OK, winter is over. The chill in the air has transformed into a little breeze. The nimbostratus and alto clouds(snow bearing) have given way to cumulus clouds(rain-bearing). Spring has come calling as the winter falls away. So, here we are. Just us and our jackets and coats. What is a fur lover to do given this climatic transformation? The warmth provided by our wondrous garments not necessary for the next six months. We will probably shift outerwear gears and opt for lighter weight jackets appropriate for the milder temperatures before us. Again, what of our wondrous heat bearing, glamorous furs?
Fur Maintenance
Here at Marc Kaufman, we connect you with the fur of your choice and provide care and maintenance information to aid you in protecting your fur coats and fur jackets. The closet would not be the appropriate storage vehicle for your valuable furs. Heat s an enemy of the your coat, not a protector. Closed-off spaces are humid and devoid of fresh air damage and destroy your beloved coat or jacket. Fur coats need a “big chill” environment. Enter the new cold storage facility.
Cold Fur Storage
Marc Kaufman provides a facility where your valuable coats can be cold stored and protected in a continually cold environment devoid of heat and humidity. It is exceptionally affordable and covers the entire six month period when your garment will not be needed. You can elect to drop off your coat or have it picked up by us for a slightly higher charge. Marc Kaufman provides a haven where your cherished fur(s) are free to “hang out.”
Feel free to contact us at KaufmanOnline, Facebook, or Instagram for more information regarding our extremely affordable cold storage facility. You will be glad you did.
Marc Kaufman , 212 w30th street, Ny, NY, 10001, 212-563-3387