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Reasons Why Real Fur will Always be Better

Reasons Why Real Fur will Always be Better

Many celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, and Beyoncé, have been spotted wearing real fur on multiple occasions. While there is a considerable debate between real fur and faux, only its always the authentic material that gives you satisfaction. Therefore, here are a few pointers on why real fur will always, without a doubt, be better.

Environment Friendly

If we talk about sustainability, real fur takes the trophy there without a doubt. Real fur is a natural, renewable resource. By the use of real fur, we can manage to avoid causing damage to the natural habitat. Because faux fur – the only alternative for real fur – is made of synthetics, it does not promote sustainable use of our environment.

The fur industry does not use any endangered species to make fur items, which is a huge misconception around the world. Many governments around the world instil specific laws, rules and regulations to make sure no endangered species are being used in this business. Moreover, faux fur has been proven to cause cancer among with other health issues, whereas real fur is 100% human friendly. Because fur coats are a 100% natural and environmentally friendly, they tend to last for a long time unlike faux fur, which is non-biodegradable and a threat to the environment.

Fashion Trend for the Ages

Fur coats have been around for a very long time, and will possibly never go out of fashion. The great thing about buying a real fur coat or jacket is that if you get one today, you can keep on wearing it for a very long time and eventually pass it over to someone. Fur coats and jackets are timeless; they never go out of fashion. Because real fur lasts a long time, it is a great asset to have as it will forever compliment your outfits no matter what.

No matter what debate one brings on, they cannot deny that real fur coats steal the attention from everyone around them. Real fur is such a fashion statement that it makes heads turn towards it everywhere. Unlike real fur, faux fur looks relatively cheap and has a sour finish, and needs to be replaced regularly because it lacks the durability required for longer life.

The Comfort of Real Fur

Because of the chilly nights, people need proper warmth and comfort to get through them. Authentic fur is not heavy or bulky; it has the perfect weight to keep you warm and comfortable on those cold nights.

Real fur is exceptionally soft and smooth, unlike faux fur, which can feel rougher and feel inexpensive to the touch. No matter what people believe, real fur is better than faux fur when it comes to comfort as it feels like the luxurious item it is.

The fur is known to be one of the best insulators around. Because real fur coats have an inner lining or wool padding, they are genuinely better at providing comfort and warmth, unlike faux fur coats. Breathability is also a significant factor that contributes to the debate about why real fur will always be better. Faux fur is not breathable like real fur, which makes it easier for people to wear real fur coats.


It can be a little hard for people to tell faux fur apart from real fur, but there is a big difference between them. While faux fur feels very coarse to the touch, real fur is much softer and silkier. Faux fur can also shed if you run your fingers through it, which is not the case for real fur. Real fur feels very luxurious, as it should. Kaufman makes real, authentic fur coats that look as luxurious as they feel.

The hair on a real fur coat is light and glossy, and you can easily run your fingers through it. Whereas faux fur is very stiff, and the tips of the hair are blunt. By running your hand through faux fur, you can quickly tell it is not real, as the strands of hair get tangled with each other.

Shedding of Fur

Like we have mentioned above, shedding can be an issue when it comes to faux fur. Because the hair is artificial, the strands loosen and start shedding from the faux fur coat over time. On the other hand, with real fur, one does not have to go through such incidents as the hair on the fur coat forever stays intact and remains as smooth as ever. No matter how much you pull and put a strain on it, real fur coats will never have blind spots and shedding like faux fur coats.

At Kaufman, we guarantee you will never have to face any of these issues as we design quality, real fur coats, and jackets. For our customers to have the best fur coat experiences, we use real fur, which we believe is the safer and more environmentally friendly option.

Whether you want Mink Coats, Chinchilla coats, Chinchilla jackets, Shearling coats, and jackets, or Lynx coats, the Marc Kaufman Family has all of them available. We very faithfully believe in the fact that real fur will always be better because of how authentic the product is. Real fur has so many more benefits that faux fur does not, and cannot achieve because of its synthetic material.

