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Fur Coat Lifestyle Marc Kaufman Furs NYC


Marc Kaufman Furs Mahogany Mink Coat

“Lifestyle” is the thing these days. Fitness as a lifestyle, boating as a lifestyle, travel as a lifestyle, camping as a lifestyle…it goes on. Lifestyle is the integration of something into the day to day process of ones “life”…a way of life or living. One of the best lifestyle forms is THE FUR COAT. The Fur Coat has an aura and a romanticism that affects all who lay eyes upon one.

Marc Kaufman Furs is the impresario when it comes to the fur coat lifestyle. There is a methodology to the fur coat design and it’s overall perceptual presence in the mind of the would-be consumer of same. Marc Kaufman Furs understands this and aspires to the very best in the creation of the finest fur coats possible. Thousands of  women, men and children nationally and in other parts of the world, have already been beneficiaries of the Marc Kaufman Furs golden touch. The global, easy access Marc Kaufman Furs website makes acquisition of superior furs possible for all.

Marc Kaufman Furs takes Manhattan

The heat is on with Blue Iris Silver Fox Fur Stroller on the streets of New York City even in winter. Macy’s and Herald Square bare witness to the heat.

In summation, Marc Kaufman Furs is your ultimate ticket to the finest in luxury fur acquisition. Many are called , but Marc Kaufman Furs is chosen by most. Get your Marc Kaufman quality furs now! La Nina is coming in the winter of 2016. Be prepared!

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El Nina This Way Cometh! Fur coat Lovers Unite!


Fur Coat lovers everywhere,be advised,El Nina will shake weather patterns up this coming winter 2016-17. This past winter (2015-16) was beyond mild and with little true bite to it. That will all be forgotten this coming winter. The fur coat will once again be your friend and front line defender against bitter arctic temperatures that will be headed our way in 7 short months. Marc Kaufman Furs is here to serve as an early warning system for all denizens of North America…be prepared!!!


2014 was a bell weather year for the fur coat.It was necessarily in demand. The winter of 2014 was harsh and relentless. By the time spring came around,most north easterners were exhausted from the frigid temps and,seemingly, never ending snowfalls. Fur coats,in all of it’s forms and styles,were the rage.


Marc Kaufman Furs understands cold weather. Marc Kaufman Furs knows furs even better. Being the very best at something takes time,discipline,attention to detail and a deep and abiding love for the  thing one seeks perfection of. Five(5) generations(since 1870) of Kaufmans have honed their skill set as furriers to the point of near perfection.Kaufman Furs is the pre-eminent furrier in the northeast,bar none. This is important information for the many of us who will be seeking safe haven from the coming El nina this winter in the form of a fur coat. Marc Kaufman Furs is the gatekeeper amongst furriers. They should (and will be) the first(and last) phone call for anyone in search of the warmth of a fur coat.


Do not be lost in the coming winter wilderness that will blanket the Northeast in 2016-17. Be pre-emptive! Spring/Summer though it may be, reach out to Marc Kaufman Furs now and start sizing up a fur coat for you and your loved ones. Marc Kaufman Furs easy access global website awaits your visit and subsequent inquiries.The ever present and competent staff at Marc Kaufman Furs can assist you with your fur coat acquisition as well as remodel work on your existing fur coats. The in-house factory at the Marc Kaufman Furs flagship store in NYC is fully operational year round. Cold Storage and repairs on your fur coats are their specialty as well. So, bring it on El Nina! Marc Kaufman Furs is more than ready for you!

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Fur Storage Time is Here Fur Cleaning

Fur cleaning and storage

Fur Maintenance

Fur cleaning and Fur storage time is here. This past winter was a mild one to be sure. The winter is quickly transitioning into an early spring. The time is now to ensure the care and longevity of your fur coats and shearlings by cleaning and storing them in a professional and safe environment. So, the time for Storage and cleaning is upon us. Keep your fur coat or shearling looking and feeling fresh and new. Feel free to review us at Marc Kaufman Furs Facebook, or Marc Kaufman Furs Instagram. Use Marc Kaufman  for your cold storage and fur cleaning  for the spring and summer. You will be glad you did!

