weather Is Not A Friend To Your Fur Coat

Full Length Ranch Sheared Mink Coat with Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Trim CHinchilla Fur Collar and Chinchilla Fur Cuffs

Full Length Ranch Sheared Mink Coat with Chinchilla Fur Tuxedo Trim CHinchilla Fur Collar and Chinchilla Fur Cuffs

A Fur Coat is like precise instruments. They require particular care and maintenance in order to sustain peak performance,or in this case, stellar wearability. Fur Coats are great in cold weather,obviously. However,they suffer in warm weather. The only way to protect them from the heat of summer is to make sure to place them in cold storage by the time spring season is in full swing. Continue reading Fur Coat Cold Storage For Summer

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Fur Designers Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Designers

Fur Designers are the key to trend setting fur fashions,globally

Fur designers are the mainstays and primary components of the fur business. They are the ones who determine style and function of fur coats and fur accessories. In other words, just as the designers in the general world of couture fashion, fur designers are the focus and tip of the spear in terms of fur trends and sales.

Fur Designers

Fur Designers

Fur designers have always been at the forefront of fur fashion trends. Fur designers such as Dennis Basso,Karl Lagerfeld and Prabal Gurung and Marc Kaufman Furs have been the main drivers of fur fashion trends for decades. In the case of Marc Kaufman Furs, nearly 150 years and three centuries have distinguished them from the others in terms of fur design and consumer sales.

Joe Namath Marc Kaufman Furs

Joe Namath Marc Kaufman Furs

Marc Kaufman Furs creates luxurious classic to contemporary fur designs. Their client base ranges from the political/celebrity elite to rank and file global denizens. The Marc Kaufman Furs design team is always active with ongoing fur coat and fur accessory creations. Celebrated actors,actresses,sports figures and entertainment icons all shop Marc Kaufman Furs for fashion forward,trendy fur designs. The next time you are in need of an amazing fur, come to one of the premiere fur designers in the business today,Marc Kaufman Furs. You will be glad you did.

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs