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How to Redesign your Fox Leather Jacket?

How to Redesign your Fox Leather Jacket?

As winter is winding down, the fur coats are going back into the closets or to storage. Whether it’s a fox fur leather jacket, mink fur vests, or lynx fur jackets, they share the same fate. But it’s not necessary that you can’t use your fur coat or fur jacket in other seasons besides winter. A popular fashion choice for all seasons is leather jackets.

Fluffy White Fox Hoodie Jacket
Fluffy White Fox Hoodie Jacket

As stated by Statista, in 2019, $101.45 million worth of fur clothing and accessories were imported by the US from the rest of the world. As fur gains popularity, there is a definite common choice for people, when choosing a leather jacket, is the real fox leather jacket and fox fur coat. And there are, obviously, legitimate reasons for how to redesign your fox leather jacket.

Benefits of Fox Leather Jacket

  • Keep you warm in the harsh winters and keep you cool during scorching summers.
  • They are not heavy on your shoulders and are very breathable and light, making them comfortable to wear.
  • Eco-friendly and a renewable resource.
  • Leather coats stay in fashion all year round, and so, you do not need to worry about which season you should buy them for.
  • They have a luxurious look, unlike most faux fur jackets.
Royal Blue Fox Boa
Royal Blue Fox Boa

Why would you want to redesign your jacket?

Now, there could be multiple reasons you would want to redesign your jacket. Sometimes, the plain look of the jacket just isn’t doing it for you. And the leather jackets you see at stores with different colors and designs are not your style. With people becoming more and more creative, it’s not a surprise to see someone wearing a customized or redesigned jacket that is unique. And of course, it’s because it is their design.

Red Fox Bolero Jacket
Red Fox Bolero Jacket

Sometimes, the rates of redesigning may be too expensive for some people, especially after they have already purchased a pure leather jacket. After all, a leather jacket is an investment rather than a purchase. So, for this reason, many people have found alternate solutions that are to take the risk and design the jacket themselves.

How to customize or redesign your leather jacket?

So, here we have compiled some tips and tricks to redesign your fox fur coat or fox leather jacket and give it a new look altogether.

  • Painting it

The best and easiest way to customize your leather jacket is by painting it. What you paint on it is up to you, whether it’s flowers, some written text like a poem, patterns, or even just abstract. Surely, since you’ve painted this yourself, your jacket will be one of a kind. However, you can also take inspiration from someone and paint.

To paint the jacket, you’ll first need to decide what you want to draw and get your paints accordingly. Be sure to get good quality acrylic paints as you don’t want them ruining your coat. We highly recommend you to have a reference picture right next to you so that nothing goes wrong. And then start painting!

If you feel like you are not a good painter and don’t want to take the risk, then you should ask a friend or possibly someone else who is good at painting. And one more important thing you’ll have to keep in mind is the color of the jacket. Since your jacket is most probably black, the colors need to be brighter and bolder. This way, they won’t feel faded and will be properly seen.

Black Fox Jacket Silver Fox Inserts
Black Fox Jacket Silver Fox Inserts

Black Fox Jacket Silver Fox Inserts

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Black Fox Jacket Silver Fox Inserts with black tights.

  • Embroidery

This is another thing you can do to redesign your fox fur coat or fur jacket. You can go two ways about this. You can either write on the back of the jacket or you can just outline its sleeves and cuffs. The way to do both is pretty similar.

If you want to outline the sleeves and cuffs of the jacket, just glue the fabric on top of the places you want it to be and then stitch on top of it, so it sets. Another way to do this is by actually sewing through the jacket that is only recommended if you have done something like this before.

The same goes for if you want to write something on the back of the jacket. Take a paper and print or write the text you want to add to the jacket. Trace it to parchment or baking paper. Then place the paper face down onto the back of the jacket. Make sure it holds in place by pining it down carefully. Trace the writing on the back of the paper, so it transfers to the jacket.

Remove the paper and retrace anything that is missing on the jacket and then take a piece of rope with glue on one side and stick it over the text. Leave the jacket overnight, so the glue dries up, and then stitch over the rope to finalize the design.

Red Fox Jacket Leather Inserts
Red Fox Jacket Leather Inserts

Red Fox Jacket Leather Inserts

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Red Fox Jacket Leather Inserts with ripped jeans.

  • Sewing a patch

This is another way to up your game. If you have a patch or purchased one especially, for this reason, all you’ll need to do is get your needle and thread and sew the patch on there. You can sew one big patch or ten tiny patches, it’s up to you. Your fur fox coat will look brand new!

  • Dye

Dye your jacket by dipping it in another color dye of your liking, and it will give a faded ombre effect to it. It will give your jacket a personal and unique touch. Keep in mind, the dye should be a special one and not just any you grab from the store. Research the options and get one that doesn’t ruin your leather coat.

Cross Fox Jacket
Cross Fox Jacket

Cross Fox Jacket leather Inserts

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Cross Fox Jacket leather Inserts, black tights and running shoes.

  • Studs

Studded leather jackets look incredible on their own. And if you wanted one but couldn’t get it, then you can just try this. Get some studs (or a lot), a glue gun, and get to work. You can make a specific design or attach some at the corners and the edges to highlight them, or just go all out!

  • Cut it

If you are willing to take a risk, get your scissors and cut off the sleeves for a new leather vest look! Of course, you’ll have to be careful, and you’ll also have to close up the open edges. So, that’s why we recommend this to those that have an idea of what they are doing or at least have someone experienced enough by their side to guide them.

Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket
Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket

Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket

Image alt text: A woman wearing a Black Fox Motorcycle Jacket and ripped jeans.

  • Add stripes

Adding two or three stripes to your jacket can make you look smarter. It is a simple way to look good and isn’t a very risky option either. Choose a contrasting color, like white against black, and add it around one sleeve or vertically to one side of the front of the jacket.

  • Add jeans

Another unique idea is to take your favorite pair of skinny patterned jeans, cut it up, and add it to the jacket. Take your jacket and cut the sleeves. From the skinny jeans, you will cut out a pair of sleeves and some extra portions for outlining, if you want. Stitch the new sleeves to the jacket and add the outlining and you’re done! Make sure to see how good your jeans will look against the jacket before cutting and attaching. No doubt, your fox fur coat will get a unique touch!

Multi Colored Fox Leather Motorcycle Jacket
Multi Colored Fox Leather Motorcycle Jacket

Multi Colored Fox Leather Motorcycle Jacket

Image alt text: A woman wearing a dress and a Multi Colored Fox Leather Motorcycle Jacket

  • Make accessories

You can turn your fox fur coat into accessories for any occasion. You can make accessories out of your jackets like keychains, gloves, or purses. Although they are a little complicated to make than the ideas given above, so we recommend that you see an expert furrier for this.


As you have read above, there are many ideas and many designs for changing up your plain fox fur coat or leather jacket into a new one! The risk of ruining the jacket is still there, but for a practice run, you can get a second-hand or a thrift faux fur jacket to get a hands-on experience.

You can find a wide collection of second-hand and new fur and leather jackets on our website that you can wear. And they’re all pure leather and fur! From fox fur coats and jackets to mink fur coats and fur vests, we have the whole range. We can also remodel your fur jacket and can also repair it for you. Browse through our collection to find the best jackets for you!