Real fur can make anyone shine and look the best in a room, no matter what outfit they have paired with it. Kaufman truly believes the collection of fur coats they have available can help customers feel their best and look their best. Real fur provides real warmth, and you can have that while looking the most stylish you have ever looked. So, as winter is here, these benefits of having a real fur coat should make you want to own one by now.

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3 Things to Consider When Buying a Real Fur Coat

3 Things to Consider When Buying a Real Fur Coat


Winters are just around the corner, which means that it is time for you to update your wardrobe. There’s no point in wearing layers of sweaters when you can wear a stylish fur coat. You don’t have to give up style for comfort. To revamp your look this winter, you need to invest in a high-quality fur coat. Nothing is better than fur to keep you warm while also making you look trendy and chic. Fur has the ability to accentuate the appeal of any outfit.

The market is full of fake fur coats that look quite promising, which is why it is a daunting task to spot a real fur coat from a fake one. A real fur coat is an expensive purchase, and you don’t want to end up wasting your hard-earned money on a faux fur coat. Hence, it is important to know the key differences between the two. Whether you’re buying your first fur coat or buying one to add to your fur coat collection, here are three things you should consider:

Check if the Fur Coat is Real or Fake

Black Velvet Chinchilla Jacket


It is quite obvious that the first thing you need to consider is if the fur coat is real or fake. People who are unable to tell the difference can be easily deceived into buying a fake fur coat for the price of a real one. If you’re one of those people, there’s no need to worry, because there are many ways you can tell a real fur coat from a faux fur coat:


  • You can do a quick touch test. Just touch the fur and observe how the texture feels. The real fur is extremely soft while a fake one isn’t. The texture is the first thing that will give it away.


  • Look for labels inside the coat to ensure that you’re buying from a reputable and reliable brand. Most of the times, the authenticity of the fur is indicated on the label inside the coat. Read what’s written in there.


  • Burn test is one of the simple ways to check the quality of fur. Take a few strands of hair/fur from the coat and light them on fire. If the burning smell of the fur is similar to the burning smell of human hair, it is probably real fur. On the other hand, if it smells like you’re burning plastic, it is definitely fake fur. However, you should ask for the staff’s permission before trying this at a store.


  • Check underneath the lining of the fur. Most coats have zippers, so you can easily check on the inside. In case there are no zippers, you need to cut out a hole in the lining so you can touch the inside of the coat. If the coat is made from animal pelts and not acrylic, you will feel a smooth suede.


Find the Fur that Suits your Style


Black Sheared Mink Chinchilla Trim


Once you have decided to invest your money in a stylish, original fur coat, it’s time for you to figure out which type of fur fits your personality or style. Another thing to consider is your budget while deciding the type of fur you want to buy. Let’s quickly review some of the different types of fur available:

Mink:  Mink is the highest-selling fur, with the best pieces being lightweight, soft and shiny. They come in striking shades of chocolate brown. However, they can also be dyed to a different color.

Raccoon: This type of fur is highly durable that consists of wooly underfur. The natural color of this fur is black or grey, but like mink fur, it can also be dyed.

Sable: Sable is the most expensive fur in the market. This type of fur is known for its warmth and silkiness. It comes in shades of golden, reddish-brown and dark brown.

Russian Barguzin Sable

Russian Barguzin Sable

Beaver: Beaver fur is one of the warmest furs. This type of fur has an extremely dense underfur. It can be dyed and sheared.

Chinchilla: Chinchilla is one of the softest and most delicate furs. It comes in natural shades of black, grey, and white. It is commonly dyed to change its color.

Goat: Goat fur is soft and shiny. This type of fur is often stenciled or printed with some pattern. Goat fur comes in different forms: short and thick or long and straight.

Fox: This type of fur depends on the type of specie the fur is coming from. It can be thick and soft or dense and spikey. Different types of goat fur are silver fox, arctic fox, shadow fox and so on.




Pick your Choice: Pieced Fur Coat or Full Pelts Fur

Now that you have decided the type of fur you want to buy, you need to choose if you want your fur coat made from full pelts or pieces.