History Furs

Since 1870 The Marc Kaufman Fur family has been designing quality and creating designer wear in NYC . We have a large, selection of designer fur coats and jackets at wholesale pricing. Full length designer coats, designer mink coats,  jackets, fox coats, fox jackets, sable coats, and sable strollers. We specialize in  storage, cleaning, fur repairs and remodeling. Furrier on Premises all the time

For the softest in furs we have the finest Chinchilla trimmed mink coats, chinchilla coats, chinchilla jackets, lynx coats. Enjoy your shopping experience at Marc Kaufman Furs, NYC ‘s Best Place to Shop in New York City. Professional fur storage, cleaning and repairs. Furrier on premises.

Fur Glazing is process of bringing out the natural luster and sheen of a fur after it has been cleaned. It involves a steaming and ironing process that differs with each type of fur. Glazing will restore the life, luster and beauty of your garment. Fur cleaning is performed by hand using a mild biodegradable fur cleaning
solution delicately sprayed into the fur by our professional fur cleaner. The cleaning solution, carefully removes dirt and excess oil from the coat. This process is the safest and most efficient way of cleaning your fur. Expert Cleaning in Shearling Fur and Expert in Shearling Alterations and Repair We Do Not Tumble or Drum You Fur In Our Fur Cleaning Process.

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Classic Furs Elegance Celebrities in Fur Vintage Fashion

Simple Furs are Always in Fashion

Rita Hayworth in Fur

Classic furs Rita Hayworth

Classic furs have the aura of royalty. There is an allure to them, uniquely when adorned by celebrity personalities. In the early to mid-portion of the 20th century, the film industry incorporated the classic fur into the fabric of the Hollywood mystique.

Betty Grable classic furs

Betty Grable in a Coyote Coat

Betty Grable (image insert above) was one of the first Hollywood studio system actresses to make the film’s fur statement. Grable’s popularity was second to none at the time.

Lana Turner in classic fur

Lana Turner Fox Boa

Lana Turner was no stranger to the fur coat. Ms. Turner was another studio system actress who gained popularity in the 40’s- early 50’s. Sexy furs owe a part of its mystique to the presence of Lana Turner.

Jayne Mansfield was a sex symbol that helped to propel the glamour of the fur coat. Designers best presented on the sex symbols of that time. Jayne Mansfield was the early 50’s sex symbol who embodied the fur mystique. Her popularity and love for the classic fur propelled the fur coat to new levels of attention among mainstream America at the time.

yellow Fur Dress

Rhianna Yellow Fur Dress

Fast forward to 2016; the traditional fur presence continues to be elevated by personas such as Rihanna (above image).

There is a new generational interest in the mystique and glamour of the fur coat.
Marc Kaufman Furs continues to provide the highest quality designer furs in the industry. A vast array of fur coats can be found at Marc Kaufman Furs online.

Classic celebrity furs continue to reign along with new contemporary fur coat designs. Let Marc Kaufman Furs expedite your fur experience in 2016!


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Fur Coats For Men History

Fur Coats For Men

Fur Coats for men

Furs for cavemen

Fur Coats For Men are not a new concept. Men and their fur coats have dotted the landscape for millennia. Fur is one of the oldest forms of clothing.
Fur historically  was the first materials used for clothing and bodily decoration. The exact date when the fur coat used in clothing is debated.
It is known that several species of hominoids including Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis used fur clothing ( as imaged in the above photo)


The utility of the fur for men is the same as for women. It is all about glam and fashion. New configurations of men’s furs were necessary in terms of style. Most fur coats were bulky and primarily for warmth.

Namath Fur coat

Joe Namath Men’s Mink Stroller

Men’s furs became famous for celebrity class.  Celebrities began to discover them and, subsequently, adorn them. Popular culture began to integrate the fur coat into mainstream consciousness. Joe Namath was one such stellar celebrity who made the men’s fur coat an instant classic men’s’ fashion statement. The above photos of Joe Namath with one of his furs in 1968-69.

Joe Namath men's fur coat

Marc Kaufman with Joe Namath sporting a men’ coyote jacket for Super Bowl 2014                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fast forward to today, Marc Kaufman Furs continues in the on-going tradition of fur design. Even Joe Namath views Marc Kaufman Furs as the best in class.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            For a more extensive selection of Marc Kaufman designer furs, please review Marc Kaufman Furs Facebook and Marc Kaufman Furs Instagram. Let Marc Kaufman Furs accessorize your wardrobe with an amazing furs. You will be glad you did!