Full Skins vs Pieces

Fur coats made from full skins are of higher quality and cost relatively more than fur coats made of pieces. A full pelt fur coat comprises pelt from the back and belly of the animal while a pieced pelt fur coat is made from pieces of pelt from parts, like paws, and tails, sewn together. A fur coat made from pieced pelts is asymmetrical as compared to a fur coat made from full pelts, because the former is stitched together that creates many seams.

However, if the furrier knows his way around, they can create a beautiful and attractive pieced coat that will cost way cheaper than a full pelt fur coat.

Real fur can transform your look completely and make you appear more attractive and classy. You just need to be cautious while buying a fur coat so that you don’t get fooled into buying a faux fur coat. However, when you finally make your fur coat purchase, take good care of it and store according to the instructions provided, to improve its durability.

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Choose fur to help the environment

Lippi Cat Jacket Golden Sable Trim

Choose fur to help the environment

Wearing fur is one of the most traditional materials for human clothing ever devised! Warm, resilient and easy obtainable, our cavemen ancestors made clothes from the animals they killed for their food, and they wore their furs and pelts in order to keep warm over winter.

Wearing furs as a practical solution to cold weather still goes on in the traditional way in some areas. To this day indigenous people such as the Inuit still make coats and protective clothing from fur as it is the only practical way to keep warm when the temperatures are way past zero. These handmade fur garments are precious and are often handed down to the next generation.

Lippi Cat Jacket Golden Sable Trim

Lippi Cat Jacket Golden Sable Trim

Fur Coats Today

Fast forward a few thousand years and we are still wearing fur. And although today’s fur coats have moved on from being solely practical solutions to the cold, ago they still have the same benefits to the wearer.

If you are looking for clothing that signifies style and sophistication, wearing fur is the ultimate in luxury and will always make you feel good and look stunning whatever the climate.

In addition, you can be happy in the knowledge that wearing fur is fantastically good for the planet.

So why is wearing fur so good for the environment? Let’s take a look.

Fur Trends

Trendy Furs

First up, fur is a natural material so it breaks down and biodegrades naturally in the environment. If you were to dig a hole and bury your fur coat in the ground, it would biodegrade naturally over the next few years until there were nothing left apart from tiny vestiges of the fur and more likely just a few cotton shreds and buttons.

The American Fur Trade carried out an experiment to check this out. They buried a piece of faux fur made from a synthetic plastic material, alongside a piece of real fur.

After a year they dug the pieces up to check out their condition. The faux fur was fully intact and although there were roots growing through, it looked in much the same state as when buried. By contract the real fur had practically rotted away in a year and it is estimated that nothing at all will be left at the end of the five years duration of the experiment.

Micro plastics are killing the planet!

horizontal green fox jacket

horizontal green fox jacket

One of the most damaging materials in the world today is plastic. Plastic does not rot, it just breaks down into tiny particles called micro plastics and these penetrate the soil, the water supply, the oceans, our food and our animal feed. Micro plastics are any piece of plastic that measures less than five millimetres.

Scientists have estimated plastic has a lifespan of between 450 – 1000 years. It is poisoning the oceans – killing millions of sea animals each year.

Every year in the USA thousands of tons of plastic of all types are added to landfill. Clothing and textiles make up a sizeable proportion of this waste. The US alone sends around 21 billions of pounds of textile waste to landfill each year.

Fur is not a throwaway item

Although fur does not damage the environment, fur coats rarely end up as rubbish or are sent to landfill. Each fur coat is unique, precious and expensive so these beautiful pieces of clothing are rarely thrown away.

Your fur coat can last for generations with proper care and if you ever decide to sell, it will always keep its value. Vintage fur coats that date from the 1920s can be repurposed but in many cases will still look good 100 years on.

A fur coat manufactured today will last you a life time and beyond if you look after it. This can only be good news for our planet.

We are all trying to reduce our carbon footprints and to buy fewer clothing items and because fur is the ultimate luxury material you are unlikely to throw it away after a year.

The same cannot be said when buying cheap clothes , manufactured in the developing world, shipped to the USA and discarded after only a couple of uses.

But isn’t wearing fur cruel to animals?

You may have concerns about animal welfare used to produce fur and you may worry that fur coats are not strictly ethical.

If you do feel like this, how do you feel about eating meat or using leather? The sad fact is that humans do exploit and use animal products with everything from milk production, eggs to buying a pair of leather shoes or leather coat. The answer is to improve conditions for all animals regardless of whether they are used for a meal or as clothing.

Pink Mink Vest

Pink Mink Vest

The bottom line …

A fur coat is designed for longevity. It does not damage the environment and unlike most other textiles does not add plastic waste to our already garbage filled planet. This indirectly helps our whole planet including animals, plant life and insects.

It may sound counter intuitive but if you do want to help our planet without compromising on style and luxury, a fur coat ticks all the right boxes!




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Hustlers Movie Strip Clubs JLo Furs

JLo Lynx Coat

Hustlers Strip Club Fashion

Jennifer Lopez struts onto the main stage of a cavernous strip club in “Hustlers” to the blaring tune of Fiona Apple’s late ‘90s anthem “Criminal”—the first line of which, “I’ve been a bad, bad girl,” suggests the knowing, playful tease to come.

Lusty men in musty suits immediately begin throwing money at her legendary derriere—not Lopez’s, exactly, but that of the veteran exotic dancer she portrays, the impeccably preserved Ramona. Still, it’s hard to discern completely between Lopez the superstar and the larger-than-life character she plays in “Hustlers,” and that’s part of the pleasure of watching this career-best performance from the multi-talented multi-hyphenate. We know this figure—we see the swagger, the magnetism, the incandescent ability to work an audience. Jennifer Lopez repurposed and repackaged all her well-honed skills here as a reminder that she is naturally gifted actress before she was known as JLo.

JLo Furs

JLo Lynx Coat

JLO Lynx Coat Constance Wu Hustlers Strip Club

JLo’s gift for fashion is apparent in the film. She is gifting the most beautiful lynx coat to her friend Constance Wu. Jennifer wore many furs in the movie, but she sports this beautiful Golden Island Fox Coat on our power move. She shows who the boss is during a segment of this film.

JLO Jennifer Lopez Golden Island Fox Coat

JLO Jennifer Lopez Golden Island Fox Coat

History of Hustlers Movie

On June 11, 2014, four women and one man indicted for allegedly drugging men and charging thousands of dollars on their credit cards at New York City clubs. Five years later, one of those women — Roselyn “Rosie” Keo, considered one of the scheme’s two ringleaders — posed for photographers at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Keo, who was sentenced to five years probation in 2016, was in Toronto to watch her own story play out onscreen in Hustlers, a new movie from writer-director Lorene Scafaria, which premiered at the festival on Sept. 7 and hits theaters nationwide Sept. 13.

Hustlers is based on Jessica Pressler’s December 2015 New York magazine article “The Hustlers at Scores Strip Club,” for which the journalist interviewed both Keo and the scheme’s other leader, Samantha Foxx (née Barbash; This story will refer to her as Barbash since that is the name she went by at the time and the name listed in court documents). The women recounted a deep friendship that turned to sisterhood which then turned dark.

Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO

Canadian Lynx Coat as Seen in Hustlers Movie JLO

Hustlers Story

Scafaria read Pressler’s article, the filmmaker tells TIME, she “found it to be a fascinating friendship story at its core.” She says she knew that if she were to adapt this story for the screen, it had to come from Pressler’s article, rather than court documents and tabloids. This way, a character based on Pressler could serve as a stand-in for the viewer, allowing the audience to empathize with the characters. “I thought that Jessica and Rosie’s relationship was incredibly interesting — the relationship between a storyteller and their subject,” Scafaria says.