Marc Kaufman Furs, 212 w30th street

Largest collection of men’s furs online

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Designer Fur Coats Marc Kaufman Furs

Designer Fur Coats

Designer Fur Coats

Designer fur coats are all the rage. Some men and women crave the luxurious, warm, glamourous feel of the designer fur coat. There are many pretenders to the fur designer throne. Most fall short of such status. Fur design is like anything else, which requires a design facility. The designer must be talented and visionary and part technocrat to conceive and bring life to a creation. The fur trade has many furriers, but very few true design craftsperson’s. Marc Kaufman Furs is one of those very few.

Designer Fur Coats

Designer Coats

Marc Kaufman Furs Online is a treasure trove of designer fur aptitude. For those fashion lovers who seek the high end of the experience, Marc Kaufman Furs is your designer fur destination. This current season of winter has finally begun to beckon for the presence of the much-desired fashion statement.

Designer Fur Coats

Custom designed furs

Marc Kaufman  Facebook and Marc Kaufman Instagram are the social networking sites where you may preview more of the designer coat wonders conjured up by Marc Kaufman. Your next designer fur coat should be a Marc Kaufman original. Live life to the fullest. Let Marc Kaufman introduce you to an exciting fur experience!

Marc Kaufman Furs, 212 w30th street, New York,NY, 10001, 212-563-3387

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Fur Coats Red Carpet

Red carpet Fur coats

Fur coats on the red carpet

Fur coats red carpet are generally show stoppers. We revisit the image of Marilyn Monroe again to emphasize this point.High end fur coats are classic and elegant accoutrements that “finish” certain wardrobe selections. The best stylists in the business realize this point. The “wow” factor is hard to come by these days in entertainment. The presence of a coat on the red carpet, adorned by the right individual, can ratchet up the  glamour tempo.


lady Gaga wears fur coats on the red carpet

Magnificent fur on the red carpet

Lady Gaga,always the fashion rebel/icon has long held a reverence for the furs She has appeared on more than just one Hollywood carpet sporting a fox coat. Michael Kors fur coat brand has benefited exponentially from Gaga and her fur wearing ways on the red carpet and at various events.

Rihanna wears fur coats on red carpets

Fur coats on red carpets

Rihanna was the toast of the town at the Met gala recently. Her red carpet fur was simply spectacular(as seen in the image above). Rihanna cemented the import and significance of the red carpet in the most spectacular of ways. Such high end furs are obtainable at only the finest furriers. Marc Kaufman Furs is the premiere source of unique high end furs. Whether for the runway or the everyday walk of life, Marc Kaufman is the preferred choice for fur lovers. Feel free to review his vast selection of fur coats at Marc Kaufman NYC Let Marc Kaufman set you on your fur coat experience!

What is the history of furs?


Marc Kaufman , 212 W 30th street, new York,NY, 10001, 212-563-3387


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24 Carat Gold Mink Jacket

Mink Gold coat

Mink gold

Mink is gold..literally in this case. Marc Kaufman Furs in association with Nobline Switzerland have produced the first ever series of 24 karat gold infused mink fur coats. The designs are spectacular. Each gold mink coat is a one of a kind. They have just been released for retail sale globally.

mink gold coat

Mink  jacket Gold

Each gold mink designer fur coat retails at $195,000 dollars(US). The interest is huge amongst fur lovers and the celebrity elite. These coats were just covered by Japanese television at the Marc Kaufman Fur flagship store in New York City. The global gold mink  coat phenomenon has begun! Marc Kaufman Furs and Nobline Switzerland are on the cutting edge of remaking the mink coat as we now know it.

24 karat gold mink coat

24 Karat gold fur coat

The coat is real. The time is now for such an innovative design piece. Contact Marc Kaufman Furs at Marc Kaufman Furs Online, Marc Kaufman Furs Facebook, or Marc Kaufman Furs on Instagram. Join the Gold Fur revolution now!

Marc Kaufman Furs,212 w30th street, 10001, 212-563-3387