Some details of what the Special Narcotics Prosecutor called “repugnant scheme” altered for the film. Scafaria set out to be faithful to the story Pressler wrote, even cutting out the movie’s sound at one point when a recorder used by the movie’s reporter (who is based on Pressler and played by Julia Stiles) is flipped off. She changed the names of the leading women: Roselyn Keo becomes Destiny, played by Constance Wu; Jennifer Lopez’s character, Ramona, is inspired by Barbash. Her business partners, Karina Pascucci and Marsi Rosen, are loosely translated into Annabelle (Lili Reinhart) and Mercedes (Keke Palmer). Cardi B, Lizzo, and a male R&B star (whose identity is best left to viewers to learn upon watching the film) make appearances in the movie, too.

“The responsibility to the truth and what happened,” Scafaria says, “and it’s not a black and white story, after all.”

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Luxury Shopping On the Rise

Blue Iris Mink Stroller Silver Fox Trim

Shopping on The Rise

Luxury Shopping will be on the rise after this long and unwanted Pandemic. People are working from their homes and still make their money. Working on the computer all day increases the need to shop and surf the internet for extraordinary things.

Once the rules and regulations become relaxed from the Corona Virus, The need to get out and socialize is very apparent. Restaurants will open, Theatres will be operational, and parties will start-up in a big way.

Pink Fox Coat

Marc Kaufman Furs Pink Fox Coat

Need to Shop

The need to go Luxury Shopping will be the first on your list, right after going to your favorite hair and nail salon.

People have been saving their money, and if they were unemployed, that extra $600 per week stimulus money gave them disposal cash.

It will not happen overnight; the turn towards luxury goods will increase slowly. Then the momentum build up. The public has separated so long, and People need to show that they are ok and made it through these tough times.

Online Businesses

Online businesses capitalized, and new companies created. During
this long unwanted time off, online sales boomed. Computers, Food services, Luxury Clothing, and Accessories did very well during these tough times.

The start of luxury shopping online shopping has made it exponentially more comfortable for us to shop. With hundreds of retailers just a click away, shopping online became easy. Leaving the comfort of your house is no longer a necessity to have access to luxury brands.

Fendi, Supreme, Gucci, Tom Ford, and Prada, as well as streetwear staples like Junya Watanabe, Off-White, and AMIRI feared well during this crisis.

However, with the great variety of choice available to us, also comes a significant variation in quality. To prevent you from sifting through endless Google shopping results or resorting to the same tried and tested sites, we’ve put together the 19 top luxury shopping sites for designer goods, streetwear, one-off collaborations, and ready-to-wear looks.

Luxury customers do not mind shelling out for full-price items if it offers long-term value or perceived as an investment piece. They’re also driven less by sales, discounts, and practicality and more by emotions, promotional incentives, and a flight to investment pieces, from Hermes accessories and Bulgari jewelry to everyday wardrobe staples like jeans.

Shopping Report

According to the report, 72% of customers are willing to pay more for high quality wardrobe. Items as women opt for “a quality piece that will endure.” Shoppers are paying special attention to staple items like quality boots, winter coats and denim.

Nearly 40% say shelling out extra for such items pay off in the long term when considering cost-per-wear ratio. Additionally, 13% plan to eventually resell the item while 12% hope to pass it to their offspring one day. (Forbes Magazine 4/30/2020).

U.S. retail sales jumped by a record 17.7% from April to May, with spending partially rebounding after the coronavirus had shut down businesses, flattened the economy and paralyzed consumers during the previous two months.
The Commerce Department’s report Tuesday showed that retail sales have retraced some of the record-setting month-to-month plunges of March (8.3%) and April (14.7%) as businesses have increasingly reopened. Still, the pandemic’s damage to retail sales remains severe, with purchases still down 6.1% from a year ago.

Marc Kaufman Furs Online





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5 Luxury Gifts for Women

Incredible Luxury Gifts for Women

The following are some mouth-watering surprises if you’re looking for that special luxury gifts for that extraordinary woman in your life. Any woman would love to receive any of the following surprises.

This list of high-end gifts is not for everybody. The following is very costly and limited to a very high-end particular woman. She will be the envy of all of her friends.

1. Magnificent Penthouse in NYC

Nothing can be more impressive then owning your very own luxury Penthouse in NYC. You look out your window to view the beautiful City of NYC from a bird’s eye view. Her eyes will be wide open with glee as she walks into her new palace.

NYC Penthouse

Best Luxury Gift for Women Penthouse NYC

2. Mercedes Benz Luxury Convertible

Driving for her will be a Breeze. She will love letting her hair blow in the wind as she shows off her new ride. Mercedes, Luxury at it’s finest.

Perfect Luxury Gift

Luxury Gift for Her Nothing Sexier then Driving a Convertible

3.  Hermes Leather Bag

Best Luxury Gift Woman

Hermes Pocketbook Perfect Gift for Her, She will always Cherish

Women and fashion go together. High fashion brings it to a whole new level. Girls for Lunch will be a new level for Her.

4. Belly Lynx Coat by Marc Kaufman furs NYC

Belly Lynx Stroller

Belly Lynx Fur Stroller She Will Love It!

On a cold winter day, it’s nice to know your luxury gift will be well appreciated. This fur coat is the height of luxury, and it doesn’t get any better. Perfect for a day of shopping, become a VIP at Bergdorf, a welcomed guest a Fendi or a warm hello from Hermes.

5. The Black American Express Card

Black American Express card

Black American Express Card

This Black American is a Woman’s dream. With this card, she can put a deposit on that penthouse, buy the Mercedes luxury Convertible, pay for that Hermes bag or Purchase that Belly Lynx Coat from Marc Kaufman Furs of NY.




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Do I Need To Cold Storage Shearling?

Cold Storage Shearling Coats

It is necessary to Cold Storage shearling coats or jackets during the summer months.  Since shearling comes from the hide of an animal, maintenance will be required.

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs

Fur Coat Fur Accessory Cold Storage Marc Kaufman Furs

We suggest a professional fur cleaning once a year to add many years of life to your shearling fur purchase.

fur cleaning

Professional Fur Cleaning

A sheepskin or shearling coat is a durable yet classic addition to any wardrobe. A popular choice for cold-weather garb since the earliest days of man, sheepskin is a favored material for the excellent insulating ability of its wool and its supple suede exterior.

Although they typically are sold for prices over a thousand dollars, an authentic shearling garment will maintain its supple luxuriousness and warmth for decades with proper care. Here are five tips for making sure your sheepskin lasts through the ages.

Fur Storage

1. Proper Storage – One of the most damaging things you can do to your shearling coat is to store it in a closet at home. During the warm summer months, the closets in your home heat up, causing the sheepskin to soften and deform around the hanger. Imagine the horror when you go to find your winter coat and find nothing but a dried out, deformed, moth-ridden piece of leather.

Luckily, this can be avoided by choosing appropriate storage. Unless you have a temperature and humidity-controlled closet at home, store your men’s furs with a professional furrier. Cold storage will keep your fur at the optimal temperature and humidity. This ensure it maintains its supple quality and is safe from pets like moths, mold, and mildew.

Fur Cleaning

2. Annual Cleaning – Apart from storing your coat, submitting it for annual maintenance is one of the best things you can do to maintain its quality. Keep in mind that most sheepskin coats are not machine washable. Instead, it would be best if you took your coat to a furrier or professional leather and suede cleaner for exceptional cleaning.

Fur Maintenance

3. Wear Tips – With a proper maintenance and storage plan in place, all that is left is to follow a few critical guidelines for wearing your sheepskin. Avoid sitting on the fur jacket in a way that could cause permanent wrinkles. Don’t pack your sheepskin in suitcases, stuffed closets or drawers, or getting bunched up.

When not wearing the coat, let it hang freely in a dry closet with plenty of air circulation. Use a garment bag to transport it and avoid wire hangers at all costs.

We specialize in Cold Storage. The also clean Shearlings,  fur rugs, fur blankets and fur throws.

We specialize in cleaning smoke damaged fur. Fur cleaning moth damaged can be challenging for some, not us.

It is necessary to cold storage shearling.



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Fur Layaway Financing 6 Months Interest Free if Qualified

If you are looking for your next fur, we have fur financing policy or layaway is available. Our fur layaway program does not require a credit report. If you decide you wish to finance, we have a great company that can offer six months interest-free., they do need a social security number. We will send you an invoice, click the finance section, fill out your details, and within 1 minute, you should have the results.
The financing service can give you an answer in minutes, and you can take your new fur immediately once approved.

Our fur layaway program requires a deposit. We need monthly payments for up to 6 months. This program is interest-free.

Since 1870 The Marc Kaufman Fur Family has been designing quality fur coats for women and men. We have a large selection of designer fur coats and fur jackets at wholesale pricing. Full-length designer coats, designer mink coats, fur jackets, fox coats, fox jackets, sable coats, and sable strollers always available.
We specialize in fur storage, fur cleaning, repairs, and remodeling. For the softest in furs, we have the most beautiful Chinchilla trimmed mink coats, chinchilla coats, chinchilla jackets, lynx coats.
Enjoy your shopping experience at Marc Kaufman Furs, NYC. The Best Place to Shop in New York City for Furs.

Plus Size Blue Iris Mink Fur Jacket

Plus Size Blue Iris Mink Fur Jacket


We offer a full interest-free fur layaway program. You can purchase a fur with as little as 10% down. Make monthly payments for up to 6 months. It’s as easy as that.


Check out our new collection of Russian sable coats, mink strollers, fox jackets, knit mink capes, or chinchilla coats.
Look at our special fur sale along with free fur coupon offers. Create or design your mink coats, fox coats, or any furs. We custom make fur garments to your specifications.


Hot Pink Fox Fur Headband

Hot Pink Fox Fur Headband

Most enormous selection of Fox Headbands, Fox Earmuffs, and Fur Hats in the most stylish colors imaginable. Marc Kaufman Furs will ship your fur purchases worldwide. We have over 2000 quality furs to online. Marc Kaufman Furs of NYC has the most extensive online fur selection in the World.

Our Designer Furs come from different parts of the World. We have some of the most beautiful Italian designed fur coats, French created furs along and designed fur coats from our NY fur designers. I must say we have an impressive fur collection.

Special Orders is our Specialty. We can take a collar from one fur coat, a sleeve treatment from another fur garment, a color from another fur coat. It’s all your Choice.

Check out the New Russian Designer Fur Coat Collection. We have developed this collection with the help of a Russian Fur designer. The most exciting fur collection too be previewed this year.
With over 2000 furs styles to choose from, our unique designs will be stand-alone. Only one fur sample per style will be available for purchase.

Fur Storage

Marc Kaufman Furs has a modern cold fur storage vaults and a particular fur cleaning facility in NYC. This fur cleaning facility designed to clean furs, clean leathers, and clean shearlings. Unique fur cleaning methods passed down from 5 generations of Kaufman’s.
Expert Fur Remodeling. We offer many designer styles that will modernize your older fur. Let us take your old and tired fur coat and make it look new again.

Fur is no longer just for warmth on the coldest of days; furs has moved into the hot ‘must-have’ fashion category worn from day to night and across all seasons.
Purchasing a Marc Kaufman Furs is a perfect Luxury Gift for your Lady or your Man.

Estate Furs

Used Furs Wanted, we are looking to purchase, buy, or trade you’re unwanted, used fur coat, or used jacket. Marc Kaufman Furs has a beautiful collection of used fur coats and used fur jackets. Check out our estate fur link at the top of the website.
Terms and Conditions: Please note all sales are final. If you are not 100% pleased with your new fur purchase, Marc Kaufman Furs will issue you a Marc Kaufman Fur credit for the amount paid.

What is fur?   What is the history of fur coats?

You don’t need to wait for a Fur Sale to buy a fur, Marc Kaufman Furs always maintains the very best pricing.
Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s will not be accepting furs for cold storage this Spring. We are a full-service furrier since 1870. We offer all the fur services necessary to maintain your precious fur coat